Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1771 yearning

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1771, Yearning Author: In the Countryside]

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"The top of Mount Huashan really needs to be seen, but now there is another place that must be visited."

"Oh? Where is it?"

"The first bridal chamber in the world."

"Isn't there always the first bridal chamber in the world? It's not a must-go place."

"Indeed, the first bridal chamber in the world is actually nothing to see, it's just a stone cave. Also, I don't know why it is called 'the first bridal chamber in the world'? I feel the name is a bit weird. Of course you can go and see it, but it is absolutely It's not a place to go. In fact, I went once and it wasn't very popular."

"Hey! That was before. Now, the first bridal chamber in the world is a must-go place."

"Oh why?"

"Have you heard the story between Xiao Shi and Nongyu?"

"Xiao Shi and Nongyu? Never heard of them. Are they famous? Also, what does this have to do with our topic just now?"

"Xiao Shi and Nongyu? I seem to know these two names, but what kind of story is there between them? I don't know."

"Since that's the case, then I'll tell you the story between them first. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Mu of Qin had a daughter named Nongyu..."

Someone talked about the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu with great interest.

After speaking, the voice on the Internet naturally changed.

"I rub it! Is this legend true or false? I don't even know such a beautiful love legend. It seems unlikely."

"Hey! There's nothing impossible. In fact, there's far more you don't know about famous anecdotes in our history than you think."

"This... that's also true. In this way, this legend is true. I really didn't expect that there is such a beautiful legend about the first bridal chamber in the world."

"It turns out that the first bridal chamber in the world was that year, when Xiao Shi and Nongyu dug a hole to get married, and it really was the first bridal chamber in the world. I finally understand the meaning of 'the first bridal chamber in the world'."

"I rub it! With this beautiful love story, I suddenly discovered that the first bridal chamber in the world is indeed a must-go place."

"Yeah, with this legend, I suddenly feel that the first bridal chamber in the world has become a holy place for love. Although the scenic spot is still that scenic spot, its meaning has become completely different."

"I haven't been to Mount Huashan, and naturally I haven't been to the first wedding room in the world. But now, I suddenly want to go to the first wedding room in the world. Go and see the marriage room of Xiao Shi and Nongyu. Feel a holy place about love."

"The legends and stories are indeed very beautiful, and the number one bridal chamber in the world will indeed have a different meaning because of this. But to say that you have to go is still too exaggerated."

"Well, I also feel that it is still a bit exaggerated, but it is indeed more worth seeing than before."

"Isn't just a legend enough? Maybe. Then, let's read another poem."

"A poem? What does this have to do with a poem?"

"After you read it, you will understand what it has to do with it. Look it up, this poem is 'Death and life are bound together, talk to Zicheng. Hold the hand of the son, and grow old together with the son.'"

"I rub it! This poem...this poem...this poem...this poem I have never heard of. Who wrote this poem? What's its name? Why would I Haven't heard it? Logically speaking, it shouldn't, this poem should be very famous, how could I have not heard it?"

"It's normal that you haven't heard it,

Because this poem was written by someone just now. "

"No wonder, I just said, how could I have never heard of such a poem. Then, who wrote it? Mr. Li Fan or Mr. Gu Yong? It must be one of them. Because only they can write such a poem. ."

"Congratulations, you got it right, this poem was indeed written by Mr. Li Fan not long ago."

"Haha! I knew it was either Mr. Li Fan or Mr. Gu Yong. Wait, what does this poem have to do with the number one bridal chamber in the world?"

"Because, this poem is now written on a rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world."

"It's like..., wait, you just said that this poem was written by Mr. Li Fan not long ago, so how could it be written on a rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world?"

"Because, this is what Mr. Li Fan wrote on the rock next to him not long ago."

"It's like... I wipe it! You mean Mr. Li Fan is now in the first bridal chamber in the world? Are you there too?"

"Haha! I finally got it right this time. I am indeed in the first bridal chamber in the world. As for Mr. Li Fan, he was here not long ago, but he has left now."

"Mr. Li Fan is now in Huashan? Not long ago, he was still on a rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world, and left the poem just now?"

"Congratulations, your answer is correct. By the way, the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu was also told to us by Mr. Li Fan."

"So that's it, I'll just say, how could you possibly know this legend?"

"Cut! Now, in a word, is the first bridal chamber in the world a must?"

"I wipe! That must be. I can't help but want to come over."

"I originally planned to go to Huashan in a month, but now I can't wait. I decided to go to Huashan tomorrow."


After learning the latest situation about the first bridal chamber in the world, the Internet suddenly became restless.

The topic of Huashan tourism, which was not hot before, has become the absolute focus of the entire Internet in a very short period of time.

'Death and life are bound together, talk to Zicheng. Holding the hand of the son, grow old together with the son. ’ This poem, along with the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu, spread all over the internet.

Of course, there is also the birth process of the poem 'Death and Life'.

Before, Li Fan carved the poem "Wangyue" on a rock at the top of Mount Tai.

Now, on a rock next to the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world on the North Peak of Mount Hua, another poem like this has been engraved.

The love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu, coupled with this poem, the first bridal chamber in the world has become an absolute holy place for love.

Countless people, especially young couples, suddenly yearned for the best bridal chamber in the world.

They were all very eager to go there and have a look, to see the poem Li Fan carved on the rock.

They believe that the reason why Li Fan left this poem is not only a promise to his own love, but also a wish to all lovers in the world.

They want to experience Li Fan's blessing to them together with their lover.

They think they are extremely lucky.

... 2k novel reading network

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