Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1678 We want to eat crabs too

As the night got darker, the heated discussion on the Internet about the TV series "Journey to the West" finally stopped.

The next morning, many people woke up to find that in their dreams last night, they heard the exciting opening song again.

They talked about this on the Internet, and then they were a little surprised to find that there were quite a few people who dreamed of the opening song in their dreams last night.

Everyone was quite excited, and they had a new common topic, a very interesting common topic.

Li Fan also had a dream last night, but instead of dreaming that the title song was playing, he dreamed that Su Qing told him to go back quickly, saying that he missed him.

After waking up in the morning, Li Fan smiled slightly. It was indeed time for him to go back. This time, he had been out for a long time for the shooting of the TV series "Journey to the West".

The crew of the "Journey to the West" TV series will hold a series of activities while the iron is hot.

For example, the main character actors will go on a national tour so that the audience can get in touch with them at the closest distance, which is considered to further promote the "Journey to the West" TV series, and also to thank the audience for their support for the "Journey to the West" TV series.

These activities are arranged by Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin. Li Fan is not planning to participate.

Naturally, the entire crew was very sorry that Li Fan did not participate, but they had already guessed that Li Fan would definitely not participate in the next activities, and they were mentally prepared.

Li Fan embarked on the journey back to Longshan Township. The bus was speeding on the road, and the distance from Longshan Township was getting closer and closer.

At 3 pm, Li Fan arrived at the Longshan Township Market.

Long time no see, Longshan Township Market seems to be lively and prosperous again, at least there are several newly opened restaurants.

The scale of Xianyuan Farm is getting bigger and bigger, the number of tourists is getting bigger and bigger, and the market in Longshan Township is also changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This made the leaders of the villages, towns, counties, cities, and even the provincial capitals all overjoyed and opened the door of all conveniences for Xianyuan Farm.

Today is Friday. Longshan Township Middle School has only two classes in the afternoon. After the second get out of class is over at 3:30, school is dismissed.

There was still half an hour before school was over. Li Fan repeated his old tricks, walked out of the market, collected wild flowers in the mountains, and prepared to make two bouquets with his own hands, one for Su Qing and one for Little Girl.

It is summer now, it can be said that the mountains are full of flowers, wild flowers of various colors are blooming everywhere, and butterflies of various colors are also chasing in the flowers.

When you are in the mountains, you can clearly feel the pulse and vitality of nature, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Li Fan specializes in picking beautiful flowers, and after a while, he has picked enough flowers, and while walking back, weaving clusters of flowers.

At 3:25, Li Fan came outside the school gate with two bouquets of flowers that had already been woven, waiting for Su Qing and the little girl to come out.

Not long after, the familiar bell rang, and the originally quiet campus soon became noisy.

After a while, the first batch of students walked out of the school gate laughing and scurrying and scattered.

Immediately afterwards, the students began to walk out of the school gate in an endless stream.

After a while, Su Qing took the little girl's hand and walked out of the school gate. The two beauties looked at the flower cluster in Li Fan's hand, and both smiled and squinted.

The little girl has grown a little taller, and in a few years, she will be a slim big girl.

Su Qing and the little girl stretched out their hands at the same time and took the flower cluster from Li Fan's hand. Li Fan laughed and said, "How is it? It looks good, but I spent a lot of effort."

Su Qing rolled his eyes at him, and the little girl pouted and muttered.

"Good-looking, very good-looking!" The voices of a group of children sounded. It turned out that a group of students heard Li Fan's question and answered for the two beauties, big and small.

Both Su Qing and the little girl's faces turned slightly red, and that faint red rhyme was much prettier than the flowers in their hands.

Afterwards, Li Fan whispered something in Su Qing's ear, and he didn't know if he was talking.

Last night he dreamed about Su Qing asking him to come back quickly? I saw Su Qing's face even more ashamed.

When the little girl saw it, she pouted and muttered something.

"Let's go, beauties, go home." Li Fan said.

The two beauties Su Qing and the little girl gave a soft "um" at the same time, and the three walked out of the Longshan Township Market.

On the way, I met a group of bear children from the same village and neighboring villages. The bear children chatted along the way, which was very lively.

Li Fan and Su Qing held hands and walked behind the bear children. Su Qing said, "Last night we all watched "Journey to the West."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's for sure. How can they not like such a classic "Journey to the West" TV series?"

Su Qing chuckled and said, "Grandpa is right, give you some color and you will open a dyeing workshop."

Li Fan hehe said: "I call it self-confidence, but my grandfather said that one must have self-confidence in life."

Su Qing said again: "And girl Lin will come over in two days. She asked you to prepare more crabs from the creeks and ditch. The crabs should be fat and big. Since the last time she ate them, she has never forgotten them."

Li Fan nodded and said: "That girl will pick the time. Crabs at this time are the most fat, meaty and tender, and it is the best season to eat crabs. Reassure her, when she comes, make sure she can't finish it. crabs."

When the little girl heard Li Fan's words, she turned around and said, "Brother, I want to eat too. When you're not around, we often go to the creeks to catch crabs and eat them, but it's not as delicious as yours."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Okay, eat, eat tonight, and after we go back, let's go catch crabs."

"Brother Li Fan, we also want to eat." A group of bear children had very smart ears, and when they heard the crabs, a swarm of bees gathered around.

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go catch crabs together later, and see who catches the fattest and biggest crab? Brother Li Fan will be rewarded for the one who catches the fattest and biggest crab."

"Okay!" The bear children cheered in unison.

Not long after, a group of people arrived at the entrance of the village. Li Fan asked the bear children to go home first, put away their schoolbags, and talk to the adults at home, and then went to gather at the stream ditch.

The bear children agreed, and the swarms dispersed, running towards their respective homes.

Li Fan smiled slightly and walked towards the village with Su Qing and the little girl.

When passing by the farm office building, Fengzi, Taozi, Li Ru and others saw Li Fan coming back, and they greeted him again.

After learning that Li Fan was going to take the bear children to catch crabs later, Taozi, Fengzi and other boys laughed and said that they were going too. Li Ru and other girls were embarrassed to say it, but they were also eager to try. looks like.

Li Fan simply let everyone who wanted to go go, and everyone had a good time.

Fengzi, Taozi and the others nodded in great interest.


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