Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1690 Bai Yujing and the Sword of Longevity

The beginning of "Longevity Sword" is a poem, an ethereal poem, a poem that excites everyone.

Gu Yong is also good at poetry. Everyone has long known this. The opening chapter of "The Journey of the Knight" was also an exciting poem to read.

At the same time, in many works, there have been very good poems.

Now, everyone once again appreciates the style of ancient Yong's poetry.

More importantly, as soon as this poem came out, it directly showed an extraordinary momentum, which made everyone look forward to the content behind it!

"The white jade capital in the sky, the fifth floor and the twelve cities. The immortals touch my top and give birth to longevity." The content of this poem is not difficult to understand.

It is said that there are five pavilions and twelve cities in the palace of heaven, the white jade capital. The immortal caresses the top of my head and receives the life talisman of my longevity.

In the previous life, this poem was not original by Gu Long, but a poem by Li Bai, a poet, and Gu Long quoted this poem at the beginning of "Sword of Longevity".

Li Bai's original poem is very long and is one of Li Bai's longest poems. Interestingly, the title of this poem is also very long, with 22 characters.

The first four sentences are the four sentences Gu Long quoted at the beginning of "Sword of Longevity".

However, the second sentence of Li Baiyuan's poem is "Twelve Floors and Five Cities", when Gu Long quoted it, changed it to "fifth floors and twelve cities".

The reason why Gu Long changed this way may be considered from the metric, but after this change, it does not seem to be very appropriate.

Because there is a saying that "twelve floors and five floors", Taoism believes that there is a white jade capital in the sky, and there are five cities and twelve floors on Kunlun Mountain, not five floors and twelve cities.

Of course, since Gu Long has changed in this way, there may be his intentions, and we can only guess by ourselves.

In addition, Li Bai has a very widely circulated poem, "The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the natural decoration is removed." It also comes from this poem.

Many people know "the white jade capital in the sky, the twelfth floor and five cities.", and also know that "the hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the natural carving is carried out." But they don't know that they are actually the same poem.

Now, when this poem appears in this world, it will naturally become Gu Yong's original poem.

So, for the countless people in this world who have seen this poem at this time, how about the work "Sword of Longevity"? This poem is first and foremost an absolute classic.

Looking at it from another angle, with such a classic poem as the opening chapter, can this work be any worse?


Nine strange people suddenly appeared on Shiban Street, jute short shirts, multi-ear hemp shoes, a bowl-sized golden ring hanging from their left ear, and their messy hair was actually crimson red, draped over their shoulders like flames.

These nine people were tall and short, old and young. Although their appearances were different, their faces were all dead and expressionless. When they walked, they didn't move their shoulders or bend their knees, just like zombies.


This is the opening chapter of "Sword of Longevity". From the very beginning, readers seem to have a different feeling than when they read Gu Yong's previous works.

Feeling different at first? This seems unlikely, right? Is it a psychological effect?

The readers were a little puzzled, and after thinking about it for a while, they found the reason, but it really wasn't a heart effect.

The reason lies in the word "twilight" at the very beginning.

If it is Gu Yong's previous works, if it is necessary to express the time as dusk, it will certainly not be the same as it is now. There is only the word "dusk", which is a self-contained paragraph, simple and rude.

Instead, I will use one or two sentences to describe the environment at dusk delicately.

"Sure enough, it's different." All the readers didn't expect that Gu Yong's new works are different, starting from the first two words of the opening chapter.

After sighing in their hearts, the readers continued to look down.

The more you look, the more obvious the difference becomes.

The story is mainly about a group of powerful people from the rivers and lakes gathered in Fengyun Inn to do business with an organization called Qinglonghui.

It turned out that the Qinglong Club wanted to sell one thing, something that was very attractive to all the gang characters in the arena.

Sun Jing, the master of the Qinglong Hall,

A total of 12 invitations were sent, and 12 people were invited to participate in the purchase, and the one with the highest price won.

But in the end, only four people came, namely: Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan, and Zhu Dashao.

The other eight were killed by four on their way.

Only four people came, but the business was the same.

Gongsun Jing took the four people to see the goods. The goods were stored very tightly. The five people passed through various structures before reaching the iron box where the goods were stored.

However, when Gongsun Jing opened the iron box, he was shocked to find that the goods inside were missing.

There was only a note that read: "Thank you, you are such a good man."

Clearly, the goods were stolen.

While shocked, Gongsun Jing, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan, and Zhu Dashao seemed to have guessed who stole the goods.

"If there are really only seven people in the world who can break through these thirteen ambush, who are the seven people?"

"There is absolutely no doubt that at least one of them, no matter how you count, he must be one of these seven people."

"Who is this man?"

"Bai Yujing!"

Several people guessed that Bai Yujing stole the goods.

"Bai Yujing." All the readers were refreshed when they saw the name. According to the opening poem "Bai Yujing in the sky", they learned that Bai Yujing must be the protagonist of this work.

The protagonist finally appeared.

"Bai Yujing is not in the sky, but on a horse.

His saddle was old, his boots and scabbard were old, but his clothes were new.

His scabbard was knocking on the saddle, and the spring breeze was blowing in his face.

He felt pleasant and comfortable.

The old saddle was comfortable to sit on, the old boots were comfortable to wear, the old scabbard never damaged his blade, and the new clothes always made him feel refreshed and energized.

But what makes him most happy is not these, but those eyes.


This is Bai Yujing's appearance, and the unrestrained and unrestrained words reflect a unrestrained and unrestrained prodigal character.

This kind of text has never appeared in Gu Yong's previous works, and everyone's eyes are full of excitement.

The eyes that made Bai Yujing the most pleasant were the eyes of a woman. The woman was sitting in a carriage, with a pair of very charming eyes, and she was always looking at Bai Yujing secretly.

This is the third encounter between Bai Yujing and the woman.

Bai Yujing is a prodigal son who likes to wander, but now he has fallen in love with these eyes, and perhaps also the owner of these eyes.

Bai Yujing looked at the woman, pointed to herself, and then pointed to the woman's carriage.

The woman nodded, smiled sweetly, and opened the door.

So Bai Yujing got off his horse and entered the woman's carriage.

Bai Yujing told the woman that his name was Bai Yujing, and the woman told Bai Yujing that her name was Yuan Zixia.

Three fast horses galloped past the carriage, and the man on the horse took away the sword that Bai Yujing had placed on the saddle.

Yuan Zixia told Bai Yujing that someone stole his sword, but Bai Yujing just smiled and did not respond.

Yuan Zixia was a little disappointed, Bai Yujing didn't care about her sword, maybe he wasn't a hero.

However, soon, the three returned Bai Yujing's sword, and at the same time clasped their fists and bowed.

Those three people recognized Bai Yujing's sword, the most terrifying sword in the world, the sword of longevity.

People in Jianghu are afraid of Bai Yujing and Bai Yujing's sword. Because only he kills, no one can ever kill him.

Yuan Zixia was stunned and asked Bai Yujing if she knew that the three would return the sword?

Bai Yujing still just smiled.

Seeing this, all the readers are getting more and more excited. This unrestrained and unrestrained text gives them a new reading experience.

Bai Yujing and Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword also made them excited.


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