Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1711 Who is the thief

The story of Overlord Gun continues.

Deng Dinghou decided to go to Hungry Tiger Gang to find out who the thief in the joint security bureau was?

Of course, he didn't go alone, but asked Ding Xi and Xiao Ma to go with him. Only Ding Xi knew where the six people were buried?

On the way, Deng Dinghou, Ding Xi, and Xiao Ma came to a restaurant called "Xinghua Village" for a drink.

The proprietress of Xinghua Village, Hong Xinghua, is an old man in his 60s. When Ding Xi was a child, he raised Ding Xi. In Ding Xi's eyes, Hong Xinghua is his relatives and elders.

Here, Deng Dinghou, Ding Xi, and Xiaoma saw a gun, the most famous gun in the world, the Overlord Gun!

In the world, the unique overlord gun!

Overlord, pulling mountains and rivers with great strength is unparalleled today.

The gun, the ancestor of all soldiers is the gun.

The Overlord Spear is one zhang, three feet, seven inches in length, and weighs seventy-three catties and seventy-two three cents.

The owner of the Overlord Spear is surnamed Wang, and he is also the owner of the King's Escort Bureau, "One Shot to Raise the Sky" Wang Wanwu.

Wang Wanwu's martial arts is strong, his temper is strong, and he is old and hot.

This time, it was initiated by Deng Dinghou and organized by Baili Evergreen to set up a joint security agency. I originally wanted to invite the king's security agency to join the joint security agency.

But Wang Wanwu didn't say anything to join, so he turned his face with Baili Changqing, patted the table and told Baili Changqing to get out.

This matter has always made Deng Dinghou very regretful and unfortunate. If the owner of the Overlord Spear joins the joint security agency, the reputation will undoubtedly be much more prosperous.

Why is Bawang Gun in Xinghua Village Restaurant?

Because its owner is coming soon.

Its owner invited a master who also used a gun, the third master of the golden gun and silver shuttle, to duel here today.

This is very strange. How could Wang Wanwu invite Xu Sanye to a duel?

The fame of the Overlord Spear is far above that of the Golden Spear and the Silver Shuttle, and Wang Wanwu's martial arts is far above that of Xu Sanye.

When things go wrong, there must be a reason, and the reason is soon revealed.

turn out to be,

The owner of the Overlord Spear is no longer Wang Wanwu, but Wang Wanwu's Jiao Di Di's daughter, Wang Shenglan.

Two girls came to Xinghua Village, one was drinking tea and the other drinking.

Both girls are very beautiful, but the girl who drinks is more beautiful.

However, the girl drinking apricot eyes widened, and the girl drinking tea was prone to shyness and blush.

The girl who drank was Wang Wanwu's daughter, Wang Shenglan, who was also the new owner of Bawang Gun.

Why did Wang Shenglan become the new owner of the Overlord Gun? Why are you looking for a duel with Golden Spear Xu?

Because her father Wang Shengwu was dead.

On May 13, Wang Shengwu was shot and killed in his study. The gun that killed Wang Wanwu was an ordinary gun. There were no signs of fighting in the study. There were also two sets of cups and chopsticks, and some wine and vegetables on the table.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the person who killed Wang Wanwu must be a friend of Wang Wanwu. He was entertaining friends in the study, and his friend took advantage of his unpreparedness and killed him with an ordinary grab.

Who killed Wang Wanwu? What to kill him for?

There is no answer yet.

And the reason why Wang Shenglan asked Jin Gun Xu to duel was to see if Jin Gun Xu was the murderer of his father?

After the duel with Jin Gun Xu, she will also duel with other gun masters, and she will find out the murderer of her father.

But in fact, her method is not necessarily correct, because her father was killed by the murderer with an ordinary gun.

Since it is taking advantage of the unexpected, the murderer is not necessarily a master of guns.

But Wang Shenglan has not realized this yet.

The Overlord Spear is more than three feet long and weighs more than 70 kilograms, but Wang Shenglan, a delicate woman with slender hands, has to dance the Overlord Spear, which is really unbelievable.

However, if Wang Shenglan really dances the Overlord Spear, it will be very beautiful, it is a unique beauty in the world.

In fact, Wang Shenglan was really able to wield the Overlord Spear. The movement of copying the spear was not only neat, but also graceful. With a slight twist of her waist, she sprang out in a single stride.

It's really beautiful!

Not only beautiful, but also very strong, Jin Spear Xu was gradually at a disadvantage.

Later, under the intervention of Ding Xi, the two stopped fighting, Wang Shenglan ran away in anger, and Jin Spear Xu decided to retire from the arena.

Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi continued their journey to Hungry Tiger Hill, but were blocked by Wang Shenglan on the way.

Wang Shenglan asked Ding Xi, where was on May 13th? What did you do?

It turned out that when Ding Xi intervened in the fight between the two, he used a robbery method. Wang Shenglan suspected that Ding Xi was also suspected of killing his father.

But that day Ding Xi was robbing darts in another place, and Deng Dinghou could testify, because Ding Xi robbed his darts.

Wang Shenglan left again angrily.

The two continued on the road, and Ding Xi told Deng Dinghou that the person who wrote to him to leak the news must be one of Baili Changqing, Gui Dongjing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng.

Deng Dinghou didn't believe it, because the four of them, like him, were the bosses of the joint security bureau. How could they be internal thieves?

Ding Xi also said that if the thieves were not the four, then it could only be Deng Dinghou himself.

Deng Dinghou smiled bitterly. He couldn't refute it, because it was true that only the five of them knew those secrets, not the sixth.

Could it be that the thief is really one of the four of Baili Changqing, Gui Dongjing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng?

The two went to Hungry Tiger Hill, found the place where the six people were buried, dug up the graves, and saw the appearance of the six people and the six letters.

The six people, Deng Dinghou, all knew each other, and they were all members of the escort agency, but their identities were gardeners, coachmen, cooks, etc., and there were no useful clues.

However, the six letters are some clues.

Whose handwriting did Deng Dinghou recognize in the six letters? It was his own handwriting.

But the six letters were not written by him.

Then, there is only one possibility. Someone pretended to be his handwriting and wrote the six leaked letters to Ding Xi.

Who is impersonating his handwriting?

Deng Dinghou knew that there was a person who could pretend to be his handwriting, so real that he could hardly distinguish it himself.

That person is Baili Changqing, Gui Dongjing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng, Gui Dongjing.

Gui Dongjing naturally became the object of suspicion between the two.

Gui Dongjing was also one of the bosses himself. Deng Dinghou did not believe that Gui Dongjing would be an internal thief, but the handwriting of the six letters now made him have to believe it.

The two decided to go to Gui Dongjing, but Gui Dongjing's martial arts are strong, and the handwriting on the letter alone cannot be used as evidence, and the two are very worried.

When you are worried, you have to drink wine to relieve your worries, and a carriage selling wine and beef happened to come by the road.

The two approached the carriage and were about to buy some wine and beef, but found a person sitting right away, it was Gui Dongjing, who was grinning and smiling straight at them.

Gui Dongjing saw the six letters and said that since the letter was not written by Deng Dinghou, it could only be written by him, and he could not admit it or not.

But Deng Dinghou suddenly said that the six letters should not have been written by Gui Dongjing.

Because Ding Dinghou found that he and Ding Xi went to Hungry Tiger Gang very smoothly this time. This is absolutely abnormal. It seems that someone deliberately asked them to go.

And that person is the real thief. He just wanted to let Deng Dinghou see the six letters, and then suspect that Gui Dongjing was an inner thief. He went to find Gui Dongjing, and then the two fought each other. profit.

Gui Dongjing is not an inner thief, so who is the inner thief?

The thief could only be one of the three Baili Changqing, Jiang Xin and Ximen Sheng.

However, these three also had reasons for not being thieves, Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi were very troubled.


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