Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1715 Something is missing at the end

Yang Zheng took out the parting hook, which had been dusty for many years, in order not to part with his beloved.

He will use this parting hook to deal with people who want him to part with his loved ones.

If he succeeds, he will stay with his beloved forever.

If he fails, he can only part with his beloved.

He has seven days left.

He was going to find Di Qinglin, because he found that everything had Di Qinglin's shadow in it.

Wan Junwu's death, Sisi's death, Liangu's death, Lu Suwen's predicament, Xiao Ye who wanted to kill her, the robbery of the dart silver, the loss of the silver sheath, the assassin of the Azure Dragon Society, the person who collected the body for the assassin, The whereabouts of dart silver after being dropped. These things seemed to have nothing to do at all, but now because of Di Qinglin, everything is connected by a thread.

When Yang Zheng was walking in the sun, Di Qinglin was also walking in the sun.

Di Qinglin is perfect and seems impossible to beat. He is alert, smart, and extremely skilled in martial arts.

Xiaoqing, Hua Siye, Wang Zhenfei, and Zhao Zheng of the Qinglong Society tried their best to get rid of Di Qinglin, but they were killed by Di Qinglin one by one.

Di Qinglin is proud, and he also has the absolute capital of pride.

Therefore, when Yang Zheng found him, he could have used the agency to easily kill Yang Zheng, but he didn't.

He is proud and disdains to kill Yang Zheng with an organ. He wants to cut Yang Zheng directly under the sword.

In addition, he also admitted everything to Yang Zheng, killing Wan Junwu and Sisi, chasing and killing Lu Suwen, and the lost dart silver with him, etc.

Because he is confident that he can kill Yang Zheng, it doesn't matter even if he tells Yang Zheng all this, because Yang Zheng will surely die today.

Di Qinglin is so confident, and he does have reasons for his confidence. His martial arts are indeed far ahead of Yang Zheng.

However, he still made a mistake after all. He didn't expect Yang Zheng to use a self-mutilating way to deal with him.

Yang Zheng used the parting hook to hook his arm, and his arm parted from his body.

Parting is for reunion, as long as we can reunite, no matter how painful the parting can be endured.

Broken arms are naturally tolerated.

At the cost of an arm, Yang Zheng made the parting hook fly diagonally, and flew into the throat of Di Qinglin, who was always high above.

Therefore, Di Qinglin left this world.

So far, "Farewell Hook" is over.

The ending of "The Farewell Hook" was abrupt, giving the impression that it came to an abrupt end.

Therefore, all the book fans were somewhat unresponsive. After repeatedly confirming the three words "the whole book is over" many times, they finally determined that "The Farewell Hook" is really over.

After that, everyone always felt that something was missing at the end, not because of the abrupt stop, but because of other reasons?

What is it that makes everyone feel like something is missing at the end?

All book lovers, all are thinking about this question repeatedly.

Suddenly, everyone discovered the reason, that is, "The Farewell Hook" did not point out at the end, what is the real sixth weapon?

For the first five weapons, Guyong will give a summary at the end, pointing out what is the real weapon he wants to talk about?

It's like, "So, the first weapon I'm talking about is not the sword, but the laugh..."

But there is no such concluding sentence at the end of "The Parting Hook", and the full text comes to an abrupt end after Di Qinglin's death.

what's going on?

Could it be that Guyong forgot to give a summary at the end?

This is of course impossible, and no one believes that Gu Yong forgot to give a summary.

Then, there can only be one reason.

Guyong did it on purpose, and deliberately did not come up with a summary statement at the end of "The Parting Hook".

It's just, why did Gu Yong do this on purpose?

Is there any special purpose?

Everyone has this question in their heads.


in the past.

The ending of "The Farewell Hook" is indeed very abrupt, and there is no final concluding sentence.

In fact, Gu Long's "Seven Weapons" only had five at the beginning, and there was no "Parting Hook".

"The Farewell Hook" was posthumously recognized as the sixth installment of "Seven Weapons" several years later.

Judging from the way and style of the title of the work, as well as the mysterious and powerful organization Qinglonghui, which still appears in the text, "Parting Hook" should indeed be the sixth part of "Seven Weapons" created by Gu Long.

"The Farewell Hook" was posthumously regarded as the sixth part of "Seven Weapons", which was not controversial and was generally recognized.

However, at the end of "The Farewell Hook", Gu Long did not make a summary like the previous five weapons.

So, what is the true sixth weapon that "The Parting Hook" symbolizes?

This is controversial.

Some publishing houses in the previous life added such a sentence at the end of their own accord when they published The Parting Hook.

"The proud will lose.

This sentence should always be kept in mind by anyone. "

The reason for adding such a sentence is to point out the question like going to the five weapons, arrogant will lose, or it can be understood as "preventing arrogance".

The parting hook symbolizes "prevention of arrogance".

When many people watched "The Farewell Hook", they saw the last words "the proud will lose", and also understood the symbolic meaning of the parting hook as "avoid arrogance".

But this is not actually Gu Long's original intention, it is just speculation by future generations.

Moreover, the statement of "guarding against arrogance" is really very reluctant, because weapons are used to deal with the enemy, and guarding against arrogance is to alert oneself, and the "laugh" in front

, "confidence", "courage", etc. are all weapons to deal with the enemy, and guarding against arrogance is too different from the previous weapons.

Therefore, Gu Long's original intention should not be to guard against arrogance.

So, what is it? No one can answer this question now.

Because Gu Long has passed away, this is another eternal suspense left by him.

As for why Gu Long is not in the final concluding question of "The Parting Hook"? No one knows the answer to this question either.

However, everyone can guess one or two.

"Farewell Hook" is already a work of Gu Long's late period, and its creation time is three years later than "Overlord Gun".

In the past three years, Gu Long stopped writing, and he also had a lot of emotions. These emotions may be the reason why he didn't make a concluding point at the end of "Parting Hook".

Of course, there may be other reasons. We all know that Gu Long is a prodigal son, an alcoholic and a good woman.

Perhaps, when Gu Long was writing the final draft of "The Parting Hook", he happened to be drunk and forgot to give a concluding point at the end.

This is how the master gets drunk.

Of course, this possibility is almost impossible. The biggest possibility is that when Gu Long wrote "The Farewell Hook", his mentality was quite different from the previous five weapons.

But anyway, what is the sixth weapon symbolized by "The Farewell Hook"? It is destined that future generations will be forever guessed and disputed.

Now that The Farewell Hook has come to this world, what is the sixth real weapon it symbolizes?

It is also destined to cause constant speculation and controversy in this world.


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