Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1736 Unacceptable

Book fans gradually discovered that the peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng was really not that simple.

Behind this peak matchup, there must be a big conspiracy hidden.

So, what kind of big conspiracy is it? Who is the messenger behind it?

Lu Xiaofeng already felt that the main messenger behind him was more cunning and savage than Huo Xiu, more gloomy and vicious than Jin Jiuling, and his martial arts might be higher than anyone he had ever seen.

Such a character is Lu Xiaofeng's opponent this time.

Fans were both excited and a little nervous about this. Although they knew it was just a novel, they were still a little nervous.

The highlights of this peak matchup are much more than they thought before.

Now, the outside world thinks that Ye Gucheng was not injured, but in fact, Ye Gucheng was seriously injured.

So, in the looming peak battle, did Ximen Chuixue win?

The answer does not seem to be so certain.

Because at this time Ximen Chuixue is no longer the previous Ximen Chuixue, and he already has concerns in his heart.

Ximen Chuixue got married, his new wife was pregnant, and he was no longer the peerless swordsman who was unconcerned and arrogant in his heart.

When a peerless swordsman has concerns in his heart, the sword in his hand will no longer be as sharp as before.

The reason why Ximen Chuixue insisted on postponing the date of the duel for a month was to find a place where no one could find him, to settle his wife well, and to let his wife live a safe and happy life after his death.

Because he did not have the confidence to defeat Ye Gucheng. If he lost the battle, he would die.

And he has too many enemies. If he dies, his wife will suffer. So, he had to settle down with his wife first.

For him, this decisive battle is either victory or death. If he cannot defeat Ye Gucheng, he would rather die under the sword of Ye Gucheng than accept defeat.

This is the arrogance in the heart of a peerless swordsman, Ximen Chuixue is the same, Ye Gucheng must be the same.

That is to say, in this peak duel between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, no matter who loses, the result will only be death.

It is not that one party wants to kill the other, but the defeated party would rather die under the sword of the other party than live with the defeat.

After this peak duel, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng are bound to have only one person left.


When the book fans saw this, they couldn't help but be shocked. One person must die between two people?

This is a question that book fans have never thought about. They only thought that this peak matchup was only about winning and losing. They never thought that this would turn out to be a battle of life and death.

This made it a little difficult for book fans to accept for a while. They neither wanted Ximen Chuixue nor Ye Gucheng to die.

Both of them are the top peerless swordsmen. No matter who dies, it will make people feel pity and regret, and it is also unacceptable.

"Why do you have to die alone? Can't you just divide the outcome?" fans thought about this question in their hearts.

In fact, the answer has already been given in the text. It is Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng who are not willing to just divide the outcome. They would rather die under the sword of each other than be a loser.

At first, book fans didn't quite understand this, and then slowly it seemed to understand.

Being able to die under the sword of a peerless swordsman may indeed be the best destination for a peerless swordsman's life.

So, who are the fans more supportive of to win?

This question was not difficult to choose before. Some people supported Ximen Chuixue's victory, while others supported Ye Gucheng's victory, because at that time everyone thought that it was only necessary to decide the winner.

Now, the situation is different, everyone knows that the person who fails will die, and it is difficult to choose.

Logically speaking, everyone has a deeper affection for Ximen Chuixue, because Ximen Chuixue is a character who appeared at the beginning of the chapter.

And one of Lu Xiaofeng's best friends.

Then, everyone should support Ximen Chuixue to win.

However, everyone doesn't want Ye Gucheng to die because of this. With a sword coming from the west, the sky is flying immortal. If such a beautiful swordsmanship disappears from the rivers and lakes, wouldn't it be a pity.

So, fans of books have no choice.

Fans even have some hope that this peak matchup will not be held as scheduled, so it is better to cancel it.

They would rather not watch this long-awaited peak matchup, nor do they want one of Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng to die.

But unfortunately, this peak matchup is already imperative, and no one can stop it.

Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng themselves would not let this battle stop. They would rather die than let this battle stop.

Therefore, this battle is impossible to avoid in any case.

Book fans don't know what to choose? There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Someone said: "Actually, you don't have to worry about how to choose, because the answer is already there. It is a fact that Ye Gucheng was seriously injured, and the day after tomorrow is the date of the decisive battle. He cannot recover in such a short time. Therefore, The result of the battle between the two has already been obtained, and the winner is Ximen Chuixue. Alas! With a sword coming from the west, the immortals flying from the sky seem to be doomed to extinction in the rivers and lakes, which is really regrettable."

"It really feels like this. Originally, Ximen Chuixue was going to detoxify Ye Gucheng. He didn't want to take advantage of others' dangers. He wanted a fair fight with a healthy Ye Gucheng. But when he and Lu Xiaofeng went to find Ye Gucheng, they found that Ye Gucheng was no longer there. The original place. I feel that Ye Gucheng's injury is indeed irreversible. Ye Gucheng, who was seriously injured, how can he be Ximen Chuixue's opponent? "

"I think this may not be the case. Ye Gucheng left the original place, perhaps because he has found a way to detoxify. When the peak duel the day after tomorrow night, Ye Gucheng has completely recovered, and it is not necessarily true."

"If this is the case, the person who died is Ximen Chuixue. Ximen Chuixue's swordsmanship may have been inferior to Ye Gucheng's, but now that he has concerns in his heart, I am afraid that he is not Ye Gucheng's opponent. Ximen Chuixue died, and it is also extremely regrettable, he has just been newly married, which is also a bit cruel to his wife."

"Yes, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, no matter who dies, it feels unacceptable, but the two of them are destined to die, which is really unbearable."

"Gu Yongda's plot design is really heart-wrenching!"

"The peak matchup at the Forbidden City, I'm looking forward to it now, but I can't bear to watch it, it's painful!"

"It's really painful, but we have to accept the fact that no matter who dies in the end, we have to accept it."

"Alas! I really hope that something unexpected happens in the end, and the two of them don't have to die."

"I hope so too. Isn't there a big conspiracy behind this peak match? After Lu Xiaofeng finds out the conspiracy, the two of them may not have to die."

"If that's the case, then it's really good. In other words, what kind of big conspiracy will it be?"

"I don't know about this, anyway, keep looking back, Lu XiaoFeng will find out the truth bit by bit."

"Well, that's true."



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