Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1750 Gao Qiu

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1750, Gao Qiu Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The official road has no borders, the inverse scales, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of Xue Ying, the legend of the eternal dragon king , have different views and attitudes towards "Water Margin".

Regardless of the different views and attitudes of outsiders, three days later, "Water Margin" officially began serialization.

The serialization method is still serialized on Weibo, and the outside world is already very familiar with this serialization method.

At 10:00 in the morning, everyone who paid attention to "Water Margin" and was able to spare time logged into Li Fan's personal Weibo on time.

Although book fans are not very interested in works with the theme of "uprising", since the author is Li Fan, they have no reason not to read it.

The story of "Water Margin" officially kicked off.

The background of the story is the Song Dynasty, the three years of Jiayou in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The capital Kaifeng was plagued with plagues and the people were struggling to survive. The prime ministers of the dynasty, Zhao Zhe, and Wen Yanbo, who participated in the political affairs, submitted a letter to the emperor, hoping that Emperor Renzong would "give leniency to his crimes, save punishments and taxes, and relieve the people through natural disasters."

Therefore, Emperor Renzong specially dispatched Hong Xin, the prefect of the palace, to Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou, Jiangxi, and invited the celestial master Zhang Zhenren to come to the court to pray for the plague.

When Taiwei Hong went to Guixi County in Xinzhou, when he was visiting the Temple of Demon Conquering in the Shangqing Palace, he did not listen to the persuasion and opened the door of the Temple of Conquering Demons. Under the slate, is a crypt with a depth of 10,000 zhang, very deep, very deep, and the crypt with a depth of 10,000 zhang, I saw a loud slap and thorn, and when the sound passed, I saw a black gas, rolling up from the cave. , knocked down half of the corner of the temple. The black energy rushed straight for half a day, and there were 100 golden lights scattered in the air, looking in all directions."

It is said that this is the origin of "36 Tiangang stars, 72 earth evil stars, a total of 100 singles and eight demon kings".

This is the beginning of "Water Margin", the story at the beginning is rambling, and there are demons and real people.

This has left a lot of book fans a little puzzled.

Could it be that the story of "Water Margin" has something to do with fairies and monsters? This shouldn't be possible.

Not to mention what Li Fan said before, he will not create works of gods and demons for the time being. Just on the theme of "uprising", it is impossible for it to have a relationship with gods and demons.

But what about the opening chapter of "Water Margin"? All book lovers are puzzled.

Those screenwriters who were disdainful all laughed when they saw such an opening. They guessed correctly. Li Fan is not able to write well on all themes.

At least now, Li Fan is not good at creating works with the theme of "uprising", and even ghosts, ghosts and gods come out.

"Wouldn't he be planning to turn the theme of "uprising" into a work of gods and demons?" The screenwriters thought so in their hearts.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, the more you think about it, the more you feel gloated.

If this is the case, Li Fan will lose face this time, and Wang Jin will also understand that his choice to cooperate with Li Fan is a wrong decision.

At that time, Wang Jin can only make choices in their scripts.

The screenwriters who are disdainful in their hearts, the more they think about it, the more excited they become.

What excites them even more is that it doesn't matter if there are demons, ghosts, ghosts and gods in this opening chapter. The key is that it is not very attractive, far less than the opening chapters of "Fengshen Romance" and "Journey to the West" before.

Could it be that Li Fan's creative level has finally declined?

The screenwriters who are disdainful in their hearts are not only excited, but also excited.

Of course, there are also expectations for how the outside world will evaluate "Water Margin".


Shen Cong and Cen Geng, who logged in on Li Fan's Weibo on time and watched the update of "Water Margin", also frowned slightly, and they didn't expect it at all.

The opening chapter of "Water Margin" will be so eloquent.

If they didn't know in advance, this time the theme was about "uprising", they really thought "Water Margin" was another work of gods and demons.

Shen Congdao: "Old Cen, what do you mean by opening the story like this?"

Cen Geng said: "I can't see it now. After reading the whole work, I may be able to see the intention of his opening.\

,"Shen Cong nodded and said, "Then, let's continue watching."


Regarding the opening chapter of "Water Margin", some people are puzzled, some people gloat at misfortune, and some people are thoughtful.

And the serialization continues.

Next, the time went back to the period of Song Zhezong.

In Kaifeng Mansion, Bianliang Xuanwu Army had a son who settled down in the floating waves.

Since he was a child, he couldn't make a family business, so he had to stab the gun and use the stick. He is best at Cuju, which is also called kicking the balloon.

Therefore, the population of the capital is good, and it is not called the second year of high school, but they all call him golf.

Later, when Gaoqiu became prosperous, he moved the word "ball" to the side of "wang", added it as "Liren", and changed his name to Gao Qiu.

Gao Qiu played and danced, stabbed spears and used sticks, played sumo wrestling, and learned poetry, calligraphy, poetry, and poetry.


As the story turns, it has nothing to do with the ghosts, ghosts, and immortals who were talking about it before. It mainly talks about the fortune history of a man named Gao Qiu.

In this world, during the period of Song Zhezong and Song Huizong, there was no one named Gao Qiu.

For book fans, Gao Qiu is a completely fictional character.

In previous lives, Gao Qiu was a real person in history, but Gao Qiu in real history is very different from Gao Qiu in "Water Margin" or Gao Qiu in other literary works.

In the official history, there are very few records about Gao Qiu. In "Song History", there is not even any record about Gao Qiu, but in "Huizong Benji", there is a record about Gao Qiu, "Gao Qiu, in politics and seven In the first month of the year, he was appointed Taiwei.".

There is neither praise for Gao Qiu in the official history, nor does it indicate that this person is a traitor or a person who has done many evils. Gao Qiu is not a very famous person in real history.

However, with the continuous processing of literary works such as "Water Margin" and the continuous processing of ordinary people, Gao Qiu has gradually become a figure whose influence can be compared with famous officials such as Tong Guan, Yang Jian, Cai Jing, Liang Shicheng and so on.

In this way, Gao Qiu became a famous traitor in history, but in fact, Gao Qiu in real history is not a traitor. Perhaps there is no evidence that Gao Qiu is a traitor.

In the official history, the "six thieves of the Northern Song Dynasty" during the Song Huizong period were Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Tong Guan, Liang Shicheng, Zhu and Li Bangyan, and there was no Gao Qiu.

Even because the people of the time have commented on Gao Qiu as "no pollution in the big festival", Gao Qiu can barely be regarded as a good person.


Now, for the book fans of this world, what they see is Gao Qiu in "Water Margin".

The article introduces Gao Qiu's fortune history with a lot of space.

He was favored by King Duan because of his ability to kick the balloon and became King Duan's personal attendant.

Later, Emperor Zhezong died and King Duan ascended the throne, which is the famous Song Huizong in history.

King Duan became the emperor and became Emperor Huizong of Song, so Gao Qiu should have made a fortune, and was appointed by Emperor Huizong of Song Huizong as the prefect of the palace.

The former high school sophomore was transformed into the magnificent Gao Taiwei.

And the story of "Water Margin" is only now the real beginning.

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