Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1743 The crested ibis in the 3 holy villages are so big

Sansheng Village.

Wang Jin and Liu Xu arrived at the entrance of the village and watched the inbound and outflow of the village. There was an endless stream of tourists, including many foreigners with different skin colors and faces. The two of them had to sigh with emotion. More than they imagined.

After standing at the entrance of the village for a while, the two slowly walked into the village.

Looking at the small farm office building on the left side of the village entrance, Liu Xu said, "Let's go to the office building to find Li Fan and find the receptionist at the front desk."

Wang Jin nodded and said, "Since we've already arrived in the village, we shouldn't be in a hurry to find Li Fan. Let's go around the village first, and then go to Li Fan. What do you think?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I happen to think so too."

Wang Jin smiled, and the two followed the crowd entering the village and slowly walked towards the village.

Wang Jin said as he walked: "I heard that if there is enough opportunity, I can see the guardian beast appearing in the village. I don't know if it is true?"

Liu Xu said: "The rumors do say so, but the rumors about the guardian beasts seem to be too exaggerated, but it is not entirely believed."

Wang Jin said: "Since it is a rumor, it is normal to exaggerate a little."

"No, the rumor is not exaggerated at all, not only is it not exaggerated, it is not even enough." A voice came into the ears of the two of them.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice. They saw a young man in his 30s standing next to them, looking at them. It was obviously what he said just now.

The young man saw the two of them looking at him, smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm very sorry for disturbing the two of you. I just went to the two and said that the rumors about the guardian beasts were exaggerated, so I couldn't hold back, it was true. very sorry."

Wang Jin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you just said that the rumor is not exaggerated at all, and it is not even enough. Have you ever seen the guardian beast?"

The young man's eyes suddenly lit up, flashing with excitement, and he said proudly: "Of course, the guardian beast I saw is a sculptural divine beast Xiaotian, its body is very huge, with a wingspan of twenty meters. At that time, it appeared in the sky, and it was still far from the ground, but it still made us on the ground feel a very strong sense of oppression, a sense of oppression that we dared not even move. I can't describe the shock. You can only experience it yourself.”

"This..." Wang Jin and Liu Xu looked at each other, wondering if they should believe what the young man said?

The young man understood their expressions, smiled, and added: "I know you don't fully believe it, it's normal, it's really hard to believe without someone who has seen it with your own eyes. The same is true for myself, I'm seeing Before Xiaotian, I once thought that the rumors were too exaggerated. Until the moment I saw Xiaotian, I realized that the rumors were far from enough. Because the shock cannot be described in words, and rumors cannot accurately describe the shock You may still have some doubts now. When you are lucky enough to see the guardian beast, you will no longer doubt my words. I wish you good luck."

After saying this, the young man waved his hand and left.

After the young man left, Wang Jin said, "Lao Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Xu said: "I don't know, it still feels a bit exaggerated, but the young man just now obviously didn't need it, he deliberately exaggerated it to us. Maybe it is as the young man said, we will only know after seeing the guardian beast with our own eyes. Are the rumors exaggerating?"

Wang Jin said: "Then do you think we can meet today?"

Liu Xu said: "In theory, it is indeed possible, but it is only theoretical."

Wang Jin smiled bitterly: "That's almost impossible. Let's go, Xianyuan Farm has many rare birds and animals in addition to the guardian beasts. The probability of seeing those birds and animals, I heard that it is Bigger, but we were lucky enough today."

Liu Xu said: "Then let's go, I heard that those rare birds and animals are the most favorite places to appear,

It's near the brook, let's go there and see, how? "

Wang Jin said: "Good idea, let's go to the stream."

The two found a farm staff and asked about the way to Xishuigou.

When people came to the vicinity of Xishuigou, they found that there were a lot of tourists gathered here. It seems that the vicinity of Xishuigou is one of the most favorite places for tourists to gather.

"It is indeed a good place. Those people in the ditch are touching crabs, right?" Wang Jin said.

Liu Xu nodded and said: "I'm really touching crabs, and tourists can take away the crabs they touch. Those crabs are not the ingredients of Xianyuan Farm. However, even if they are not the ingredients of Xianyuan Farm, they are far better than the market. The crabs on it are much better. So, some people come here specially to touch the crabs and eat them.”

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Old Liu, it seems that you know a lot about Sansheng Village."

Liu Xu said: "Every day on the Internet, netizens are discussing things about Sansheng Village. Just pay attention and you'll know."

Wang Jin nodded and said again: "The mountain not far away should be Baiyun Mountain. There is a lake on the top of the mountain called Baiyun Lake. There is also an ancient pagoda with no name, from Li Fan's "Legend of the White Snake". The origin of the idea seems to be related to that ancient pagoda."

Liu Xu said: "It is true, because there is a legend about that ancient pagoda, which is the origin of the story of "The Legend of the White Snake"."

Wang Jin said: "Since we are here, shouldn't we also go to the top of Baiyun Mountain to see it?"

Liu Xu said: "I have this idea too, how about we climb the mountain early tomorrow morning?"

Wang Jin said: "No problem, I don't know if I can see those rare birds and animals today?"

Liu Xu said: "I hope our luck is good enough."

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, he heard cheers from the surrounding people, "Wow! Look at what kind of birds are those? They are so big and beautiful!"

The two hurriedly looked up into the sky ahead, and sure enough, they saw several large birds flying in the direction they were in.

Those birds are very large, with a body length of about 1.5 meters and a wingspan of more than 3 meters. The color is very beautiful, and the flying posture is also very beautiful.

Looking at the birds flying closer, Wang Jin gasped in disbelief and said, "Is that a crested ibis? Yes, it should be a crested ibis. But, why are these crested ibis so big? The crested ibis don't seem to have any. Is it that big?"

Liu Xu said: "You can't be wrong, it is indeed a crested ibis. As for why it is so big? It can only be said that because this is Sansheng Village, the crested ibis in Sansheng Village are so big, and only the crested ibis here in the world can grow so big. "

Wang Jin still felt incredible, and was a little excited, and sighed: "It's unbelievable, the crested ibis can grow so big."

Liu Xu also felt incredible and said, "It's unbelievable, but it's true. Pharaoh, it looks like we were lucky today, and we saw crested ibis as soon as we arrived."

Wang Jin said: "It's really good luck, I hope we can see more rare birds and animals."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I hope so."


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