Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1677 The original choice was stupid

The second episode of "Journey to the West" is being broadcast. In addition to some audiences in Shaoxing City, there are also some audiences, which are also quite special.

For example, the crew of 29 "Journey to the West" movies, including the director, starring actors, all actors, etc., are also watching the "Journey to the West" TV series.

Before the TV series aired, most people on the Internet said that the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng in the TV series will surpass all their movie versions and become the best four Tang Seng masters.

For such a statement, although the directors and actors did not express their position on it, many people were still a little unconvinced in their hearts.

Especially the director and the actor of Monkey King, in their opinion, even the TV series that Li Fan is personally in charge of shooting may not be better than them. They think that their movies are already very good.

Most people on the Internet came to such a conclusion without seeing the TV series, obviously because of Li Fan's fame, and lost their basic judgment.

They were a little unconvinced in their hearts, thinking about what those people would say after watching the TV series?

However, not long after the first episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series aired, they had to admit that most people on the Internet really had foresight. Their previous point of view is indeed correct. The four masters and apprentices of Li Fan's "Journey to the West" TV series have indeed surpassed all their movie versions.

And it is far beyond.

Although only Sun Wukong appears now, it has been confirmed that Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng will also far exceed the movie version.

Of course, this does not mean that the 29 "Journey to the West" movies have no value, and their value will remain unchanged.

Because TV series are TV series, movies are movies, and movies are an important means for the diversification of "Journey to the West" film and television, each version has its own highlights.

The "Journey to the West" film crews naturally understand this, so they are not depressed, their film value is still the same, and the audience will still watch it in the future.

But only to evaluate the survival of the fittest in the version of Tang Seng and his apprentice. They have been completely convinced. They know that their movie version is not bad, but the TV series version will become a classic.


Time has passed, and the screen of the second episode of the "Journey to the West" TV series has finally been frozen, and the second episode has ended.

"You carry the burden, I lead the horse..." The melody sounded again.

All the audience felt melancholy for a while, and tonight they only had one last ending song to enjoy.

Soon, the ending song also ended, and today's "Journey to the West" TV series is completely gone.

All the audience were very reluctant, but to hear the exciting opening song again, we can only wait until eight o'clock tomorrow night.

No matter what it is.

On the Internet, the heated discussion about the "Journey to the West" TV series has completely reached the high dynasty.

"The two episodes of the TV series were gone in a blink of an eye. It was so good. It was really good. Now I really want to hear the opening song again. When I heard the sound of 'dong dong... dong dong dong', I was excited. "

"Haha! Me too, but unfortunately I can't hear it again until eight o'clock tomorrow night."

"There is no doubt that the TV drama version of Sun Wukong is the best version of Sun Wukong. There were some people who said that they were not sure. How about now? Those people are convinced?"

"That must have been convinced, unless for the sake of face, the dead duck refuses to accept it, then there is no way."

"Have you seen it? There are a lot of celebrities who commented on the "Journey to the West" TV series on Weibo this time, including some bigwig-level characters. The influence of this TV series is really great."

"That's because the original work of "Journey to the West" has too much influence, and the TV series is indeed a classic under the leadership of Mr. Li Fan."

"There are also many famous musicians who have commented on the opening and ending songs. Seeing that they are all a gesture of worship, Mr. Li Fan's music is simply amazing.


"Speaking of music, as Ling Li said, the songs in the "Journey to the West" TV series are definitely not only the opening and ending songs, but there will definitely be several episodes waiting for us after that. I'm really looking forward to it!"


Whether it is the evaluation of famous celebrities or the comments of ordinary audiences, the TV series "Journey to the West" is all kinds of praise.

There were a few people who thought that the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng in the TV series might not be better than those in the movie versions. At this time, they completely died.

Although they really wanted to be stubborn and argue with others, they still didn't go. So many celebrities and bigwigs praised them. If they continued to be stubborn, they were afraid that others would be regarded as fools.

Therefore, they can only choose to die.


All the crew of the TV series "Journey to the West" looked excited by the comments of celebrities and the heated discussions of netizens at this moment.

Yang Jie was excited. How could he dare to think that he would one day make a TV series with such a high evaluation?

From now on, he will no longer be just an obscure director.

Lin Xin and Liu Yu are excited. Although they are only assistant directors, the TV series "Journey to the West" is so successful that they have also attracted much attention, which has also become a very important part of their resumes.

With this one, they may become directors next time and shoot a well-known TV series.

The monkey baby is excited, the Monkey King he played has succeeded, his biggest dream has come true, and the time for the dream to come true is much faster than he thought before.

His heart was filled with gratitude and awe for Li Fan.

Wang Shaorui, Ma Leihua, and Yan Huaili were equally excited. They couldn't wait and wanted the audience to see their roles.

They were just unknown actors, and now they're going to become famous.

The rest of the actors who have played roles in the play, whether they are second-tier or third-tier big star actors, or the rest of the famous and unknown actors, are equally excited.

Although they are not the main actors, they are very satisfied and lucky to be able to play a role in such a classic TV series.

Wang Zhongxin, a second-tier superstar who played the role of Taibaijinxing, smiled slightly, and he knew that his original choice was definitely not wrong.

As a second-tier superstar, he seems to have surrendered his identity to play a role with few roles, but he knows that the "Journey to the West" TV series will never be an ordinary TV series. He can play the role of Taibaijinxing. Very good.

So, on the day of the audition, Li Fan gave him one point to think about it, but he only thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing.

Now, it turns out that his choice was absolutely correct.

He starred in Taibaijinxing, who has appeared in the second episode, and has received extensive attention and high praise from all audiences.

When the "Journey to the West" TV series becomes a classic, there will be his imprint in it, which will be a highlight in his actor career.

Wang Zhongzhong was in a very happy mood, but one person was in a very bad mood.

It is the third-tier star Zhang Yuanming.

Originally, he was supposed to play the role of Taibaijinxing, but Li Fan only gave him one minute to think about it, and he refused.

He thinks that if Li Fan wants to invite him a dignified third-tier star to play a role with a small role, he should show his proper attitude, instead of giving him only one minute to think about it.

He publicly expressed his dissatisfaction on Weibo and his doubts about the cast of the TV series "Journey to the West".

And I prayed that the effect of the TV series was unsatisfactory, especially Wang Zhongxin, who had robbed him of his role, played the role of Taibaijinxing, which was ignored and forgotten by the audience.

So that Wang Zhongxin could understand that his original choice was wrong.

However, now, facts have proved that Wang Zhongxin's choice is absolutely correct, while his Zhang Yuanming's choice is quite stupid.

Zhang Yuanming was envious, jealous and hated, and of course he was extremely regretful.

But everything has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.


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