Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1744 2 beautiful tourists

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1744: Two Beautiful Tourists Author: In the Countryside]

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A few Zhus flew towards the tourists. Some people recognized it as Zhu and cheered, and Zhu seemed to be familiar with the cheers of the tourists. He was not frightened at all and landed in a water bush. After playing for a while, he slowly flew away.

After Zhu Fei left, many tourists were still lamenting the size and beauty of Zhu Fei.

Wang Jin and Liu Xu couldn't help but sighed again and again when they saw such a cherished bird, Zhu, living in harmony with the tourists.

Their luck today is obviously very good. As soon as they arrived near the stream, they saw the beautiful Zhu.

Although the probability of Zhu's appearance is not low, many people came to Sansheng Village to see Zhu, but they failed to do so for several days.

Of course, if you can see the legendary guardian beast, then luck is really good, both of them think so.

It's just that the two also know that even if the guardian beast is not as exaggerated as the legend, it is extremely difficult to see it, and it really needs a chance.

Therefore, the two do not hold out hope.

At this time, the people around were still talking about Zhu.

"Zhu is so beautiful, I wonder if the most beautiful bird here is Zhu?"

"No. Zhu is one of the rarest birds here, but the most beautiful bird is the bird of paradise."

"Bird of paradise? I did see it on the Internet, saying that the bird of paradise in Sansheng Village is not only the most beautiful bird in Sansheng Village, but may even be the most beautiful bird in the world. It's just a pity that I'm here. Been here many times and have never seen a bird of paradise."

"The probability of the bird of paradise appearing is still relatively high. You should be able to see it if you come several times. Moreover, according to my observation, the more beautiful tourists here, the higher the probability of the bird of paradise appearing."

"Your statement is completely unreliable, but when it comes to beautiful tourists, when I just came from there, I saw two beautiful tourists there, although they were all wearing a pair of big sunglasses and long hats. The edge is also very low, and I can't see the face clearly. But I can be sure that the two beautiful tourists must be extremely beautiful."

"Two extremely beautiful beauties? Are they both very tall? And they are very good?"

"Yeah, did you see it just now? It's really very beautiful, isn't it?"

"No, I didn't see it. But, I know who they are? They're not tourists here."

"You know? Who are they?"

"I'll ask you again, is there another young man walking with them?"

"Yes, there is a young man with them, and I don't know what their relationship is? It is really enviable and jealous to be able to walk with two such beauties."

"If that's the case, then you can't go wrong. One of the two beauties is called Su Qing. You may not have heard of this name, but you must have heard the name of the other beautiful woman, Qin Yulin."

"What? Qin... Qin Yulin? Qin Yulin playing the White Lady?"

"Of course, besides her, who else can Qin Yulin be so beautiful?"

"No wonder I always feel that they are extremely beautiful. It turns out that one of them is Qin Yulin. Who is that Su Qing? I feel that her appearance will never be inferior to Qin Yulin. I originally thought that she would be able to compete with Qin Yulin in terms of appearance. , there is only Tang Ying alone, and now it seems that we have to add another Su Qing."

"You haven't guessed the identity of Su Qing and that young man?"

"No, should we guess?"

"Okay, let me remind you again, there are rumors that Qin Yulin is Mr. Li Fan's sister-in-law.

In fact, this is not a rumor, but a fact. "

"Is the rumor true? However, even if it is true, it has something to do with Su Qing and the identity of that young man... Wait! I think about it, I seem to have figured it out. I'm rubbing it! Is that young man Mr. Li Fan? "

"if not?"

"So, I just passed by Mr. Li Fan? Wow! I have to show it off on the Internet."


When Wang Jin and Liu Xu heard this, their eyes were bright, and Wang Jin quickly asked, "My friend, may I ask, where did you meet Mr. Li Fan just now? How long ago? "

The person being questioned was a young man in his twenties. Hearing that, he looked at Wang Jin and said, "What? You guys also want to go meet Mr. Li Fan by chance? chance encounter."

Wang Jin coughed lightly and said, "I also ask my friends to tell me, we are very grateful."

The young man nodded, pointed in one direction, and said, "I came from there just now. When I met Mr. Li Fan, it was about 10 minutes ago. There were a lot of wild flowers and butterflies, and there were a lot of tourists. You guys Let's go and have a look, just don't know if Mr. Li Fan is still there?"

Wang Jin said: "Thank you for this friend, let's go there."

The young man said again: "You're welcome, you go, I hope you have good luck."

After Wang Jin thanked him again, he left with Liu Xu.

If you can "ran into" Li Fan in the village, the effect will be much better than going to the farm office building to find the front desk.

Therefore, when they heard the news that Li Fan was nearby, they were very happy.

They hadn't seen Li Fan before, but they didn't ask the young man just now about Li Fan's clothes, etc. Because Su Qing and Qin Yulin beside Li Fan were so conspicuous, they believed that they could easily stand in the crowd. Find Li Fan.

Following the direction pointed by the young man just now, after walking for a few minutes, the two of them came to a place with a lot of wild flowers and butterflies.

There are also many tourists here, and many children are still chasing and playing in the flowers.

The two of them stared wide-eyed and carefully searched among the crowd.

Suddenly, Wang Jin's eyes lit up, he pointed in one direction, and said, "There."

Liu Xu looked in the direction of Wang Jin's finger and saw the backs of two tall and excellent women.

Although it was only the back, the two of them could be sure that it was Su Qing and Qin Yulin, and it was impossible for other women to have such a back.

However, there was no young man beside them.

Could it be that Li Fan has already left first? They don't suspect they've got the wrong person.

At this moment, a young man walked out of the flower bush, holding a small cluster of flowers in each hand. The flowers are wild flowers among the flowers. They are not noble, but they are very beautiful.

Seeing this, the two women hurried up to meet them. One of them took a bunch of flowers. Although they couldn't see the expressions on their faces, they must be very happy.

Needless to say, that young man should be Li Fan.

Wang Jin and Liu Xu looked at each other with overjoyed expressions on their faces. After a little hesitation, they walked towards Li Fan.

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