Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1757 More and more characters appear

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1757, More and more characters appear Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of the Holy Ruins of the Demon Realm, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King It is a prelude, and the next story is Gao Chao.

So, what's the next story? It is called "Wisdom of the Birthday".

In order to congratulate his father-in-law Cai Jing on his birthday, Liang Zhongshu scavenged 100,000 pieces of gold jewelry and shellfish, and ordered Yang Zhi to send it to Tokyo, known as the birth date.

In order to rob the thieves, Yang Zhi suggested to select ten sergeants, disguised as ordinary merchants, and hurry quietly to avoid publicity and attract attention.

He learned that Duguan Xie and the two princes of Yu would also go together, and he also proposed that everyone along the way should obey his command and dispatch.

Liang Zhongshu agreed one by one.

In this way, Yang Zhi led the sergeant and secretly escorted the birthday group on the road.

The red-haired ghost Liu Tang learned of the news and thought that the birth date was ill-gotten wealth, so he deliberately took it.

The birthday guide is the 100,000 jewels collected by Liang Zhongshu, and the birthday gift given to Cai Jing is indeed ill-gotten wealth.

It's just that Liu Tang knew that it was impossible for him to rob Cheng Gang by himself.

He has long heard the reputation of Chao Gai, the king of Tota, so he went to Dongxi Village in Yuncheng to join Chao Gai, and wanted to ask Chao Gai to rob him of the birth date together.

When Liu Tang defected to Chao Gai, Zhiduo star Wu Yong also appeared, and all three of them deliberately robbed the birth date.

But Wu Yong believes that just the three of them are not enough, and they need to find help.

The helper Wu Yong was looking for was the three Ruan brothers, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Ruan Xiaoqi, who lived in Shijie Village, Bobian, Liangshan, and made a living by fishing.

Wu Yong personally invited the three Ruan brothers to the door, and finally persuaded the three Ruan brothers.

Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Liu Tang, and Ruan's three brothers gathered at Chao Gai's house, and at this time another person came.

The visitor's surname is Gongsun, and the word "Single" is taboo. The purpose is the same as that of Liu Tang, and it is also to invite Chao Gai to steal the birth date together.

As a result, there was one more person who took the birthday of Gangren, Gongsun Sheng.

Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Liu Tang, Nguyen's three brothers, and Gongsun Sheng discussed the countermeasures to steal the birthday card. Zhiduo star Wu Yong thought of a strategy and decided to outsmart it.

Yang Zhi escorted Sheng Chengang and led the sergeants. On the way to Tokyo, Yang Zhi urged the sergeants to hurry when the weather was hot, so that all the sergeants felt resentful in their hearts.

He could not appease him. When the sergeant slacked off, he would scolded him at light level, and whipped him with a cane in the worst case, which intensified the conflict between him and the sergeant.

When passing through Huangnigang, the sergeants ignored Yang Zhi's dissuasion and insisted on resting in the pine forest.

Yang Zhi knew that Huang Nigang was not peaceful, so he beat and scolded the sergeants and wanted them to continue on their way, but this time the sergeants were determined to rest.

Yang Zhi had no choice but to let the sergeants rest.

At this time, seven jujube merchants came to rest on their posts.

These seven jujube merchants are naturally Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Liu Tang and other seven people.

Seeing that the other party was just a date dealer, Yang Zhi relaxed his vigilance.

At this time, another man came, carrying a pair of buckets, which was filled with liquor, and said that he was going to pick out the village to sell.

When the sergeants saw it, they pooled money to buy a barrel of wine to drink, but Yang Zhi hurriedly stopped him, he was worried that there was something like Menghan medicine in the wine.

The sergeants were so angry that they had to give up.

Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Liu Tang and other seven people pretended to be jujube traders, but at this time they bought a barrel of wine and drank it.

Not only that, the businessman Liu Tang pretended to be also saw the opportunity and scooped a scoop of wine from another barrel to drink.

When the sergeants saw that the jujube merchant had drank a barrel of wine and was fine, they drank a scoop from the remaining barrel, and it was fine, so they ignored Yang Zhi's objection and said they would buy the remaining barrel of wine to drink. .

The scene where the jujube merchants buy wine and drink,

Yang Zhiquan saw it all. Seeing that the jujube traders were fine after drinking the wine, the jujube traders also drank a scoop of the remaining barrel of wine, and they were fine, so they stopped resolutely.

In the end, seeing the sergeants drinking happily, he couldn't help taking a scoop himself.

However, the sergeants who drank soon fell to the ground one after another, and Yang Zhi himself fell to the ground, only at this time did he realize that he had been fooled.

However, it was too late, and he could only helplessly watch Sheng Chengang being robbed.

It turned out that the man who picked the wine to sell was called Bai Sheng. At the beginning, two barrels of wine were good wine.

The seven people drank one bucket first, and Liu Tang took another opportunity to lift the lid of the other bucket, scooped another scoop, and deliberately asked Yang Zhihe and the sergeants to watch, dispelling Yang Zhihe's guard. .

After that, Wu Yong went to the pine forest once, taking out the medicine, shaking it in the scoop, pretending to scoop another barrel of wine to drink. When he was about to drink half of the scoop, Bai Sheng grabbed the scoop and poured the wine into the barrel again.

Everything was very natural, and even Yang Zhi, who was extremely vigilant, was fooled.

This is Zhigao's birthday.

After reading this story, all the book fans have their eyes wide open. This story is undoubtedly much more exciting than the previous two stories, and it will definitely become a classic story in the future.

In addition to the wonderful story itself, seven new characters have appeared.

Moreover, these seven characters are obviously not the role of passers-by, but have their own important roles.

These seven characters should also be important characters in this work.

The previous characters appeared one by one, but this time, seven appeared directly at one time, which also excited the book fans.

In this story, the place of Liangshanbo is mentioned again, which makes the fans more sure that Liangshanbo is the final gathering place.

As for the consequences of Yang Zhi's loss of the birth date, a group of book fans guessed that Yang Zhi would have to go to Liangshan to lose the grass.

On the Internet, countless book fans are talking about it.

"I rub it! This Wu's name is 'useless', but it is actually very useful. The strategy to outsmart the birth date is very wonderful!"

"It's really wonderful. All the details are seamless and natural. Even Yang Zhi, who is so vigilant, has been fooled."

"Wu Yong will definitely be a very important character, and there will definitely be a lot of scenes in the future."

"Not only Wu Yong, but the three brothers Chao Gai, Liu Tang, Gongsun Sheng, and Ruan Shi will also be important figures. Especially Chao Gai, I feel that this character will be particularly important. Seven characters appeared at once. , Mr. Li Fan is planning to write a total of how many characters?"

"Haven't everyone discussed this issue? It won't be less anyway."


Outsmarting the birthday guide, seven characters appeared at one time, which made fans excited.

And then, the story becomes more and more exciting, and more characters continue to appear.

After Shengchengang was robbed, the governor of Jeju sent Sandu to arrest the envoy He Tao to investigate the matter.

He Tao found out that Chao Gai and other seven people were pretending to be merchants selling jujube, and arrested Bai Sheng and tortured him to extract a confession.

Bai Sheng was forced to recruit Chao Gai.

He Tao went to Yuncheng County, urging the county government to arrest Chao Gai and other seven people, but Song Jiang, the chief officer of Yuncheng County, reported to Chao Gai in advance, and Zhu Di and Lei Heng, who were in charge of the arrest, also wanted to commit suicide.

Chao Gai and Liu Tang were able to escape and escaped to the house of Sanxiong Ruan of Shijie Village.

Although the four Chao Gai escaped, there was Zhuang Ke in Zhuangzhong who was captured by the government and gave out the general situation of Liu Tang and other six people.

The governor of Jeju asked Bai Sheng for confession again, and Bai Sheng had to confess the names of Liu and Tang six, as well as the residence of Nguyen's Sanxiong.

The governor ordered He Tao to go to Shijie Village to arrest him.

Chao Gai, Liu Tang and others defeated He Tao and joined Liang Shanbo.

The owner of the village, Wang Lun, refused to take him in because of jealousy.

After Wang Lun's death, Wu Yong suggested Lin Chong to be the first in Liangshanbo, but Lin Chong declined, and then pushed Chao Gai to be the first, and then pushed Wu Yong to be the second, and Gongsun Sheng was the third. , I made the fourth spot by myself...

Among them, another very important person appeared, Song Jiang.

Song Jiang's story is equally exciting, and book fans enjoy watching the event.

And Song Jiang introduced a very important character, Wu Song.

Because Wu Song killed a person in his hometown before, he was afraid of a lawsuit, so he stayed away from his hometown and fled to Cangzhou.

Because Song Jiang killed Yan Poxi at home, he fled to Chaijin Mansion, where he met Wu Song.

At that time, Song Jiang accidentally sprinkled charcoal fire on Wu Song. Wu Song was angry and wanted to hit Song Jiang. After Chai Jin revealed Song Jiang's name, Wu Song was shocked and bowed his head.

Wu Song had an older brother in his hometown. He had been away from home for two years and was very worried, so he decided to go back to see his older brother.

The next day, when Wu Song left, Song Jiang was reluctant, and the two became brothers.

After that, Wu Song embarked on the road home.

A lot of book fans don't know now that Wu Song went back all the way, and a series of wonderful stories happened.

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