Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1753 Leopard Head Lin Chong

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1753, Leopard Head Lin Chong Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Rebirth: The 2006 Master of the Holy Ruins, Lord Xue Ying, One Thought, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Xiangguo Temple was upside down and weeping willows. Many stories happened during this period.

These stories use a lot of brush and ink, and they are all very exciting, and Lu Zhishen's characters are becoming more and more prominent.

This makes many fans have to doubt that Lu Zhishen is the real protagonist.

At this time, fans have not realized that "Water Margin" is about one hero after another, and does not have a protagonist in the traditional sense.

It wasn't until another very brilliant character appeared that fans of the book had all their thoughts.

Who is the other person who appears? It was the leopard head Lin Chong.

After Lu Zhishen pulled the weeping willow upside down, he was so frightened that all the perverts bowed down and kowtowed, respectfully calling him the "true Arhat".

Since then, the poppies have treated Lu Zhishen with wine and meat every day and watched him practice martial arts.

One day, Lu Zhishen took out the iron rod and practiced weapons for everyone.

Just as he was making a living, he was seen by an official outside the wall, and the official applauded: "It's good!"

The officer's leopard head and eyes, Yan collar and tiger beard, eight feet long and short in height, thirty-four or five years old, is an officer, and is the 800,000 forbidden army gun and stick instructor Lin Chong.

Because he was born with a leopard's head and eyes, Yan's chin and tiger's beard, he is known as the leopard-headed Lin Chong.

Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong exchanged names, admired each other and talked very happily, so they became brothers.

Lu Zhishen asked Lin Chong why he came here today?

Lin Chong replied that he and his wife came to the Yue Temple next door to pay back the incense. His wife and maid Jin'er entered the temple to burn incense, and he waited outside the temple.

Lu Zhishen was delighted and invited Lin Chong to drink, but the maid Jin’er rushed to report that Lin Chong’s wife was stopped in the temple.

Lin Chong hurried into the Yue Temple, and saw a young son who was molesting his wife, and that young son was none other than the son of Taiwei Gao Qiu, Gao Yanei.

Gao Yanei is not Gao Qiu's biological son, but the son of one of his brothers, who was adopted to him.

Lin Chong saw that it was Gao Qiu's son who molested his wife, and Gao Yanei didn't know that it was his wife, so he let Gao Yanei go away.

However, since then, Gao Yanei has always been obsessed with Lin Chong's wife and always wanted to get her.

After that, Gao Yanei designed many times to get Lin Chong's wife, but he never got it.

There have also been conflicts between Lin Chong and Gao Yanei. Gao Qiu, for the safety of his son Gao Yanei, decided to go out and deal with Lin Chong in person.

He thought of a plan to successfully get rid of Lin Chong.

He secretly ordered someone to sell his treasured saber to Lin Chong in advance. After a few days, he asked his servants to take Lin Chong into the Taiwei Mansion on the pretext of looking at the saber, bullying Lin Chong for not knowing the way, and taking him into the White Tiger Hall.

Therefore, Lin Chong entered the White Tiger Hall by mistake.

The White Tiger Hall is an important place for military aircraft, and junior officers like Lin Chong are not qualified to enter, let alone bring a knife.

By the time Lin Chong woke up, it was already too late, Gao Qiu suddenly appeared, accusing Lin Chong of bringing a knife into the White Tiger Hall privately, intending to assassinate himself.

Lin Chong was speechless.

Gao Qiu originally wanted to kill Lin Chong, but under the negotiation of the governor of Kaifeng, Lin Chong was sentenced to bring a knife into the White Tiger Hall privately and stab Cangzhou.

In this way, Lin Chong was assigned to Cangzhou, and was escorted by two servants, Dong Chao and Xue Ba.

Gao Qiu bought Dong Chao and Xue Ba with money and let them find an opportunity to kill Lin Chong along the way.

Therefore, when passing by a hotel, Dong Chao and Xue Ba deliberately washed Lin's feet with boiling water and put on a new pair of straw sandals for him, which made Lin Chong's feet rubbed with large blisters, making it difficult for him to walk.

After entering the wild boar forest, Dong Chao and Xue Ba tied Lin Chong to a tree.

to kill it.

At this critical moment, Lu Zhishen suddenly appeared.

It turned out that Lu Zhishen was afraid that Lin Chong would encounter danger on the way of distribution, so he followed him secretly all the way. As expected in the wild boar forest, Dong Chao and Xue Ba wanted to kill Lin Chong, so they showed up to save him.

Lu Zhishen originally wanted to kill Dong Chao and Xue Ba, but was stopped by Lin Chong. Lin Chong said that he was willing to be sent to Cangzhou, as long as everyone was safe.

Lu Zhishen had no choice but to let Dong Chao and Xue Ba go and let them continue to accompany Lin Zhong to Cangzhou.

In order to prevent Lin Chong from being in danger again, Lu Zhishen sent each other all the way, and Dong Chao and Xue Ba did not dare to make bad ideas again.

It was not until after the 17th or 8th day that he was very close to Cangzhou that Lu Zhishen said goodbye and left.

Afterwards, Lin Chong passed by the "Little Whirlwind" Chai Jin's house. Chai Jin saw that he was a well-known, 800,000-strong forbidden army instructor Lin Chong, and he was overjoyed and gave him a generous hospitality.

Instructor Hong came later. This man was extremely arrogant and pressed against Lin Chong step by step, which caused Chai Jin's displeasure. In addition, Chai Jin wanted to see the skills of the two, so he arranged a competition between the two, and set up twenty A lottery of five taels of silver.

Lin Chong had no choice but to compete with Coach Hong. At the beginning, he deliberately gave in and did not use weapons to fight with him, but Coach Hong did not appreciate it.

In the end, Lin Chong had no choice but to defeat Coach Hong easily.

Teacher Hong left in shame amid the laughter of the crowd.

Lin Chong finally arrived in Cangzhou in the "stick to beat coach Hong".

When Lin Chong left Chai Jin's house, Chai Jin gave him a letter to the governor of Cangzhou. With Chai Jin's letter, Lin Chong was assigned to guard the Heavenly King's Hall, and after several setbacks, he was assigned to guard the hay field.

However, when Lin Chong was guarding the hay field, he was set on fire by the three men, Lu Yuhou, Chapiao, and Fu'an. These three were close followers of Gao Yanei.

Lin Chong will not die, will Gao Yanei never feel at ease, nor will he be reconciled.

The three set fire to plot against Lin Chong, intending to burn him to death, but in fact, Lin Chong collapsed his residence because of the heavy snow, and went to a dilapidated mountain temple to temporarily stay for a night.

Lin Chong also survived.

Not only that, but Lin Chong also happened to overhear the conversation between Yuhou, Chapiao, and Fu'an, and learned that the fire was actually set by the three of them who wanted to kill him. If it wasn't for the collapse of his residence, he would have really was burned to death by this fire.

In his anger, Lin Chong's anger finally erupted, he stabbed the three to death with a gun, and fled overnight in the snow.

On the way to escape, Lin Chong met the "little whirlwind" Chai Jin again and lived in Chai Jin's house for a few days.

At this time, because in Cangzhou prison city camp, the management battalion reported that Lin Chong killed the dispatcher, Lu Yuhou and Fu'an, and set fire to the army's forage yard. Lin Chong was wanted by other officials and was arresting him everywhere.

In order not to implicate Chai Jin, Lin Chong decided to leave Chai Mansion and find another place to live.

Chai Jin said that he had a place where he could recommend Lin Chong to go.

Lin Chong asked where was that place?

Chai Jin replied that the next water town in Jeju is called Liangshanbo, with a radius of more than 800 miles, and it is all waterways. Now there are three heroes who are camping there. Do touch Tian Du Qian, and the third position is called Yunli King Kong Song Wan.

Ask Lin Chong if he would like to go there?

Lin Chong was naturally willing, so he took Chai Jin's letter and headed straight for Liangshanbo.

"Liangshanbo?" Seeing this place name, a group of book fans pondered, and they vaguely felt that this should be a very important place.

At this time, book fans finally discovered a problem, that is, this work may have no protagonist at all, or there may be too many protagonists.

Wang Jin, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, these characters with very distinct images, appear one after another, which makes people dazzled and extremely enjoyable.

Moreover, looking at it like this, Lin Chong doesn't seem to be the last wonderful character to appear.

Could it be that after Lin Chong, new and exciting characters will continue to appear?

All the book fans are thinking, their eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

... 2k novel reading network

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