Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1756 108 people

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1756, A Full 108 People Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Ultimate Zombie King Selecting the Heavens: The Eternal Night King’s Reverse Scales, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, the Xue Ying Lord, and the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin were walking in the village, talking about "Water Margin" while walking.

There are so many wonderful characters in "Water Margin", which they did not expect in advance.

They were looking forward to this work even more than the outside world, because Li Fan told them that "Water Margin" would be as classic as "Journey to the West".

Although they said on the surface that Li Fan should be humble and low-key, in fact, they did not doubt what Li Fan said.

So, how to write "Water Margin" with the theme of "uprising" to be as classic as "Journey to the West"?

Zheng Jie and others are naturally looking forward to this!

Now, the answer is gradually clear, Zheng Jie and the others suddenly realized that "Water Margin" will be written like this.

In this way, "Water Margin" is very likely to become a classic like "Journey to the West".

A few people walked and discussed, and there was a question in their hearts that many people in the outside world had, that is, how many wonderful characters will appear in "Water Margin"?

Zheng Jie thinks it should be around 20, while Liang Sheng said there may be more, maybe 30.

Qin Lie said that they are all wonderful characters, but there will be masters and minors in the portrayal of characters, just like Wang Jin, Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong who have appeared, the brush and ink used in the portrayal of Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong. It is obviously more than Wang Jin and Shi Jin, and the characters are more vivid.

Therefore, Qin Lie believes that there will be around 10 main characters, and there should be more than 30 of all characters.

Su Yilin agrees with Qin Lie's statement, but he thinks that the main characters may be around 15, while all the characters are around 40.

Several people's answers were not uniform, but they were all guesses. At this moment, Li Fan and Qin Yulin came from a distance.

Several people's eyes lit up, Qin Lie called Li Fan and Qin Yulin over and asked, "You came just right, we were just talking about how many characters will appear in "Water Margin"? And our answers are not uniform, we want to hear listen to your answer."

Li Fan laughed and said, "There seems to be a lot of people guessing this question online. The answers are not uniform, and there is no correct answer. This is normal. It's weird that everyone can guess."

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be sloppy, kid, and hurry up and say the answer."

"Okay." Li Fan felt a little helpless and said, "Liangshan heroes are ranked, there are a total of thirty-six heavenly gang stars and seventy-two earth evil stars."

"This..." Hearing what Li Fan said, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were all stunned.

Thirty-six heavenly gangsters, seventy-two earth evil stars, obviously one star represents one person, and the combination of the heavenly gangster and the earth evil is one hundred and eight people.

Could it be that "Water Margin" will be written by 108 people? That's a bit too much, isn't it?

"Of course," after the four of them were stunned, they heard Li Fan continue: "It is impossible for everyone to shape them in detail, and there are probably only two or thirty characters who will focus on shaping them."

After the four of them listened, they slowly nodded their heads. Although there were more characters than they had guessed, they were able to accept it.

Of course, this acceptance is based on their previous conjectures.

If Li Fan had told them before the "Water Margin" began serialization, "Water Margin" would have written enough 108 characters, of which there were 20 or 30 characters, which would definitely make the four People were shocked on the spot, unbelievable.

And Li Fan's answer actually revealed a little bit, "Liangshan heroes row the seats", this sentence very obviously answered a kind of speculation from the outside world.

That is Shi Jin, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong and other characters who will really gather together in the end, and Liang Shanbo is where they will finally gather.

The four of them looked at each other, and then each nodded slightly. They could feel that after this work was finally written, it was indeed qualified to become a classic work like "Journey to the West".


The serialization of "Water Margin" continues.

Who is the next character to appear after Lin Chong? Countless people are very much looking forward to it.

And now, the answer is revealed, the next character is Yang Zhi.

Green-faced beast, Yang Zhi!

The person who drew out the character of Yang Zhi was Lin Chong.

After Lin Chong Fengxueshan Temple, he defected to Liangshan under the suggestion of Chai Jin, but was made difficult by Wang Lun, the owner of the village.

The so-called name vote is to go down the mountain to kill someone.

Lin Chong was helpless, so he had to go down the mountain to get his name. After finally waiting for one person, after a battle, there is no winner.

To be able to fight against Lin Chong, the opponent naturally cannot be an ordinary person.

The opponent is a green-faced beast, Yang Zhi. The descendants of the Yang family generals, who were born in Wuju, were envoys of the palace and commander, but they lost their official positions because of the loss of Hua Shigang.

At that time, Yang Zhi was going to Tokyo to seek reinstatement when he was being forgiven. When passing by Liangshanbo, he happened to meet Lin Chong, who went down the mountain to get his name, and the two fought like this.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, there was no winner or loser, Wang Lun appeared and let the two fight.

Wang Lun intended to recruit Yang Zhi, but was rejected by Yang Zhi. In the end, he had to let Yang Zhi leave, and Lin Chong also successfully moved into Liangshan.

The above is the story of Yang Zhi's appearance, and all the fans were very excited to see it.

Before, Wang Jin led Shi Jin, Shi Jin led Lu Zhishen, and Lu Zhishen led Lin Chong.

Now, Lin Chong leads Yang Zhi again.

One of these characters leads to the other, and the fans of the book have a dazzling feeling, which is very enjoyable.

And since Yang Zhi has already appeared, it will naturally bring new stories.

The first story is "Yang Zhi sells knives".

After Yang Zhi arrived in Tokyo, he met Taiwei Gao Qiu through the door and sought reinstatement, but was driven out by Gao Qiu for a reason.

He could not be reinstated, and he ran out of coils, so he could only get the ancestral swords sold in the Tianhanqiao market as coils.

However, because his treasured sword was too expensive, no one cared about it. Finally, a person who wanted to buy a sword came, but he was a sloppy, called Niu Er.

Niu Er is the god of plague on the street, everyone is afraid, which makes him have the illusion that he is very great.

He had no money, but he still wanted to buy Yang Zhi's treasured sword, and he continued to quarrel and stir up trouble.

Yang Zhi couldn't bear it any longer, and he killed Niu Er with one knife.

Afterwards, Yang Zhi surrendered to the Kaifeng government office and was put on death row. The people of Tianhan Bridge are grateful for Yang Zhi's efforts to eradicate the harm for the people, and they spend money to manage the situation for him.

In the end, Yang Zhi was exempted from the death penalty, and he was only charged with the crime of "fighting, killing and injuring people's lives by mistake".

After the story of "Yang Zhi sells knives", there is the next story, "Dongguo Douwu".

After Yang Zhi arrived at the Daming Mansion, he was appreciated by Liang Zhongshu, who stayed behind, and was kept in the mansion to listen to him.

Seeing that Yang Zhi was diligent in his work, Liang Zhongshu was determined to promote him as the second card in the army, but he was worried that some people would not accept it, so he arranged for Dongguomen to teach martial arts.

Yang Zhi was beaten by guns and arrows, and defeated Zhou Jin, the second-ranking army. Liang Zhongshu asked Yang Zhi to replace Zhou Jin as the deputy army, but he annoyed the main army, Suo Chao.

Suo Chao competed with Yang Zhi in the field, and the battle was over fifty.

Dujian Wenda was worried that both sides would be hurt, so he ordered the gong to sound, and reported to Liang Zhongshu together with Li Cheng, saying that both of them could be reused.

Liang Zhongshu promoted Suo Chao and Yang Zhi at the same time to the commander-in-chief of Guanjun. Dongguo Douwu had a great influence, and the people rejoiced when they saw it.

After that, Yang Zhi was even more valued by Liang Zhongshu, and he sympathized with Suo Chao.

The two stories of "Yang Zhi Selling Knives" and "Dongguo Fighting Wu" are very exciting, and the book fans are very enjoyable to read.

However, what they don't know is that these two stories are just preludes, and the next story is Gao Chao.

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