Tomorrow, the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released, and Gu Yong's latest martial arts work will finally be unveiled.

Gu Yong proposed a week ago to use a new writing method to write martial arts novels. What kind of new writing method is it? The answer will finally be revealed.

Or as the group of martial arts writers led by the fingertips said that the so-called new writing method is just a kind of remarks by Gu Yong.

Or, in order to clear the suspicion of using tricks, Gu Yong deliberately used a "new writing technique" to write a book randomly within this week.

All of these, the answers will be revealed, and countless people are looking forward to it.

Those who support Guyong are looking forward to it, they are excited and excited. They believe that tomorrow Guyong's new work will once again slap in the face of those who slander and doubt him.

The group headed by the fingertips is also looking forward to it, and they are also very excited.

Tomorrow, it will be their first victory against Guyong in their history.

They are looking forward, excited...

All the martial arts writers, many famous celebrities, and many others, with their own different thoughts, are also looking forward to it.


It was finally the next morning.

At the entrance of major newsstands and bookstores, the grand occasion of many martial arts fans waiting to open the door is reproduced.

When martial arts fans got the latest issue of "Xiaojianghu" magazine, their excitement and anticipation reached their peak.

And just because they reached the top, they were a little reluctant, and immediately opened the magazine in their hands.

They also want to enjoy more, the excitement and anticipation of reaching the climax.

But finally, unable to resist the temptation, he opened the magazine and found the serialized page of Gu Yong's latest martial arts works.

The answer to be revealed first is naturally the title of the book, "Seven Weapons of Longevity Sword".

Yes, the first Gulong work that Li Fan chose was "Seven Weapons".

"Seven Weapons" is one of Gu Long's representative works. It is divided into six stories, namely: "Longevity Sword", "Peacock Feather", "Jasper Knife", "Love Ring", "Overlord Spear" and "Parting Hook" ".

The six weapons are all unconventional Jianghu weapons, each of which is exquisite.

Six terrifying and incredible weapons, six connected yet completely separate stories, leave readers in awe.

It's just, called "Seven Weapons", but Gu Long only wrote six weapons and six stories.

There are many theories as to why.

Some people say that it is because Gu Long died unfortunately before he could write the seventh weapon.

Some people also said that this was deliberately done by Gu Long, who deliberately did not write the seventh weapon.

The seventh weapon, then, is "nothing."

What kind of weapon is "None"? Jin Yong said that a person's martial arts, if you practice to the highest level, then there is no way to win.

No tricks are better than tricks, no weapons are better than weapons.

Then, "Nothing" is the seventh weapon and the most powerful weapon.

And this "nothing" can also be understood as Gu Long deliberately left the seventh weapon to the readers to understand and comprehend.

Different people will have different weapons in their hearts.

Of course, this statement is not necessarily Gu Long's original intention, and different readers will have their own different insights and understandings.

Li Fan agrees with this statement very much.

Also, someone listed The Fist, aka Angry Pony, as the seventh weapon.

But many people do not agree with this statement.

Because, although "Fist" also tells a wonderful story, "Fist" is completely different from the style of the previous six weapons.

The anger of the pony is more, it reflects a kind of hatred and hatred, a kind of impulse and power unique to youth, the pony is a fist, and the fist is a pony, which is completely different from the previous six weapons.

Moreover, using human body parts as weapons was never Gu Long's style.

More importantly, when this statement appeared, Gu Long was still alive, and Gu Long never admitted this statement.

In addition, Chen Xiaolin, Gu Long's friend, revised the ending of "The Seven Killers" twice, adding the words "Blue Dragon Club" to varying degrees, and listed "The Seven Killers" as the seventh weapon.

However, such practices and statements are far-fetched and even more unreliable.

Later, Gulong's eldest disciple, Ding Qing, revealed that the seventh weapon was actually "a box".

The name of "A Box" is not good, so it was changed to "Heroes Without Tears".

This statement is a bit more reliable. In "Heroes Without Tears", thirteen kinds of weapons can be assembled in a box, each of which is a weapon for killing people, and each of them can restrain a weapon of others. With this box, no matter what kind of enemy you face, you are fully capable of putting the opponent to death.

The whole novel always has a mournful atmosphere. From the beginning of one massacre to the end of another massacre, Zhuo Donglai defeated almost all his opponents with his ingenuity.

This person who is not weak in martial arts, but appreciates his own ingenuity even more. He appreciates his ingenuity more than a swordsman appreciates a famous sword.

Therefore, in "Heroes Without Tears", Gu Long is obviously not talking about boxes, but resourcefulness. Use your resourcefulness to defeat all the enemies you want to defeat, instead of carrying boxes around and killing people.

This is quite similar to the style of the previous six stories.

Therefore, it is relatively more reliable to list "Heroes Without Tears" as the seventh weapon.

But even if it is reliable, it is only the speculation of future generations.

The ancient dragon has passed away, and there will never be an answer to the question about what the seventh weapon is.

In fact, in Li Fan's view, there is absolutely no need for future generations. If the seventh weapon must be filled, the seventh weapon must become nothingness, isn't it good?

Perhaps, this is Gu Long's original intention.

Moreover, there is one less weapon, but more controversy and speculation, and more stories. This is obviously the most perfect.

Therefore, in this world, Li Fan is only going to write the first six weapons, and the suspense of the seventh weapon will also be left to this world.

Now the first of the six weapons, and the first story, The Sword of Longevity.

Countless people saw the title of the book and thought of what Gu Yong said in the text interview. The first work will be a series of short and medium stories.

Now, everyone understands what Gu Yong said.

The title of this work is Seven Weapons, so obviously there will be seven stories, one weapon, one story.

Now the first weapon, and also the first story, is called "Sword of Longevity".

All the people nodded, thinking that the style of the book title was very different from before.

Then, they looked at the text.

Seeing this, everyone's mood became extremely agitated in an instant, very excited and excited!

Because, they saw a poem, a poem written in front of the text, an ethereal poem like a fairy, a poem of extraordinary people.

"White Jade Capital in the sky, twelve cities on the fifth floor.

The immortal strokes my top and gives longevity to my hair. "


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