Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1751 Is the protagonist? Not the protagonist?

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1751 is the protagonist? Not the protagonist? Author: in the countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the reborn layman, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of Xue Ying, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient god king, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the story of "Water Margin", and after Gao Qiu made his fortune, That's the real beginning.

But the book fans in this world don't know that, after seeing a lot of descriptions of Gao Qiu's fortune history in the text, they once thought that Gao Qiu would be the protagonist.

But I always felt that it was impossible. People who made a fortune with good Cuju didn't look like a positive person no matter what.

Then, in the opening part of the work, there is a lot of descriptions about how a non-positive character made his fortune. What is the purpose?

Fans of the book are still confused, some don't understand, if it weren't for the fact that the author is Li Fan, they would definitely have a lot of doubts.

However, according to the current content of the second episode, fans of the book have confirmed another thing, that is, "Water Margin" should not be a work of gods and demons.

But, the problem comes again.

Since "Water Margin" is not a work of gods and demons, then why did those monsters, ghosts, ghosts and immortals appear in the first episode?

What is Li Fan's intention?

Fans really can't figure it out, and can only choose not to think about it for the time being.

Then, continue to look below.

The villain Gao Qiu has already made a fortune, so the protagonist should appear next, right?

Fans think so, and the next character does have the potential to be the protagonist.

The head coach of the 800,000 Imperial Army, Wang Jin.

Gao Qiu became Taiwei and chose a good day and auspicious day to take office in the palace of the palace commander.

All the officials, yamen generals, capital army, supervisor army, Mabu people, etc., all came to pay homage, but Wang Jin, the chief instructor of the forbidden army, was missing 800,000.

Someone told Gao Qiu that Wang Jin didn't come because he was sick and was on sick leave.

When Gao Qiu heard this, he was furious and sent someone to fetch Wang Jin.

Wang Jin had no wife or son, and only had a 60-year-old mother. Hearing the summons from the newly appointed Taiwei, he had no choice but to go to worship with illness.

However, when Wang Jin saw that the newly appointed Taiwei was Gao Qiu, he couldn't help sighing that his life was in danger.

It turned out that when Gao Qiu was a sophomore in high school, he was beaten once by Wang Jin's father for some reason, and he couldn't get out of bed for three or four months.

Now that Gao Qiu has made a fortune, how can he let go of his hatred of the day?

Fortunately, today is Gao Qiu's first day in office. For a good omen, Wang Jin has not been embarrassed for the time being.

Wang Jin returned home and told his mother about the situation, who suggested that they should escape overnight.

Wang Jin listened to his mother's advice and fled overnight with his mother.

When they saw this, fans thought that the real protagonist had appeared, and what happened to Wang Jin did have the potential to become the protagonist.

But soon, they discovered that a character who appeared next seemed more like the protagonist than Wang Jin.

Nine-patterned dragon Shi Jin!

Wang Jin fled with his mother overnight, and has been gone for more than a month.

One day I went to Shijia Village. Because I missed the dome, I went to a large manor to spend the night.

The owner of the manor, Shi Taigong, warmly received Wang Jin's mother and son.

After staying for five days, Wang Jin packed his luggage and was about to leave, when he saw a young man with nine blue dragons in the manor practicing martial arts and using a stick.

Wang Jin's evaluation of him is that the stick is good, but there are flaws, and it can't win the real master.

Wang Jin asked Shi Taigong, who was the young man who made the dick?

Shi Taigong told Wang Jin that it was his son, Shi Jin.

Because of the fact that there are nine green dragons stabbed in the shoulder, chest, and chest, the villagers call him the nine-patterned dragon Shi Jin.

Wang Jin said that since he was the son of Shi Taigong, he was willing to give Shi Jin some pointers to express their gratitude to the mother and son.

Shi Taigong was overjoyed and asked Shi Jin to worship Wang Jin as his teacher.

But after Wang Jin showed his skills, Shi Jin was convinced, and excitedly worshipped Wang Jin as his teacher.

In this way, Wang Jin's mother and son lived in the village, and after teaching Shi Jin martial arts for half a year, Wang Jin's mother and son left.

When they saw this, a group of book fans found that Shi Jin, the nine-patterned dragon, did seem to be more of a protagonist than Wang Jin.

Could it be that Shi Jin is the real protagonist?

And the following story seems to prove this.

What follows is a story about Shi Jin. He and the three leaders of a group of robbers on the mountain gradually developed from mutual hatred to mutual appreciation, and finally became good friends.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shi Jin invited three robber chiefs to the village to enjoy the moon and drink.

The three leaders happily attended the appointment.

However, their whereabouts were controlled by the government, and the government sent troops to surround Shi Jin's manor, trying to capture the three robber leaders.

Naturally, Shi Jin would not watch the three leaders being taken, and together with the three leaders rushed out of the siege of the government, and set fire to his manor.

Shi Jin also offended the government and lost his manor, so he decided to go to Kansai to find his master Wang Jin.

By the time the story gets here, it has shown a more and more exciting trend, and all the book fans are getting more and more excited.

The two questions that they hadn't figured out before were completely ignored at this time. Now they just want to continue reading the story behind.

It seems that Shi Jin should be the protagonist. I wonder what kind of stories will happen after he goes to Kansai?

And those screenwriters who were gloating at the misfortune and waiting to see Li Fan's jokes also became solemn at this time.

They also discovered that the story of "Water Margin" is becoming more and more exciting.

For them, this is not a good sign, they can only pray in their hearts now that this increasingly exciting trend is just a flash in the pan.

But other book fans don't know what they are thinking at this time.

At this time, the attention of book fans was all focused on the next character to appear.

The Kansai Jingluofu is under the jurisdiction, and the Rudalut is under the jurisdiction!

After Shi Jin arrived in Kansai, he met a man who looked like an officer in a tea room, that is, Luda, who looked like a military officer.

Luda was born with a round face and big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, and a beard on the side of his cheeks. He was eight feet long, and his waist was ten circumferences. He was definitely a strong man.

After the two exchanged names, they both found that they had heard each other's names, which made them both very happy.

After that, the two went to another restaurant for drinks and dinner.

During the meal, I heard the sound of crying. It turned out to be a father and daughter who were singing in the restaurant, and it was the woman who was crying.

Ruda called the father and daughter over and asked them why they were crying?

The woman said that his father's surname was Jin, ranking second, and her name was Cuilian, and their father and daughter came here.

There is a rich man here called "Zhenguanxi" Zheng Daguanren, Zheng Daguanren took a fancy to her and forcibly took her as a concubine.

However, she originally promised to give 3,000 guans of money, but she did not give it. Later, she was kicked out by the eldest lady of the Zheng family, but Zheng Daguan came to ask her for the 3,000 guans of money.

Zheng Daguanren didn't give the 3,000 guans of money at first, but now he is asking for the 3,000 guans of money, what is the reason?

Helpless, Zheng Daguan was very powerful. Their father and daughter had no choice but to come to the restaurant to sing and pay back the 3,000 yuan.

In the past two days, due to the scarcity of drinkers, they could not repay the money. They were afraid that Zheng Daguan would come to ask for trouble and have nowhere to complain, so they cried.

Zheng Daguan's name is Zheng Tu, a butcher.

After hearing this, Luda laughed and said, which Zheng Daguan did he think he was? It turned out to be Zheng Tu who killed pigs.

He decided to seek justice for the father and daughter.

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