Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1716 What is the real sixth weapon?

At the end of "The Parting Hook", why is there no concluding language emotion?

What is the real sixth weapon?

These two issues have aroused widespread heated discussions among book fans on the Internet.

"Damn it! "The Farewell Hook" ended so suddenly. What is the real sixth weapon? There is no summary. What is the meaning of Gu Yongda's actions?"

"Maybe we want us to understand for ourselves, what is the real sixth weapon? After all, we can't always let Gu Yongda conclude for us."

"Well, Gu Yongda should really mean this. He has summed up five weapons for us. This sixth weapon should indeed be understood by ourselves."

"Haha! When you said that, I suddenly felt like it was very interesting."

"It's really interesting. So, what is the real sixth weapon? Let's discuss it."

"Let me think about it, in order not to part with the person he loves, Yang Zheng is determined to use the parting hook that has been sealed for many years. Moreover, even though he only has seven days, he is still determined to find out the truth of the matter. Is it true? The sixth weapon is 'determination'?"

"Determination? Well, it shouldn't be possible. Because if 'determination' is a weapon, the previous five weapons also have determination, Gao Li is determined to be with Shuangshuang, Duan Yu is determined to prove his innocence, because of determination Anything that can be explained is equivalent to not being able to explain anything. Therefore, the sixth weapon should not be determination.”

"Determination really doesn't feel like it, so it's courage? It's not right, the overlord spear is courage, and the parting hook can't be courage."

"It's not determination, it's not courage, could it be family love? The father-son relationship between Yang Zheng and Yang Hen, the relationship between Yang Hen and Mr. Lan Da's teacher and friend, the love between Yang Zheng and Lu Suwen, etc., there is a lot of family love in it. ."

"Family? It's a bit nonsense. There is indeed family, but Yang Zheng didn't use family to deal with Di Qinglin. Therefore, family is not a weapon."

"Could it be a reunion? It is pointed out more than once in the article that Yang Zheng used the parting hook to reunite with Lu Suwen. In the end, he wrote, 'Parting is for reunion, as long as we can reunite, no matter how painful the parting can be tolerated.'"

"Well, gathering should indeed be a theme that Gu Yongda wants to express, but it is a bit strange to say that 'gathering' is a weapon. It seems that there is no connection between gathering and weapons."

"'Meeting' can't really be said to be a weapon.

I do think of a way of saying, 'proud'. Why was Di Qinglin killed by Yang Zheng? It's because he was too proud. If he wasn't so proud, Yang Zheng would have died. Therefore, 'pride' is also a weapon, but this weapon is special and different from the previous weapons. The first few weapons are to kill others, and 'pride' is to be killed by others. So, Di Qinglin was killed. "

"Damn it! The thinking upstairs is very strange, but it really makes sense. It can be said that the person who killed Di Qinglin was not Yang Zheng, but himself, and he was a weapon possessed by him. , 'Pride' to kill."

"I'm going, this statement is amazing, although I know it's a bit nonsense, but I can't seem to refute it."

"It's really amazing. However, instead of 'pride', it's better to say 'avoid arrogance'. If Di Qinglin can let go of his pride, he will not be killed by Yang Zheng."

"Being proud or guarding against arrogance is indeed justified, but the problem is still the same as the previous 'gathering', and it doesn't seem to be a weapon."

"That's true. So, what is the real sixth weapon? It seems difficult to summarize."

"It's really hard to summarize, mainly because it contains too many things. More importantly, this is the work of Gu Yongda. It is obviously extremely difficult to guess Gu Yongda's work."

"Indeed, how can Gu Yong's works be easily guessed?"

"The harder it is to guess, the more interesting it is. Besides, it's not just us who are guessing. I think those celebrities and famous people will be very interested in this. Let's take a look at their answers later."

"Of course, I've been waiting."


As the fans of the book said, what is the real weapon symbolized by the parting hook for a group of martial arts writers, celebrities and famous people? very interested.

They also believe that Gu Yong did not make a concluding question at the end of "The Parting Hook", in order to let readers understand the answer by themselves.

Li Fan also thought that the outside world would think so.

Therefore, he is not worried that someone will leave a message on Gu Yong's Weibo and ask, why not summarize the question like the previous five weapons? And what is the real sixth weapon?

The reason for this is mainly because Gu Yong's status is already high enough.

With Gu Yong's current status, if there are any doubts in his works, readers will take the initiative to find the most perfect answer to solve the doubt, instead of asking Gu Yong why?

Just like this time, why not give the final summary of "The Farewell Hook"?

Readers quickly found the answer, because Gu Yong is to let readers understand, what is the real sixth weapon?

Perfect answer.

Therefore, Li Fan is now under no pressure.


What is the real sixth weapon?

Many martial arts writers are also very interested.

"What is the real sixth weapon? This is really hard to guess, mainly because it is difficult for us to keep up with Gu Yong's thinking."

"Yeah, Gu Yong is Gu Yong after all. It's difficult to keep up with his thinking!"

"Determination, family affection, reunion, pride, and guarding against arrogance. The minds of book fans are very active, and what they say is good, but it does not feel like the real sixth weapon."

"I found that I could only think of these answers, which was really depressing."

"Don't be depressed, just read "The Farewell Hook" twice more, and maybe you will have new insights."

"It is indeed necessary to read it twice. After reading it, there should be new insights."



Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo were also concerned about the real sixth weapon? very interested.

Yang Qiming said: "Lao Li, how is it? Do you have any ideas?"

Li Bo said: "There are a lot of ideas, but it is really difficult to summarize it into a general weapon name."

Yang Qiming nodded, and he naturally agreed with Li Bo.

However, he thought of two words.


Yes, desperate, Yang Qiming believes that the real sixth weapon is desperate.

There are many places in the whole text, all of which are mentioned desperately.


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