Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1758 Wu Song, Wu Dalang, Pan Jinlian, Ximen Qing

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1758 Wu Song, Wu Dalang, Pan Jinlian, Ximen Qing Author: In the Countryside]

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Wu Song walked on the road for a few days and came to the ground of Yanggu Limit.

At noon that day, Wu Song only felt hunger and thirst in his stomach, and saw a restaurant in front of him, carrying a banner in front of the door, with five words written on it: "Three bowls are not enough."

Wu Song was overjoyed. After entering the restaurant and sitting down, he couldn't wait to ask the restaurant owner to bring wine to eat.

The store cut a few pounds of cooked beef for Wu Song, and sieved three bowls of wine. Wu Song drank it in one breath, feeling very happy, and hurriedly asked the store to sift the wine again.

However, the store refused to sift the wine. Wu Song felt strange and asked why.

The store owner explained that the reason was written on the banner in front of the store, "Three bowls are not enough."

Wu Song asked again why "three bowls are not enough"?

The shop owner also explained that their wine is different, but all customers will get drunk after eating three bowls and cannot go to the hill in front. Therefore, it is called "Three bowls are not enough".

Therefore, he only sells three bowls of wine to one customer at most.

After hearing this, Wu Song laughed and said that he had already drank three bowls, why wasn't he drunk? Don't ask the store owner to say more, and quickly add wine.

After the shopkeeper's persuasion failed, he had to continue adding wine to Wu Song.

Bowl after bowl, Wu Song ate a total of 18 bowls of wine.

After eating eighteen bowls of wine, Wu Song stood up satisfied and prepared to leave.

However, the store owner stopped Wu Song again and asked Wu Song if he wanted to pass Jingyanggang in front of him?

Wu Song replied "yes", and the store persuaded Wu Song to say that there was a big worm with hanging eyes and white foreheads on the Jingyang hill in front.

The shop owner asked Wu Song to rest in his shop, and tomorrow, after gathering 20 or 30 people, they will pass the post together.

Wu Song laughed and said that this was the store's way of keeping customers. Even if there is, he is not afraid.

In this way, Wu Song did not listen to the dissuasion and went to Jingyanggang alone.

In fact, there were really big bugs on Jingyang Hill, and they even bumped into Wu Song.

The big worm was very hungry and rushed towards Wu Song. Wu Song was startled, and he woke up most of the time, and then dealt with the big worm, and finally successfully killed the big worm.

About the process of Wu Song's fight with the big insect, the writing is very detailed and vivid. The pictures are tense and thrilling, and the fans of the book are always breathing a sigh of relief.

In the end, it was only when the big worm was motionless that he let out a long sigh of relief.

Book fans know that another classic story was born, and since then, the story of "Wusong Fighting the Tiger" will surely become a household name.

Wu Song has undoubtedly become a classic character in "Water Margin".

And the story about Wu Song is far from over.

Wu Song killed the big worm that killed people, and removed the harm for the people.

The magistrate of Yanggu County rewarded Wu Song with 1,000 guans of money to thank him for eradicating harm for the people, but Wu Song gave 1,000 guans of money to the people who were persecuted by the worms.

The magistrate saw that Wu Song was loyal, kind, and virtuous, and he was interested in promoting him.

Wu Song originally wanted to go back to Qinghe County to visit his brother, but he never wanted to be the capital in Yanggu County. Fortunately, the two counties were adjacent, so it was convenient for Wu Song to return to Qinghe County.

One day, Wu Song was walking on the streets of Yanggu County when he met a person who officially became his brother Wu Da.

It turned out that Wuhan University also came to Yanggu County.

Wu Song is also called Wu Er. Although he and Wu Da are brothers, the difference is very different.

Wu Song is eight feet tall, with a dignified appearance and strong martial arts, but Wu Da is less than five feet tall.

With an ugly face and a simple mind, the people of Qinghe County, seeing that he was born short, called Wuhan University "the bark of the three-inch Dinggu".

However, although Wu Da was short and ugly, he married a beautiful daughter-in-law called Pan Jinlian.

Pan Jinlian was originally a maid from a large family. She was twenty years old and quite handsome. The big family wanted to pester her, but Pan Jinlian refused to obey, and the big family held grudges, so they married her to the short and ugly Wu Dalang without paying a penny.

After Pan Jinlian married Wu Dalang, there were several floating children in Qinghe County who often came to Wu Dalang's door to molest her.

Pan Jinlian is a romantic person. Seeing that Wu Dalang is short, ugly, and not romantic, he slowly hooked up with those wandering children.

These things were known to the neighbors, and there was a lot of gossip. Wu Dalang felt that he had lost all face, so he took Pan Jinlian away from Qinghe County and went to Yanggu County.

I happened to meet his younger brother Wu Song that day. Wu Dalang naturally heard about Wu Song's deeds of fighting tigers to save the people. He was very happy for Wu Song and asked Wu Song to rest at home and meet his sister-in-law by the way.

Wu Song was naturally happy, and went to the house with Wu Da and met his sister-in-law Pan Jinlian.

Pan Jinlian saw that Wu Song was eight feet tall, with a dignified appearance, extraordinary might, and a hero who fought tigers.

Pan Jinlian suggested that Wu Song move in and live with him at home. Wu Nature agreed, and Wu Song also agreed.

After Wu Song lived in the Wu family, Pan Jinlian tried to hook up with Wu Song over and over again, but Wu Song remained unmoved.

Pan Jinlian failed to hook up with Wu Song many times, and Wu Song reprimanded him for a while.

Wu Tianran believed that his younger brother was definitely not that kind of person, but Wu Song still moved out of the Wuhan University home because of this.

Later, Wu Song had a mission to leave Qinghe County and would not be able to return until dozens of days later.

Before leaving, Wu Song told his brother Wu Da and his sister-in-law Pan Jinlian carefully.

In Yanggu County, there was a wealthy man with a broken family, his surname was Ximen, and he had a single word for Qing. People called him Ximen Dalang. Later, when he became rich and rich, people also called him Ximen Daguanren.

One day, when he passed by Wu Dalang's roof, Pan Jinlian missed the fork of the curtain and hit him on the head. Ximen Qing was about to have a seizure, but when he saw that she was a charming woman, he laughed and walked away reluctantly.

Since then, Ximen Qing has never forgotten Pan Jinlian.

Ximen Qing manages a neighbor of Wu Dalang's wife Wang called Ganniang, and he asks her to think of fulfilling the good deeds between him and Pan Jinlian.

After Wang Po got the benefits of Ximen Qing, she tried to make Pan Jinlian meet Ximen Qing.

When the two met, Ximen Qing hooked up with Pan Jinlian. In fact, Pan Jinlian had long been interested. The two naturally hooked up, and they would be happy every day.

The fact that Pan Jinlian hooked up with the man gradually became known to all the neighbors, and finally Wu Dalang finally learned about it.

One time, Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing who were stealing love were caught, and Pan Jinlian not only did not feel ashamed, but also let Ximen Qing attack Wu Dalang.

So, Ximen Qing kicked Wu Dalang's heart.

As a result, Wu Dalang was sick in bed and could not get up, but Pan Jinlian ignored it and put on his heavy makeup every day to go out for a private meeting with Ximen Qing.

Wu Dalang was very angry, saying that after his younger brother Wu Song came back, he would definitely not take a break.

Thinking of Wu Song, Pan Jinlian was a little flustered, and told Ximen Qing and Wang Po about Wu Song.

When Ximen Qing heard it, he was immediately scared. Wu Song was the head of Yanggu County, a hero who fought tigers, how could he dare to provoke him?

However, Wang Po said that if he didn't do it, he would never stop.

In this way, Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian can still be a long-term husband and wife.

When Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian heard it, they were very moved, and they absolutely did it.

So Ximen Qing brought arsenic, and Pan Jinlian mixed arsenic into Wu Dalang's medicine and fed it to Wu Dalang.

Poor Wu Dalang thought that his daughter-in-law suddenly got better, and said that if Pan Jinlian saved him with medicine, the previous matter would be written off, and even if Wu Song came back, he would not tell Wu Song the matter.

Unfortunately, it was not the medicine to save him, but the medicine to kill him.

The poison of arsenic attacked and Wu Dalang was in unbearable pain. Pan Jinlian pulled the quilt and put it on Wu Dalang's head.

Poor Wu Dalang died just like that.

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