Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1772 Influence (Dragon Boat Festival Ankang)

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1772 Influence (Dragon Boat Festival Ankang) Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King

Yuan Ping, assistant to the general manager, knocked on the door of the general manager's office with great excitement, and said excitedly, "Mr. Chen, good news, great news!"

General Manager Chen Xudong was sorting out the documents. Hearing Chen Ping's words and seeing Chen Ping so excited again, he was a little puzzled, smiled and said, "Xiao Yuan, what is the good news that makes you so excited?"

Yuan Ping said: "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Li Fan has come to our Huashan."

"Mr. Li Fan came to Huashan?" Chen Xudong was in high spirits and hurriedly said: "Xiao Yuan, how did you know? Where is Mr. Li Fan now?"

Chen Xudong was quite anxious. They were looking forward to Huashan day and night, and they were looking forward to Li Fan being able to visit Huashan once.

Not only Huashan, but all the famous scenic spots in the country are looking forward to Li Fan being able to travel.

Because, as soon as Li Fan went, he was doomed to not be calm.

Li Fan went to Mount Tai once, made a good couplet at the foot of Mount Tai, and left a poem "Wang Yue" at the top of Mount Tai, which made the number of tourists visiting Mount Tai suddenly increase.

Li Fan went to the West Lake again, this time even more aggressive. Not only did he leave behind the poem "If you want to compare the West Lake to the West, it is always better to wear heavy makeup and light makeup", but also wrote the already classic work "Legend of the White Snake".

As a result, the number of tourists to the West Lake has increased several times than before, and it has remained high.

The Broken Bridge, which was originally unknown, has now become one of the most famous scenic spots in West Lake.

Since then, the national famous scenic spots have longed for the stars and the moon for the arrival of Li Fan.

Now that Chen Xudong heard that Li Fan had arrived at their Huashan Mountain, how could he not be anxious?

Yuan Ping was still excited and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm 100% sure that Mr. Li Fan has arrived at our Huashan Mountain. As for where Mr. Li Fan is on Huashan Mountain now? I don't know."

Chen Xudong said: "Since you don't know, why are you so sure that Mr. Li Fan came to Huashan?"

Yuan Ping was even more excited and said, "Because of a poem, a poem that has become popular all over the Internet."

Chen Xudong said eagerly, "Poetry? What kind of poetry? Show it to me."

Yuan Ping handed a piece of A4 paper that he had prepared to Chen Xudong, and on it was the poem "holding the hand of the son, grow old with the son".

After only reading it once, Chen Xudong couldn't help being excited and said, "Xiao Yuan, this poem is definitely from Mr. Li Fan. Only Mr. Li Fan can make such a poem. Could it be that this poem is related to Huashan? Xiao Yuan, tell me the specific situation in detail."

Yuan Ping nodded, and told Chen Xudong in detail what he had learned on the Internet.

After hearing this, Chen Xudong suddenly stood up from his seat, looking very excited.

The first bridal chamber in the world has always been one of the scenic spots in Huashan, but it has never been very popular.

The love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu has never been known to many people. Huashan once specially promoted the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu, but the effect was not good.

This is not surprising, because the influence of Huashan Tourism Management Office is not enough, and not many people will pay attention. Even many people who come to Huashan to travel will not pay attention to Huashan Tourism Management Office.

The popularity of the first bridal chamber in the world has never been able to rise, and the Huashan Tourism Management Office has no choice but to let it go.

However, now, Li Fan left a poem on a rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world, "holding the hand of the son, and growing old together with the son."

The popularity of the first bridal chamber in the world is destined to undergo earth-shaking changes.

This poem was originally the most moving promise of love.

Now it was born because of the first bridal chamber in the world and because of the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu. The combination of the two has undoubtedly reached the most perfect level.

Now, the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu comes from Li Fan's mouth, which is absolutely different from the previous propaganda of Huashan Tourism Management Office.

There was no response from the outside world before, but now it has spread throughout the entire network in a very short period of time.

This is the difference between Li Fan's influence and that of Huashan Tourism Management Office.

After Chen Xudong suddenly stood up from his seat, he quickly walked towards the door of the office, and said to Yuan Ping as he walked, "Xiao Yuan, go, go to the first bridal chamber in the world immediately."

Chen Xudong was very impatient. To go and see the poems left by Li Fan in person, he must take all-round protection measures there at the first time, and never allow the slightest damage there.

He knows that from now on, countless people will come to Huashan because of Li Fan's poems and because of the number one bridal chamber in the world, and their popularity in Huashan will increase dramatically.

He was excited and excited, and Huashan finally enjoyed this kind of treatment.


Just when Chen Xudong and Yuan Ping were eagerly rushing to the first bridal chamber in the world, the news about Li Fan's poems in the first bridal chamber in the world in Huashan had spread throughout the inner circle of tourism management.

The responsible persons of various tourist attractions are all envious and jealous.

"Alas! Why did Mr. Li Fan go to Huashan? Apart from being a little taller and more dangerous, Huashan is actually nothing to see."

"That is, Huashan is nothing to watch at all, Mr. Li Fan should come to our Huangshan."

"No, Mr. Li Fan is an exiled immortal in the sky, so he should come to our Kunlun Mountains."

"No matter where you go, you shouldn't go to Huashan anyway."

"That's right, I agree."

"You guys, this is envy, jealousy, or sour, whatever you say, Mr. Li Fan is now in our Huashan. Oh! We are thinking about what we should give Mr. Li Fan as a souvenir? Alas! It’s really a headache to choose.”

"Continue to blow you, Mr. Li Fan is not fake in your Huashan Mountain, but it is strange that you know where Mr. Li Fan is. You can't see Mr. Li Fan at all, and you even send souvenirs."

"Hey! I have to admit that the first bridal chamber in the world, which was not very popular, is now going to become a sacred place for countless couples and couples. Countless couples and couples will definitely go there, because there they can feel Li Mr. Fan's blessing. The fame and status of the number one bridal chamber in the world will undergo earth-shaking changes, and this is the influence of Mr. Li Fan."

"'Death and life are bound together, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old with your son.' To be honest, I'm going to go too."

"It's not just you, I'm going to have a look too."

"Haha! Come on all of you, we Huashan will definitely do the best for the friendship of the landlords."

"Don't worry, we're going quietly. We don't need you to do your best as a landlord, lest we look at you, and if we don't see it, we'll be quiet."

"Well, let's go quietly, so as not to see them Hua Shanse."



Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the country wishes all friends a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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