Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1706 Why did Hua Yelai frame Duan Yu?

The real third weapon is honesty. Many book fans have probably guessed it when they read the previous article.

When the final answer was revealed, they found that their guess was not wrong, which made them a little excited.

Of course, they were excited not just to guess what the real third weapon was, but the whole story.

"Jasper Knife" is obviously different from the previous two stories, that is, it contains a lot of reasoning elements.

There's nothing wrong with this being a martial arts novel, but it also has the traces of a detective novel.

Or to be more precise, this is the integration of elements of detective and reasoning into martial arts novels.

Moreover, the whole case is very tortuous.

Duan Yu came to the West Lake with gold, silver and a jasper knife. The scenery of the West Lake was beautiful, the wine was beautiful, and the people were even more beautiful. The beauty on the painting boat frowned, and Duan Yu stepped into the trap step by step...

The story twists and turns, and until the end, I don't know who the real murderer is.

The elements of detective and reasoning are incorporated into martial arts novels, which is obviously a new attempt by Gu Yong.

The attempt was very successful.

This makes all book fans, especially book fans who also like detectives and mystery novels, seem very excited.

Reading martial arts novels and detective novels at the same time is definitely an unexpected surprise and a very special enjoyment.

"If Gu Yong continues to incorporate elements of detective and reasoning into his later martial arts works, that would be really good." Fans of the book thought so expectantly in their hearts.

On the Internet, countless book fans are constantly discussing.

"Duan Yu, this kid is not only honest, but also quite smart. He doesn't have the bookishness of Duan Yu. Not bad, not bad, this boy is suitable for roaming the world."

"The third weapon is honesty. Indeed, only honest people will continue to have good luck. Gu Yong hits the nail on the head."

"The whole story is quite tortuous and fascinating. It is a story on the rivers and lakes, and it is also a story of solving a case. Does Gu Yongda want to integrate the elements of detective and reasoning into martial arts novels?"

"This should be a great attempt by Gu Yong. This attempt was very successful. Until the last moment, I would never have imagined that the female Taoist priest would come to Hua Ye."

"I have a question, why did Hua Yelai frame Duan Yu? Or why do you want to get rid of Duan Yu? For money? This should not be possible, Hua Yelai should not be short of money. For the Jasper knife? It's possible, because there are rumors Said that there is some kind of amazing secret hidden in the Jasper knife. But after Hua Yelai got the Jasper knife, it was only used to frame Duan Yu, and it didn't seem to be for the secret in the Jasper knife. So, what is the purpose of Hua Yelai? "

"I'm also thinking about this question. Gu Yongda doesn't seem to have given a clear answer, or there are hints in the text, but we haven't found it yet."

"Hua Yelai wants to get rid of not only Duan Yu, but also Lu Xiaoyun. The two of them are going to the birthday banquet of the second master Zhu to compete for the pearl of the Zhu family. Both of them are young and handsome, with strong martial arts. One of the two most competitive people. I was thinking, did those other competitors pay Hua Ye to get rid of Duan Yu and Lu Xiaoyun?"

"This possibility is possible, but it is very small. Hua Yelai should not be bad for money, and she is still a member of the Qinglong Association. She will only do things for the Qinglonghui. Unless other competitors have bought the Qinglonghui, then the Qinglonghui will arrange the flowers. Yelai shot. But this possibility is also very small, Qinglong will appear in all three works, it is the most mysterious and terrifying organization, but it is not so easy to buy."

"Speaking of the Qinglong Association, I think of a possibility. That is, the Qinglong Association wants to invite Duan Yu's father, Duan Feixiong to join the Qinglong Association, or invite Duan Feixiong to join the Qinglong Association, but Duan Feixiong refused. The Qinglong Association is ready to kill Duan Yu was killed as punishment. In the same way, Qinglong will kill Lu Xiaoyun for the same reason. Qinglong should have invited the Lu family to join, but Lu Jiu also refused. Therefore, Qinglong will kill Lu Xiaoyun first, and then put the blame on Duan Yu. ,

Then let Lu Jiu kill Duan Yu to avenge the murder. Hua Yelai was the executor of this operation, but because of Duan Yu's honesty, this operation failed. "

"The upstairs statement seems to be very likely. At present, it should be the most likely."

"It seems that the mysterious organization of the Azure Dragon Society is going to run through seven works. I wonder if the seventh weapon will come to an end for the Azure Dragon Society?"

"It's possible, but it's also possible not, let's wait and see."


"Jasper Knife" leaves a question, that is, why did Hua Yelai frame Duan Yu?

Book fans are discussing this issue, and many martial arts authors and celebrities are also very interested in this issue.

Regarding this question, Gu Yong did not give a clear answer, so it was destined to be discussed endlessly by everyone.

Hua Yelai is a member of the Qinglong Association, and he is also the helmsman of the Qinglong Association, which is the leader of the dragon.

Then, it should be certain that Hua Ye came to frame Duan Yu as an arrangement of the Qinglong Club.

As for why did Qinglonghui frame Duan Yu? It's hard to guess.

There is a saying that everyone agrees with, that is the situation that a book fan said before, the Qinglong Association wanted to invite the Duan family to join the Qinglong Association, but was rejected by Duan Feixiong, so he took revenge.

Many people agree with this statement, but it is only a guess, and the full text does not mention this reason.

So, is this really correct?

The answer should only be known to Gu Yong.

Many book fans left messages under Guyong's Weibo, asking why Hua Ye came to frame Duan Yu.

It's a pity that Gu Yong has not responded. This is actually expected by everyone. Everyone has guessed that Gu Yong's servant will not reply.

Because this is obviously the suspense left by Gu Yong on purpose, how can he reveal the suspense by himself?

This is fine, if there is suspense, there will be controversy, and if there is controversy, there will be stories.

It seems like a good choice to let this suspense continue to be controversial.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan naturally saw the messages below Gu Yong's Weibo asking questions from book fans.

For this question, it is not that he does not want to answer, but that he does not know the answer.

When he watched "Jasper Knife" in his previous life, he thought about this question, and the answer he came up with was similar to what the book fans in this world said.

Gu Long has passed away, why did Hua Yelai frame Duan Yu? This question is destined to be an eternal suspense, which can only be debated and speculated by readers.

It is naturally the same in this world, and it is destined to be controversial and speculated by readers all the time.


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