Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1752 Lu Zhishen pulled the weeping willow

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1752, Lu Zhishen Upside Down Weeping Willows Author: In the Countryside]

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After Gao Qiu made his fortune, three characters appeared one after another, which impressed book fans, namely Wang Jin, Shi Jin, and Lu Da.

At first they thought Wang Jin was the protagonist, but after Shi Jin appeared, they found that Shi Jin seemed more like the protagonist.

Now, fans of the book have found that Rudarutiha has more ink.

Moreover, the characters are very distinct, even more brilliant than Wang Jin and Shi Jin.

After hearing the story of the woman named Cuilian, Luda decided to give a lesson to the "Zhenguanxi" Zheng Daguan, thinking that the father and daughter would seek justice.

Before going to Zheng Tu, Luda gave the father and daughter enough trouble and let them go back to their hometown.

After confirming that the father and daughter had left safely, Luda went to Zhuangyuan Bridge, went to Zheng Tu's butcher's shop, and asked Zheng Tu to chop ten catties of refined meat and ten catties of fatty meat, and then asked Zheng Tu to chop ten more pounds of cartilage.

Only then did Zheng Tu know that Luda did not come to buy meat, but to entertain him.

Luda admitted that he was here to entertain him, and by the way he had to beat him to seek justice for Cuilian and his daughter.

Three punches, Luda hit Zheng Tu three punches in total.

However, after the three punches, Zheng Tu died directly.

Looking at Zheng Tu, who was lying motionless on the ground, Luda's heart was broken, "I only hope to beat this guy, I don't want to kill him with three punches. The restaurant has to go to court, and no one will deliver food, so why not? Spread it early."

Luda knew what was wrong and was about to evacuate, but instead of leaving directly, he pointed to Zheng Tu, who fell on the ground, and said, "You cheat to death! The restaurant and you will take it easy!"

Then, while cursing, he strode away.

When they saw this, all the book fans couldn't help but smile slightly. Ruda seemed to be very rough, but in fact he was very careful.

This can be seen from many details, which also makes Ruda's character image more vivid.

But Ruda's story is far from over.

Luda returned to his residence. In order not to get involved in a lawsuit, he hurriedly packed up the clothes and tangled up and slipped away without taking up the post of Tiju.

After walking on the road for half a month, Luda arrived in Yanmen County, Daizhou. After entering the city, he learned that he had been wanted by the official.

In order to find a place to live, Lu Da went to Wenshu Monastery on Mount Wutai under the introduction of a member surnamed Zhao, and became a monk.

Luda wore a robe and cassock in Wenshu Monastery, and the elders gave him a name called "Zhishen".

From then on, Luda was also called Lu Zhishen.

If you become a monk, you will naturally abide by the rules and precepts of Buddhism, and fulfill the "Three Refuge" and "Five Precepts".

However, this is obviously a very difficult thing for Lu Zhishen.

Lu Zhishen, a monk, is destined not to be peaceful.

After staying in Wenshu Monastery for several months, unable to eat meat or drink wine, a bird has faded out of Lu Zhishen's mouth.

One day out of Wenshu Monastery to relax, Lu Zhishen met a wine vendor at Banshan Pavilion.

However, the wine vendor recognized Lu Zhishen as a monk in Wenshu Monastery and refused to sell him wine. Lu Zhishen kicked the wine seller and grabbed the wine directly.

He returned to Wenshu Monastery after being drunk and drunk. The monk guarding the gate followed the rules of the temple, and Lu Zhi, who was drunk, was not allowed to go deep into the temple.

Lu Zhishen took advantage of the wine to directly enter the mountain gate, all the way to the Tibetan Temple. The supervisory temple summoned twenty or thirty people, including firemen and handymen, to teach Lu Zhishen a lesson, but he was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

For the first time, Wenshu Monastery was disturbed by Lu Zhishen.

When they saw this, a group of book fans smiled slightly, and they knew that Lu Zhishen could not be a monk in Wenshu Monastery.

Lu Zhishen's drunkenness has broken the rules, and he has made a scene at Wenshu Monastery, which is even more broken. Fortunately, the elder Zhizhen only gave Lu Zhishen a little admonition to prevent him from committing the crime again, and did not punish Lu Zhishen much.

However, it is obviously impossible for Lu Zhishen not to commit any more crimes.

After another three or four months, Lu Zhishen went down the mountain again and went to the tavern at the foot of the mountain to buy wine and drink.

This time, he was drunk again, and on the way back to the mountain, Lu Zhi had a strong drunken attack, practiced his fists and kicks, and knocked down half of the half-mountain pavilion.

At the gate of the courtyard, the gatekeeper closed the mountain gate and prevented Lu Zhi from going deep into the temple. Lu Zhishen first broke the two clay statues of King Kong outside the door, and after he entered the mountain gate, he made a big noise in the meditation hall, causing a "disaster in the hall".

A group of ministerial monks asked Elder Zhizhen to come forward and failed, so they bypassed Elder Zhizhen and gathered more than 200 handymen and servants in the temple to teach Lu Zhishen a lesson.

However, Lu Zhishen "pointed to the east to fight the west, and guided the north to fight the north", and he fought all the way to the bottom of the law hall. Finally, it was Elder Zhizhen who came forward to stop him drinking.

Lu Zhishen was drunk twice and made a riot at Wenshu Monastery. Elder Zhizhen had no choice but to let Lu Zhishen leave and introduce Lu Zhishen to Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo, where he asked Lu Zhishen to find a ministerial monk.

In this way, Lu Zhishen left the Wutai Mountain Wenshu Monastery and went to the Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo.

This way, it is naturally impossible to go smoothly.

First I went to Taohua Village, and for some reason, there was a lot of trouble in Taohua Village, and then I went to Crock Pot Temple. This time, it was even more violent.

The book fans were very entertained and excited, and at the same time they couldn't help laughing bitterly, no matter where this fellow goes, there is bound to be a storm.

After making a lot of trouble in Taohua Village and burning the Crock Pot Temple, Lu Zhishen finally arrived at the Daxiangguo Temple in Tokyo. The abbot, Elder Zhiqing, arranged for Lu Zhishen to go to the vegetable garden near the Yuemiao outside Suanzaomen to be an abbot manager to manage the vegetable garden.

Outside the door of Suanzao, there is a group of sloppy skins, who often go to the vegetable garden to steal vegetables. They wanted to give Lu Zhishen a slap in the face, but Lu Zhishen took care of him instead.

After Lu Zhishen taught them a little lesson, he let them go.

The next day, the poppies pooled money to buy wine and meat, and apologized to Lu Zhishen, and Lu Zhishen drank happily with them.

Halfway through the meal, the old crow's cry of "wow" came from outside the door, stirring everyone's interest.

It turned out to be a new old crow's nest on the green poplar tree at the corner of the wall.

The crowd was upset when they heard it, so they said they would take a ladder up and demolish the old crow's nest.

Lu Zhishen was half drunk and came under the green poplar tree, saying that if he wanted to demolish the old crow's nest, he didn't necessarily need a ladder.

The old crow's nest is so high, how can I remove it without a ladder?

While everyone was wondering, they saw Lu Zhishen walking to the green poplar tree, took off the Zhizhu, lowered his right hand, and folded his body upside down, but pulled his left hand to the top, took advantage of his waist, and even directly took the green tree. Poplar trees uprooted.

Lu Zhishen pulled the weeping willow upside down, so frightened that all the perverts bowed down and kowtowed, respectfully calling him the "true Arhat".

Since then, the poppies have treated Lu Zhishen with wine and meat every day and watched him practice martial arts.

When a group of book fans saw this place, they couldn't help but shouted, "I wipe!"

It is too exaggerated to directly uproot a large green poplar tree.

Awesome, my Lu Zhishen!

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