Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1754 There are no unpopular subjects

[Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1754, No Unpopular Subjects Author: In the Countryside]

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The answer seems to be yes, and there should be more than one character.

All the book fans were thoughtful, and the more they thought, the more excited they became, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"I finally found a problem, that is, there is no protagonist in this work, or in other words, Wang Jin, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong and others are all protagonists."

"Well, I think the same is true. Is Mr. Li Fan going to write a strange book with countless protagonists?"

"I don't know if it is Qishu, but I do understand that this work is related to the 'uprising'. Wang Jin, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong are all wanted by the government for various reasons, and they are not allowed to After that, I had to look around for a place to stay. I suddenly had a bold idea that these people would eventually gather in one place and start a big uprising."

"The analysis upstairs is very accurate, and this possibility is very high. Moreover, the last place Lin Chong went to, Liangshanbo, is likely to be the final gathering place."

"Liangshanbo is the final gathering place? No wonder I always have a feeling that Liangshanbo will be a very important place. It turned out to be the final gathering place."

"This... is just a guess at the moment, not the final fact. However, this possibility is indeed very high."

"If this work is really about, various characters, for various reasons, finally choose to stay in Liangshan and make a big uprising together when it is not possible. Then, it seems to be foreseeable. , After Lin Chong, new characters will continue to appear, and the number of people should be quite large, and then each character will have its own wonderful story. I rub it! This is too worth looking forward to. "

"I'm rubbing it! When I said this upstairs, I suddenly wanted to know, who is the next character to appear after Lin Chong? What kind of story is there? I really want to know!"

"Hey! It's not just the next character? There should be the next character, and then the next character, and then keep going... Haha! Do you look forward to it even more? already?"

"This Nima really can't stop. This design method of constantly emerging new characters, new characters and new stories is really attractive. Mr. Li Fan has created a new creative method. ."

"It is indeed quite exciting! This is mainly because it has already appeared. The stories of Wang Jin, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, and Lin Chong are too wonderful, and especially the stories of Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong are simply wonderful. It makes people yearn for the characters behind and the stories behind."

"Lu Zhishen's most impressive image is the upside-down weeping willow, which should be an exaggerated method, and the picture of Lu Zhishen upside down the weeping willow will undoubtedly become one of the classic pictures in the entire literary history."

"Yeah, the sense of picture is too strong, it can be called an absolute classic! I guess at this time, there must be many painting lovers who are using brushes to sketch this classic picture."

"Lu Zhishen can be said to make trouble wherever he goes. Obviously, he is a very rough character. But such a character is very careful, which can be seen from many details of his 'Funing Town Kansai'. It can be seen that this undoubtedly makes his character image more vivid."

"Lu Zhishen was wanted by the government because he killed the town of Guanxi, which is also considered a killing in the name. And the reason why Lin Chong was wanted by the government,

It makes people feel aggrieved and regretful, and the two fathers and sons of Gao Qiu and Gao Yanai can be described as embarrassed. "

"Gao Qiu made his fortune through Cuju. If such a person becomes an official, you still expect him to be a good official?"

"The traitor is in power, but he can still win the emperor's trust, so it's no wonder that there will be an uprising."


Countless book fans are talking about it on the Internet. They have seen some ways of "Water Margin", which makes them very excited. At the same time, they are also very looking forward to the characters and stories that will appear later!

While discussing, they suddenly discovered a problem, a problem that they had just ignored.

Before the "Water Margin" began to be serialized, almost all of them were saying that they were not interested in works with the theme of "uprising", thinking that it was not worth seeing at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the author is Li Fan, they would never choose to watch it, and even if they did, they didn't think they would like it much.

They believe that "Water Margin" will be a classic, but this does not mean how much they will like to watch it, which is not contradictory.

In fact, some classic works may not necessarily be watched by many people.

They thought so before, but now the fact is that they not only relish the content that has been serialized in "Water Margin", but also have infinite expectations for the stories that follow.

They forgot for a while that this was a work they didn't like, and the theme was "Uprising".

Why is there such a situation?

The reason is very simple, that is, "Water Margin" has completely attracted them, making them completely forget that this is a subject they don't like to watch.

Another statement may be more accurate, that is, there are no so-called unpopular subjects, and some subjects are unpopular only because there are no good works on that subject.

It's like the theme of "uprising". The reason why everyone thought this theme was not worth seeing before was just because there were no good works on this theme before, not because the theme itself is not good.

Now, book fans suddenly understand that no matter what kind of subject matter, as long as the author writes well enough, it will be very attractive.

Everyone always said before that, what kind of subject matter is not popular, it's just because no one has written good works with that kind of subject matter.

The book fans were very excited, even more excited than before. They once complained about CCTV very much, thinking that CCTV should not have cooperated with Li Fan, so they wasted an opportunity for Li Fan to publish a new work.

But now, instead of complaining about CCTV, they are very grateful and happy. If CCTV hadn't asked Li Fan to cooperate, they would not have the chance to see "Water Margin", a work that they couldn't stop watching.

Thinking about it now, CCTV's vision, or Wang Jin's vision, TV channel director, is far sharper than them. It seems that he has long known that Li Fan's works with the theme of "uprising" will definitely be very popular.

As a result, there have been many voices praising and thanking CCTV and Wang Jin on the Internet.

After Wang Jin saw those voices, he laughed with joy, and was very proud, "You guys, you are fortunate enough to see the work of "Water Margin", you should really thank me."

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