Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1708 The fourth weapon: hatred

Xiao Shaoying successfully killed Wang Tong and Ge Tingxiang's most profitable killer.

Wang Tong is also one of the murderers of Shuanghuanmen, and Xiao Shaoying has completed the first step of revenge.

Of course, Wang Tong was not a spy of the Qinglong Society. It was Xiao Shaoying and Ge Xin who conspired, so Ge ​​Tingxiang believed that Wang Tong was a spy of the Qinglong Society.

This is not only the first step in revenge, but also makes Ge Tingxiang lose his most beneficial assistant.

In Tianxiangtang, the person Xiao Shaoying is most concerned about is Wang Tong, so he must kill Wang Tong first.

Xiao Shaoying's revenge plan was obviously half successful.

Soon, the other half also succeeded.

Xiao Shaoying resorted to another tactic, and made Ge Tingxiang think that Guo Yuniang was the real spy of the Qinglong Club.

Ge Tingxiang personally killed Guo Yuniang.

After that, Xiao Shaoying smiled.

By this time, he had almost defeated Ge Tingxiang, and it was time to be honest.

So Ge Tingxiang finally knew that Wang Tong was not a spy of the Qinglong Club, nor was Guo Yuniang.

The real spy is Ge Xin, but Ge Xin is not a spy of Qinglonghui, but a spy of Xiao Shaoying.

It turned out that no Qinglong would come to Ge Tingxiang, and the three letters were actually written by Ge Xin according to Xiao Shaoying's request.

The purpose was to use the name of the Blue Dragon Society to arouse Ge Tingxiang's nervousness, so as to thoroughly investigate the origin of the three letters.

Ge Tingxiang was really nervous after seeing the three letters, Xiao Shaoying took advantage of Ge Tingxiang's nervousness, and then made some serious reasoning, so that Ge Tingxiang thought that there were spies of the Qinglong Society by his side, so he gave it to Ge Tingxiang. Xiao Shaoying's greatest authority is to let Xiao Shaoying find the spy for him.

Xiao Shaoying, in the name of looking for spies, first killed Wang Tong, and then asked Ge Tingxiang to kill Guo Yuniang with her own hands.

And the reason why he asked Ge Tingxiang to kill Guo Yuniang himself was because Ge Tingxiang killed his wife, Sheng Rulan, the daughter of Sheng Tianba, the sect master of Shuanghuan Gate.

He wants Ge Tingxiang to kill his most beloved woman with his own hands.

It turned out that Xiao Shaoying was not expelled from Shuanghuanmen two years ago. His being expelled from Shuanghuanmen was just an appearance, for others to see.


He and Sheng Tianba had already felt that there was a spy of Ge Tingxiang in Shuanghuanmen. He was "expelled" from Shuanghuanmen just to find out who was Ge Tingxiang's spy?

Unfortunately, before he could find out, Shuanghuanmen had already been destroyed, and his wife Sheng Rulan was also killed by Ge Tingxiang.

Ge Tingxiang knew that he was defeated and that Wang Tong was dead. Besides Wang Tong, Ge Xin, whom he trusted most, was not Xiao Shaoying, but him.

Ge Tingxiang is not Xiao Shaoying and Ge Xin's opponent.

Therefore, Ge Tingxiang knew that he would die today.

Knowing that he was going to die, Ge Tingxiang was very calm. He had killed many people, so he was naturally ready to be killed.

Ge Tingxiang also knew that it wasn't Xiao Shaoying who defeated him, let alone Shuanghuanmen, but hatred.

The things left by the double ring gate, in addition to the passion ring, there is hatred.

This is what Guo Yuniang said to Ge Tingxiang before. Now that Guo Yuniang is dead, hatred still exists.

It was hatred that made Xiao Shaoying do everything now.

Ge Tingxiang finally realized the power of hatred, he took out a pair of passionate rings left by Sheng Tianba.

It was his trophy, and the only thing left after he destroyed the Double Ring Gate.

There were originally thirteen knife marks on the ring, but now, Ge Tingxiang personally added a knife mark on it.

Because, now he wants to kill someone with these passionate rings.

The one he killed was himself.

"Although these love rings are worthless in my eyes, the hatred they leave behind is too terrifying. Although these love rings will never defeat me, the hatred he left behind is enough to destroy me." Ge Ting Xiang murmured this sentence, and then lifted the double ring high and hit it hard.

Ge Tingxiang died, and there was another shallow knife mark on the passionate ring.

After Ge Tingxiang died, what was left was only a shallow knife mark.

Ge Tingxiang died under the passion ring, but what really killed him was obviously not the passion ring, but hatred!

Hate itself is a weapon, and it is the most terrible one.

Therefore, the real fourth weapon is not the ring of passion, but hatred!

The real answer to the fourth weapon has been revealed, but the story of "Passionate Ring" is not over.

Shuanghuanmen was destroyed by Ge Tingxiang, and the reason why Ge Tingxiang was able to destroy Shuanghuanmen was because there was a spy in Shuanghuanmen.

There is no doubt that the spy is also the murderer of Shuanghuanmen's extermination.

Now, Xiao Shaoying has found out who the spy is? Li Qianshan, one of the seven disciples of Sheng Tianba.

Li Qianshan is now in Tianxiangtang, and he has been transformed into Sun Bin, who has been bedridden due to injuries.

Xiao Shaoying and Ge Xin walked into Li Qianshan's room.

Li Qianshan tore off his disguise and admitted that he betrayed the spy of Shuanghuanmen.

Xiao Shaoying naturally wanted to kill Li Qianshan to take revenge, but Li Qianshan was his classmate after all, and he was going to let Ge Xindai take action and kill Li Qianshan.

But what happened next surprised Xiao Shaoying, Ge Xin was indeed going to kill, but the person he wanted to kill was not Li Qianshan, but Xiao Shaoying.

Xiao Shaoying looked at Ge Xin and was very puzzled, but fortunately, Li Qianshan quickly solved his confusion.

It turned out that all this was because of a dragon, Qinglong.

Li Qianshan and Ge Xin were both members of the Qinglong Association.

Li Qianshan first joined the Qinglong Association, and then let Ge Xin join the Qinglong Association, and mixed into Tianxiangtang as an undercover agent.

In Tianxiangtang, Ge Xin was both Xiao Shaoying's undercover agent and Qinglonghui's undercover agent.

It turned out that there were really undercover agents of the Qinglong Club in Tianxiangtang.

Before, Ge Tingxiang found Li Qianshan and wanted to collude with Li Qianshan, which was exactly what Li Qianshan wanted. He just used Ge Tingxiang to destroy Shuanghuanmen.

Not only that, but it can also make Ge Tingxiang's Tianxiangtang also lose its vitality, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Poor Ge Tingxiang didn't understand when he died, he was actually caught in Li Qianshan's plan, he was just Li Qianshan's thug to destroy Shuanghuanmen.

Of course, between Liange Ting and Li Qianshan, it can also be said that they are using each other. Their purpose is the same, they are all to destroy the double ring gate.

Xiao Shaoying solved the doubts in his heart, and Ge Xin was ready to take action against Xiao Shaoying.

But soon, Ge Xin fell to the ground and died.

Naturally, Xiao Shaoying killed him, using a hidden weapon, a hidden weapon that is famous under the peacock feathers, the seven-star bone-penetrating needle.

Seeing that Ge Xin was dead, Li Qianshan also rushed towards Xiao Shaoying.

Xiao Shaoying only has one hand now, and is not Li Qianshan's opponent, but Li Qianshan doesn't know that Xiao Shaoying still has a tube of seven-star penetrating needles.

Xiao Shaoying and Li Qianshan fell at the same time. When they fell, they also knocked over the table. There were lights on the table and spirits.

The fire engulfed Xiao Shaoying and Li Qianshan at the same time.

The grievances, hatred, love and secrets of the two were all buried in the flames...

At this point, "Love Ring" is over.

With the help of the power of hatred, Xiao Shaoying successfully avenged his revenge, but in the end, he was buried in the sea of ​​​​fire with the enemy.

Buried together, and hatred!


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