Three of the seven weapons have been written, and each weapon and each story has left a very deep impression on people.

Everyone in the arena is afraid of Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword, but Yuan Zixia's smile is a more powerful weapon than Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword.

The peacock feather is the most beautiful and most powerful hidden weapon in the world, but the greatest help it brings to people is not murder, but confidence.

The jasper knife is a treasured sword passed down by Duan Yu's family. According to legend, there is a huge secret hidden in the knife. Whoever can crack it can become rich and rival the country, and the martial arts are unparalleled in the world. And after Duan Yu fell into a vicious trap, it was not the Jasper knife that kept him safe, but honesty.

The three weapons correspond to "laughing", "confidence", and "honesty", the ingenious conception and the twisting story make all book fans amazed.

So, for the remaining four weapons, it can be said to be quite the expectation.

Now, it's time for the grand debut of the fourth weapon. Everyone's expressions are excited, and their eyes are full of anticipation.

They knew that another wonderful story had unfolded before their eyes.

What is the fourth weapon?

It is a ring, a double ring, an amorous double ring, called "amorous ring".

"Passionate Ring" is the fourth weapon and the fourth story.

"Night, night is late.

The double rings flashed silver under the lamp.

Ge Tingxiang caressed the notch on the ring, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

He is an old man, but his fingers are still as strong as when he was a boy, and whatever he wants, he can always get it.

He has wanted this double ring for many years, and now it has finally arrived in his hands. Although the price he paid is huge, the gain is enough to compensate for everything.

Because this pair of silver rings originally belonged to Sheng Tianba.

The "Shuanghuan Gate" founded by Sheng Tianba has been at the western edge of Wei Town for nearly 30 years!


The people of Shuanghuanmen, each have a pair of double rings, called "passionate ring", the same name as a poem.

That is their weapon.

Why is it called an amorous ring?

Because no matter what the two rings are trapped in, they will immediately entangle tightly, and will never let go again, just like an amorous woman.

This explanation is absolutely perfect, an amorous woman is always fascinating.

But unfortunately, behind the passion lies ruthlessness.

The name is affectionate, but it is actually ruthless.

The people of the double ring gate, every time they kill a person, will engrave a knife mark on the ring.

They don't kill nameless people, so every knife mark represents a hero who was once prominent.

Well, it could also be a notorious bully.

Whether it's a good name or a bad name, it's definitely a celebrity.

But when they kill people with a love ring, they are also destined to be killed by others one day.

When they kill others, they will leave a shallow knife mark for others, but if others kill them, they will not even leave a shallow knife mark.

Just like now, Ge Tingxiang killed Sheng Tianba, the owner of the Shuanghuan Sect, and obtained the Shuanghuan that Sheng Tianba once killed, with thirteen knife marks on it.

But Ge Tingxiang did not carve a knife mark for Sheng Tianba. After Sheng Tianba died, not even a knife mark was left.

Shuanghuanmen is not just that Sheng Tianba died, but the whole door was destroyed.

Ge Tingxiang worked hard and paid a huge price to destroy the Shuanghuan Gate in the western edge of Wei Town for nearly 30 years.

The master of the sect, Sheng Tianba, died, four of the seven disciples of the sect died, and two were maimed. There was another named Xiao Shaoying. Out of the double ring door, whereabouts unknown.

Ge Tingxiang commented on Sheng Tianba, "He made his debut at the age of sixteen, and has been in the arena for 40 years. He has experienced hundreds of battles and created the double ring gate. It's just the silver rings."

Ge Tingxiang evaluated it as a winner, and his evaluation was indeed correct.

The prosperous and powerful double-ring door,

It's gone now.

What did they leave behind?

Just left a pair of passionate rings as a commemoration of Ge Tingxiang's victory.

But Sheng Tianba, or what is left from Shuanghuanmen, is there really only a pair of passionate rings?

Ge Tingxiang's favorite woman, Guo Yuniang, said, "There is also hatred."

The things left by the double ring gate, in addition to the passion ring, there is hatred.

Hatred is like the seed of a dandelion. As long as there is a little bit left, it will grow in one's heart one day.

Hate is undoubtedly very scary.

Therefore, even if there is hatred left, there can be no revenge.

Shuanghuanmen still has three people who can take revenge, the disabled Yang Lin and Wang Rui, and Xiao Shaoying, who was expelled from the division and whose whereabouts are unknown.

Ge Tingxiang sent Wang Tong, his most capable killer, to hunt down the three of them.

Wang Tong never misses a kill. From the moment he received the task and turned to leave, Yang Lin, Wang Rui, and Xiao Shaoying were already dead.

But this time it seemed that something went wrong. Yang Lin, Wang Rui, and Xiao Shaoying were not dead yet.

At least not dead yet.

Yang Lin lost a leg, Wang Rui lost an arm, and the two of them hid in the coffins in the chaotic graves.

Here, they were able to escape Ge Tingxiang's pursuit.

They are still alive, justifying their decision to hide here.

Shuanghuanmen was destroyed because someone in Shuanghuanmen betrayed Shuanghuanmen and secretly got through to Ge Tingxiang.

Yang Lin and Wang Rui suspected each other that the other was a spy, but then they shook hands and made peace, believing that the other was not a spy.

Xiao Shaoying suddenly appeared, and he found Yang Lin and Wang Rui.

Although he is no longer a person from Shuanghuanmen, the seeds of hatred are also planted in his heart.

He told Yang Lin and Wang Rui his own plan, he decided to find a way to infiltrate Ge Tingxiang's Tianxiangtang, and then find an opportunity to kill Ge Tingxiang and avenge Shuanghuanmen.

Xiao Shaoying knew that Wang Tong was looking for him, so he decided to let Wang Tong find him on purpose, and then mixed into Tianxiangtang through Wang Tong.

His plan was successful.

Through a battle of wits and courage with Wang Tong, Wang Tong was finally forced to introduce him to Ge Tingxiang.

In front of Ge Tingxiang, Xiao Shaoying finally succeeded in gaining Ge Tingxiang's trust through her perseverance, wisdom and wit, and was appointed by Ge Tingxiang as the head of the first branch of Tianxiangtang.

Ge Tingxiang received three letters, three letters from the Qinglong Association, asking him to join the Qinglong Association.

Otherwise, die!

Ge Tingxiang did not doubt the strength of the Qinglong Association, but he would never join the Qinglong Association, because once he joined, he would be subject to the Qinglong Association.

He gave Xiao Shaoying a character to find out the sub-rudder of the Qinglong Club, and he had to strike first.

Based on the handwriting, pen and ink and other details of the three letters, Xiao Shaoying calculated that the person who wrote the three letters should be someone familiar to Ge Tingxiang.

In other words, there was an undercover agent of the Blue Dragon Society lurking beside Ge Tingxiang.

Ge Tingxiang fully agreed with Xiao Shaoying's inference, and gave Xiao Shaoying the greatest authority to find the undercover.

In the end, Xiao Shaoying turned Wang Tong into an undercover agent of the Blue Dragon Society through a sophisticated plan, and together with Ge Xin, a trusted person around Ge Tingxiang, worked together to kill Wang Tong in front of Ge Tingxiang.

In order to make Ge Tingxiang completely believe him, Xiao Shaoying also paid the price of one hand.


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