Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1712 Courage

In order to find out who is the inner thief among Baili Changqing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng?

Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi continued their journey to find the truth.

They had planned to go to the omni-penetrating Wantong to inquire about the news, but Wantong died, and was hit hard by a fist in the chest.

Ding Xi's friend, Yue Lin and others suspected that Deng Dinghou killed Wantong, because Ding Dinghou's best martial art is Shaolin Shenquan.

But Ding Xi testified for Deng Dinghou, saying that Deng Dinghou had been with him all the time, and it was impossible to kill Wantong.

However, Yue Lin and others did not believe that they wanted to kill Deng Dinghou to take revenge for Wanbao, even if they were killed by mistake, they also asked Ding Xi to attack Ding Dinghou together.

Ding Xi pretended to beat Deng Dinghou, but he knocked out Yue Lin and others.

Later, they found Su Xiaobo, "Little Su Qin" who was locked in the cellar by Yue Lin.

Su Xiaobo said that he had seen the figure of the murderer who killed Wantong. The murderer was tall and did not look like Deng Dinghou.

And Ding Xi and Deng Dinghou knew that the murderer who killed Wantong must be the thief they were looking for.

The inner thief killed Wantong, obviously to keep his mouth shut, so that the two would not ask anything from Wantong.

Su Xiaobo said that the murderer was tall, and the two suspected that the murderer was Jiang Xin or Baili Changqing.

Because both of them are tall.

Then, the thief should be one of Jiang Xin and Baili Changqing.

After that, Ding Xi, Deng Dinghou, and Su Xiaobo returned to the place where Yue Lin and others fainted.

However, they found that Yue Lin and others had become dead.

Yue Lin and others died in the same way as Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi.

Obviously, the murderer was going to put the blame on Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi.

After that, Wang Shenglan invited Ding Xi and Deng Dinghou to meet in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Wang Shenglan told the two that the reason why she was looking for a duel with a gun master on the rivers and lakes was to find out the murderer of her father.

Wang Shenglan told Ding Xi the details of his father's murder.

According to Wang Shenglan's description, Ding Xi,

It was deduced that the murderer who killed her father must be a friend of her father.

Wang Shenglan also recalled that her father also left her a picture of a blue hill, revealing a corner of the red building, with an inscription next to it, "May 13th, stay away from the blue dragon."

Therefore, Wang Shenglan suspected that the person who killed her father was a member of the Qinglong Society.

Because, when her father was in southern Fujian, he had a grudge with the Qinglonghui. At that time, the Qinglonghui invited his father to join the Qinglonghui, but her father resolutely refused.

Her father should know that the Azure Dragon Society will definitely come to him, so he specially left this picture for her, not only telling her that the one who harmed him was the Azure Dragon Society, but also reminding her to stay away from the Azure Dragon Society.

However, Wang Shenglan said that even if the power of the Qinglong Guild was huge and terrifying, she would not back down. She wanted to avenge her father.

In addition, Wang Shenglan also discovered through a series of details who is the most likely murderer of her father?

It is evergreen.

And Baili Changqing had two motives for killing her father.

First, Baili Changqing once came to invite her father to join the Alliance Escort Bureau, but her father refused, and patted the table to let Baili Changqing get out, and Baili Changqing held a grudge for it.

Second, Baili Changqing is likely to be the helm of the "May 13" division of the Qinglong Association. He killed her father, naturally because her father had refused to join the Qinglong Association.

However, Wang Shenglan had no substantive evidence. She asked Ding Xi to meet this time, hoping that Ding Xi could help her to find Baili Changqing's murderer of her father.

But Ding Xi said that sometimes what he saw with his own eyes may not be the truth, not to mention that Wang Shenglan did not see it in person, and he did not believe that Baili Changqing was the murderer.

Therefore, he rejected Wang Shenglan's request.

Wang Shenglan was not angry either, saying that Ding Xi rejected her now and would agree in the future.

Because she can feel it, Ding Xi likes her.

Ding Xi and Deng Dinghou left. Deng Dinghou said that he believed that the murderer who killed Wang Shenglan's father should be the murderer who killed Wantong, Yue Lin and others, and the inner thief they had been looking for.

Ding Xi neither affirmed nor denied this.

After that, Ding Xi and Deng Dinghou discovered Wang Shenglan's carriage on the only way to Hungry Tiger Hill.

They were not surprised, they knew that Wang Shenglan would definitely go to Hungry Tiger Hill.

Because the painting her father left her was of Hungry Tiger Hill, and she speculated that Baili Changqing was in Hungry Tiger Hill.

Deng Dinghou quietly got into Wang Shenglan's carriage, and Ding Xi also followed quietly.

On the way, they encountered a man in black who wanted to kill Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan.

However, Deng Dinghou said that he must recognize the man in black, and the man in black must recognize him, so it is best for the man in black not to shoot.

Otherwise, he will definitely know the identity of the man in black.

But the man in black still shot, but Deng Dinghou did not recognize his identity, only knew that he was not the opponent of the man in black.

Fortunately, Ding Xi arrived in time, and the man in black had to leave. He was not the opponent of Ding Xi, Deng Dinghou, and Wang Shenglan.

Who is the man in black?

Deng Dinghou thought that it should be evergreen.

In addition, he also found some other evidence to prove that Baili Changqing should indeed be the murderer who killed Wang Shenglan's father, Wantong, Yue Yuelin and others. Thirteen" rudder master.

But Ding Xi once again denied this claim, he wanted substantive evidence.

So, will the murderer, the thief, and the helm of the "May 13" of the Qinglong Association really be Evergreen?

The answer will be revealed soon, because the story of "Overlord Gun" has come to an end.

Ding Xi left without saying goodbye, and he always maintained Baili Evergreen again and again, making Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan guess that there should be a very special relationship between him and Baili Evergreen.

Big Pagoda.

Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan received a mysterious message and asked them to go to the Great Pagoda at night.

The two guessed that the person who invited them to the Great Pagoda should be the murderer. It would be very dangerous to go there.

But in order to know the truth and for revenge, the two decided to go.

Before reaching the pagoda, Deng Dinghou asked Wang Shenglan to wait outside, and he entered the pagoda alone.

And there were people waiting for him in the big pagoda, two people, one of them was Baili Changqing, and the other was Hu Laowu.

The murderer was indeed Baili Changqing.

Deng Dinghou thought so, and then started with Baili Changqing.

Deng Dinghou is not Baili Changqing's opponent. In a critical moment, Hu Laowu next to him rescued him.

It turned out that Hu Laowu was not the real Hu Laowu, but Ding Xi pretended to be.

After that, a hidden weapon suddenly shot at the three of them, and someone wanted to kill them secretly.

But it didn't work, Ding Xi and Deng Dinghou flashed out of the tower.

In front of the Great Pagoda, Ding Xi told Deng Dinghou that he was actually the son of Baili Evergreen, but this was not the reason why he maintained Baili Evergreen.

He maintains Baili Changqing because Baili Changqing is not a murderer, nor an internal thief, nor is he the helmsman of the "May 13" branch of the Qinglong Club.

All this is a conspiracy, making Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan think that Baili Changqing is a conspiracy of the murderer and the thief.

Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan were always able to find a lot of flaws by chance, and every flaw could lead to a very powerful clue by chance, and all the clues, by chance, only Baili Changqing could completely match them.

Therefore, the two firmly believe that Baili Changqing is the murderer and the thief.

After seeing Baili Changqing in the Great Pagoda, Deng Dinghou decided that Baili Changqing was the murderer, so he attacked Baili Changqing.

However, why did Baili Changqing turn to Deng Dinghou again?

It turned out that Baili Changqing was actually investigating the murderer and the thief. He also received a mysterious message and invited him to the Great Pagoda at night.

He also thought that the person who invited him was the murderer and the thief.

Therefore, when he saw Deng Dinghou, he thought that Deng Dinghou was a murderer and a thief.

And the real murderer is accurate, and the two will do it as soon as they meet, because both of them are great heroes, and they will feel that their ideas will never be wrong.

The two of them fight and lose both, and the real murderer can take advantage of the fisherman.

In the dark, the person who fired the hidden weapon at the three was the real murderer and thief. Ding Xi called him "Mr. Wu".

In Mr. Wu's plan, both Deng Dinghou and Baili Changqing should have died in the pagoda at this time, but he did not expect Ding Xi to appear in the tower.

Therefore, Deng Dinghou did not die, and Baili Changqing did not die either.

But Baili Changqing's current situation seems to be a little bad. He and the real murderer, Mr. Wu, are fighting in the tower, and the big pagoda collapsed and became a ruin.

Deng Dinghou was shocked, but Ding Xi said it was fine, because there was a secret passage in the big pagoda that led directly to Hungry Tiger Hill, and now the two should pass the secret passage to Hungry Tiger Hill.

Hungry Tiger Hill is very dangerous, but Ding Xi, Deng Dinghou, and Wang Shenglan must go up.

If you want to go up, you don't need to push hard. Ding Xi is very smart, so he has a way.

He pretended to be old Shandong, and Deng Dinghou and Wang Shenglan were his captives, and they were also gifts he gave to Mr. Wu.

In this way, it should be easier for them to go to Hungry Tiger Hill.

In fact, it was indeed the case. They easily went to Hungry Tiger Hill and met Mr. Wu.

At this time, Mr. Wu was confronting Baili Changqing, and Baili Changqing already knew Mr. Wu's true identity, which made him very regretful.

Mr. Wu was very excited when he saw the gift that Lao Shandong brought him. He walked over and patted Lao Shandong on the shoulder, saying that he would not treat him badly.

It's a pity that this old Shandong is not the real old Shandong, but Ding Xi pretending to be.

Therefore, Lao Shandong took action, and Mr. Wu, who had the upper hand before, is now lying on the ground and can't get up.

Who is Mr. Wu? Both Baili Changqing and Ding Xi have already guessed his identity.

It was Gui Dongjing, one of the bosses of the joint escort agency.

All the suspense is revealed, the murderer, the thief, and the helm of the "May 13" sub-rudder of the Qinglong Association are all Gui Dongjing.

Deng Dinghou asked Ding Xi, why is such a dangerous and difficult matter so easily resolved?

Ding Xi replied that it was because this matter was too difficult and dangerous that Gui Dongjing could not think of anyone who would dare to take the risk, so he could solve it so easily.

Now, Gui Dongjing already knew that as long as a person has the courage to take risks, there is absolutely nothing in the world that cannot be solved.

But unfortunately it's too late.

Courage is the reason why Ding Xi, Deng Dinghou, Wang Shenglan and others were able to find the truth.

Therefore, the real fifth weapon is not the overlord gun, but courage!

At this point, "The Overlord Gun" is over.

All the book fans finally know, what is the real fifth weapon?

It's courage!


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