Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1735 The peak duel is not so simple

Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng praised again and again: "Yes, yes, the ending leads to the peak battle between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, which will undoubtedly make readers look forward to the next unit story even more than before. This kind of plot design is called Absolutely classic. Other martial arts writers can imitate this design, and it will have very good results.”

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Old Liang, the world of martial arts novels is thriving now. You can stop worrying about it long ago."

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "I really don't have to worry about it for a long time. I just said that."

Zheng Jie said: "This kind of design is really wonderful. Not only martial arts novels, but other novels can actually learn from this design method."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "Indeed, this design method is universal."

Zheng Jie said again: "Let's not worry about the method or the method, you said that in the duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, who will be the final winner?"

Liang Sheng said: "It's really hard to say. Although from the current situation, it seems that Ye Gucheng is slightly stronger, but this does not mean that Ximen Chuixue will definitely lose. Let's see how that kid arranges it?"

Zheng Jie said: "It's a pity that the boy refused to show us the manuscript, otherwise, we would already know the answer by now."

Liang Shang smiled and said, "If you don't show it, don't watch it. The feeling of chasing serial updates is actually quite good. To be honest, I like this feeling."

Zheng Jie said: "That's true, then wait for the discovery of the next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine."


Everyone is eagerly waiting for the release of the next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes". They can't wait to see the peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, and want to know the result of the peak duel.

And a week passed by not too slowly. The new issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" has been officially released.

The third unit of the "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" series, "Before and After the Battle" officially started serialization.

After a whole week of looking forward to the peak matchup, it will finally be staged, and all the book fans are very excited.

But just by seeing the unit name, they were already able to confirm that their previous guess was not wrong. The story of the third unit was indeed related to the peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng.

So, apart from the most anticipated peak matchup, what kind of stories will there be before and after the decisive battle between the two? This time, is there a case involved?

These are also very much anticipated by book fans.

And the story has begun.

The story begins with the assassination of Li Yanbei, who is full of benevolence and justice, and Lu Xiaofeng rescues him.

Then, the time is September 13, and the location is the capital.

Why was Li Yanbei assassinated? Why did Lu Xiaofeng appear in the capital? These are all about one thing.

"On the night of the full moon, the top of Zijin, a sword comes from the west, and the sky is a fairy." The duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng was originally the Mid-Autumn Festival night on August 15th, on the Zijin Mountain in Sockling.

However, Ximen Chuixue insisted on delaying the duel by a month, from August 15th to September 15th.

Today is September 13th, which means that the duel time is the night after tomorrow.

And the duel changed not only the time, but also the location. The location of the duel between the two was no longer on the Purple Mountain, but in the Forbidden City.

The two will fight on the top of the Forbidden City on September 15th, the night after tomorrow.

This is the reason why Lu Xiaofeng appeared in the capital, and also the reason why Li Yanbei was assassinated.

It is normal for Lu Xiaofeng to appear in the capital, but what does Li Yanbei's assassination have to do with the duel at the top of the Forbidden City?

It turned out that there were countless gamblers who bet on the outcome of a duel between the two.

The way of gambling is very simple. You buy Ximen Chuixue to win, and I buy Ye Gucheng to win. The winning party wins the betting capital of the other party's bet.

Many people bet a lot of money. Li Yanbei, who is full of benevolence and justice, and Du Tongxuan, a big family in the south of the city,

representative of it.

They are all celebrities in the capital and have their own territory. This time, the territory is used as a bet.

Whoever loses must give his own territory to the other side.

Li Yanbei bet on Ximen Chuixue to win, and Du Tongxuan bet on Ye Gucheng to win.

In fact, more people think that Ye Gucheng will win. In addition to Ye Gucheng's flying fairy, which is the most powerful swordsmanship in the world, it also disappeared after Ximen Chuixue insisted on delaying the duel date for a month.

Everyone thought that Ximen Chuixue must be afraid of Ye Gucheng, so he hid and did not dare to show his face.

Then, he will surely lose.

The assassin who killed Li Yanbei was sent by Du Tongxuan.

Why did Du Tongxuan assassinate Li Yanbei?

Because, Du Tongxuan thought that he was going to lose this gamble. If he lost, he would have to give up his territory to Li Yanbei, and he would have to add 600,000 taels of silver.

Therefore, if Du Tongxuan wants to kill Li Yanbei, if Li Yanbei is dead, he won't have to lose the turf.

Du Tongxuan was betting on Ye Gucheng's victory. He always thought he would win, why did he suddenly think he would lose?

Because, the honest monk brought a news that Ye Gucheng was injured and was injured by the arseno sand of Tang Tianyi, the eldest son of the Tang family in Shuzhong.

Honest monks never lie, so everyone thinks the news is true.

And the poison hidden weapon of the Tang Sect in the middle of Shu, except for the children of the Tang family, no one in the world can solve it. No matter who was hit by their hidden poison weapon, even if they didn't die at the time, they wouldn't live long.

Even Ye Gucheng couldn't detoxify himself.

Therefore, Ye Gucheng will be defeated in the peak battle the night after tomorrow.

Those who bought Ye Gucheng's victory all turned into ants on a hot pot. Some were so anxious that they wanted to hang themselves, and some tried their best to beg the other party to void the bet.

And Du Tongxuan, as a big boss, naturally kills the other party.

Just because Li Yanbei was rescued by Lu Xiaofeng, Du Tongxuan's murder plan failed.

However, now Du Tongxuan doesn't plan to kill Li Yanbei anymore, but saves Li Yanbei once, because the dead person won't pay the bill, Du Tongxuan can't let Li Yanbei die.

It turned out that the situation had changed again, and Du Tongxuan thought he would win again.

There is only one reason why Du Tongxuan thinks so, that is, Ye Gucheng was not injured.

Chunhua Building.

Lu Xiaofeng, Li Yanbei, Du Tongxuan and others were all present.

Tang Tianrong of the Tang Sect in the middle of Shu was also there.

Then another person came, it was Ye Gucheng, the master of Baiyun City.

When Tang Tianrong saw Ye Gucheng, he was very surprised that Ye Gucheng was still alive, so he asked Ye Gucheng, who helped him detoxify him?

Only after hearing this did everyone in Chunhua Building know that the news of Ye Gucheng's injury was indeed true, and that he was really injured by the arsenopyrite of Tangmen in Shuzhong.

It's just that Ye Gucheng doesn't look like he is injured now.

Tang Tianrong asked Ye Gucheng who helped him detoxify? Ye Gucheng didn't answer, but said, "A little dust, what's the poison?"

Tang Tianrong blew his lungs out of anger after hearing it. The Tangmen arseno sand that people in the world had heard changed, turned out to be just a bit of dust in Ye Gucheng's mouth.

Tolerable or unbearable.

Therefore, Tang Tianrong decided to shoot at Ye Gucheng. The Tang family's children's hidden weapons were extremely fast, and even those who had seen their hidden weapons could not describe their speed.

However, this time, Tang Tianrong didn't even have the chance to make a move.

Because Ye Gucheng made a sword.

With a sword coming from the west, immortals fly from the sky. No one can describe the splendor and splendor of this sword, and no one can describe the speed of this sword. It is not only a sword, but the wrath of Thor, a strike of lightning, and disappears.

Tang Tianrong did not die, Ye Gucheng did not kill him, but from then on, Tang Tianrong could no longer launch hidden weapons.

Ye Gucheng's Flying Immortal from the Sky appeared again, then it proved that his injury was completely healed.

Ye Gucheng's injury was healed, and in the peak battle the night after tomorrow, Ye Gucheng naturally won.

So, the situation changed again, and Du Tongxuan thought he would win again.


All the book fans saw Ye Gucheng's style again, which made them very excited.

However, those people in the capital city all said that Ximen Chuixue disappeared for a month, because he was afraid of Ye Gucheng and did not dare to show up, which made the fans very upset.

What kind of vision do those Jianghu people have? How could a swordsman as peerless and arrogant as Ximen Chuixue be afraid of one person?

If you are not afraid of a person, naturally it is even more impossible to hide because you are afraid of a person.

Fans of books believe absolutely that there must be a reason why Ximen Chuixue must disappear for a month.

No matter what kind of reason is possible, the only impossible reason is to be afraid of Ye Gucheng.

So, why did Ximen Chuixue have to postpone the duel date for a month, and then disappear for another month?

Book fans are really curious, and they want to know the answer.

Continue to look below.

Lu Xiaofeng met two people on the street, Daoist Wood and Layman Gu Song.

The two invited Lu Xiaofeng to meet three people together, Uncle Turtle, Datong and Dazhi.

Lu XiaoFeng just had some questions that he couldn't figure out, so he readily agreed to go. He was going to ask Datong and Dazhi some questions.

Datong and Dazhi seem to know everything on the rivers and lakes, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking them if you have any questions.

However, they never saw anyone, and only Uncle Turtle could find them on the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, if you want to ask Datong and Dazhi questions, you must first find the grandson of the turtle.

Lu Xiaofeng, Daoist Wood, and Layman Gu Song met the grandson of the turtle.

The wooden Taoist asked Datong Dazhi, in the battle on September 15, did Ximen Chuixue win? Or Ye Gucheng wins?

Datong Dazhi replied that neither of them will win, and the only ones who can really win are the hunters who are waiting to watch.

Afterwards, Lu Xiaofeng asked again, who is that person following Du Tongxuan?

Datong Dazhi just answered a word, "Yes..."

Then, Lu Xiaofeng and the others suddenly heard a strange sound of blowing bamboo, Datong Dazhi suddenly lost his voice, and a small red snake suddenly came out.

Lu Xiaofeng and the others hurriedly went into the cave to check, but found that the only person in the cave was Uncle Turtle, and he was already dead. He was bitten to death by the scarlet snake just now.

It turns out that there are no two Datong and Dazhi in the world at all, but the grandson of the turtle is Datong and Dazhi.

Now, Grandpa Turtle was obviously silenced. The little red snake was controlled by someone, and then it killed Grandpa Turtle.

Grandpa Turtle is Lu Xiaofeng's friend, so Lu Xiaofeng wants to buy a coffin to bury Grandson Turtle.

In the coffin shop, Lu Xiaofeng learned that there was an old man with a hunchback, and ordered two coffins to be used on the night of September 15. He also asked the boss to engrave the names of two people on the coffins, one named Ye Gucheng and the other named Ximen Chuixue.

Lu XiaoFeng was taken aback, he felt that things were getting more and more complicated.

Then, Lu Xiaofeng went to Li Yanbei and met Ouyang Qing.

After that, Ouyang Qing was also attacked by the red snake. Fortunately, Lu Xiaofeng and Li Yanbei came to the rescue in time, so that Ouyang Qing was not killed on the spot, but her life was still hanging by a thread.

Lu XiaoFeng chased out in time, and found the body of a hunchbacked old man outside. It was the hunchbacked old man who ordered two coffins in the coffin shop. He was also the murderer who killed Uncle Turtle and tried to kill Ouyang Qing.

However, Lu XiaoFeng later discovered that the dead hunchbacked old man was actually disguised by Aunt Gongsun.

In other words, the deceased was Aunt Gongsun.

Obviously, it was the real murderer who killed Aunt Gongsun, and then disguised Aunt Gongsun into a hunchbacked old man.

Lu XiaoFeng suddenly discovered that his opponent this time was more cunning and savage than Huo Xiu, and more gloomy and vicious than Jin Jiuling.

And his opponent's martial arts might be higher than anyone he had ever seen.

anyone? That includes Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue.

"The murderer's martial arts are higher than Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue?" This shouldn't be possible, all the book fans murmured to themselves.

In order to detoxify Ouyang Qing, Lu Xiaofeng found Master Shengtong and Ye Gucheng successively.

However, when Lu Xiaofeng found Ye Gucheng, he found that Ye Gucheng was really injured by the arsenosuds of Tangmen in Shuzhong.

Moreover, the toxicity is extremely strong, and Ye Gucheng can't detoxify himself, and he has worries about his life.

What is this situation?

Not long ago, Ye Gucheng was still upstairs in Chunhua, and he injured Tang Tianrong with a trick of flying from the sky, and there was no sign of poisoning at all.

Ye Gucheng, who was poisoned, obviously couldn't use Feifei Xian so perfectly.

But now, Ye Gucheng was really poisoned, and it was very serious.

All book fans, more and more confused about the situation.

And Lu XiaoFeng had a hunch that there must be a big conspiracy behind the "Forbidden War".

The story continues after that.

Lu Xiaofeng turned to ask the Clay Figure Zhang in the capital. Just when Lu Xiaofeng passed the Clay Figure Zhang and found out that the matter was related to the Nanping Palace, Lu Xiaofeng was also plotted against Li Yanbei's wife Thirteenth Concubine. Fortunately, Ximen Chuixue appeared in time, not only After saving Lu Xiaofeng, even Ouyang Qing also detoxified.


The situation is becoming more and more complicated. The previous speculations of book fans are not wrong. Regarding the peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, there is indeed a case involved.

Also, it is a very complicated case.

The peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng was really not that simple.


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