Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1778 What is he doing? draw?

game scene.

The popularity values ​​of the three works are not very different, and it is difficult to choose the most overall champion.

The host looked at Qin Yulin and said: Since the works of the three contestants are all excellent, it is difficult for us to make a choice, then let us listen to the opinion of that beautiful girl. As the author of the question, the girl is obviously the most powerful.

All the audience at the scene agreed with the host's remarks, including the three contestants.

No matter how this question comes out? The person who asked the question is indeed the most powerful.

Therefore, everyone at the scene, including the host and the three contestants, all looked at Qin Yulin's position.

Qin Yulin did not refuse, but took the microphone handed over by the staff and said: From the technical point of view, the works of the three of them are barely passable and can barely be seen, but unfortunately none of them can satisfy me. .

The host was a little embarrassed, Qin Yulin's answer was completely different from what he imagined.

This Nima is barely able to pass, and I am not satisfied with one picture. I said girl, you have a very high vision!

After the embarrassment, the host was a little depressed again, thinking: I knew I didn't ask her, and I'm not satisfied with this one, how can I fix it?

The host was depressed, and the three contestants were slightly unhappy. They were very confident in their skills and works.

Now being said by a little girl that she was barely able to catch the eye, and she was not satisfied with the last one, it's strange that she can feel good in her heart.

The onlookers also whispered for a while. Some people said that Qin Yulin's tone was not small, and some people thought that Qin Yulin might really have a good eye.

As the saying goes, calligraphy and painting are one family, and it is normal for people to write beautiful calligraphy and appreciate paintings with a high vision.

Those who said that Qin Yulin had a big voice were all stunned. They just ignored Qin Yulin's good calligraphy.

Now that I think about it, it is possible that people have really high vision.

Exactly at this moment, the host also remembered that Qin Yulin had good calligraphy, and he was shocked, and secretly said: I wipe! This girl can't really admire her eyes, can she?

Thinking of this, the host hurriedly said: This beautiful girl, you said that you are not satisfied with any of these three works. Excuse me, what is the main reason for this?

Qin Yulin turned a deaf ear to the comments of the people around him, and answered directly: My question, 'Treading flowers and returning to horseshoe incense', the most important point is naturally the last word 'fragrance'. Unfortunately, in these three works, I did not see the 'fragrance'.

As soon as the words fell, whether it was the host, the three contestants, or the surrounding audience, they were all stunned.

Then, there was an uproar in the crowd.

The focus of this question turned out to be on the incense characters.

They had considered this before, but because the incense characters could not be reflected on the screen, they all gave up this idea.

Now Qin Yulin said that the focus of her topic was really a fragrant word.

Well, not right. The girl just said, 'I don't see the incense coming'. How can this Nima 'incense' be seen with the eyes? Is the girl kidding everyone? Everyone thought so in their hearts.

The supporter coughed lightly and said: This... girl, this 'incense' is a sense of smell, how can we see it with our eyes? You seem to be in trouble.

The three contestants and the audience at the scene agreed with the host's words very much.

However, Qin Yulin said: Why can't you see it? You just can't express yourself.

The host said: This... Then, please tell us about it. How can I see the 'fragrance' in the picture?

The three contestants and the audience at the scene were naturally very concerned about this question, and all looked at Qin Yulin, waiting for Qin Yulin's answer.

Qin Yulin said: I don't know this question either. However, my brother-in-law said yes, it must be.


After everyone listened, they were all covered with black lines on their foreheads.

I said girl, after a long time, you don't know the answer.

Since you don't know the answer, don't be so sure, it makes us all think we're stupid.

The host was a bit dumbfounded, but he still followed Qin Yulin's words and said: This... Who is your brother-in-law? Are you sure he has the answer? Do you believe him that much?

Qin Yulin snorted proudly and said: Of course, if he says he can, he can. As for who is he? Well, he's by my side.

around? Everyone looked at Qin Yulin's side.

Who is there? Of course it was Li Fan.

Everyone finally understood that the man next to her was her brother-in-law.

Wait, the other girl who is also very beautiful with her seems to be her sister.

Now that man is her brother-in-law, doesn't Nima mean that the other girl is the man's

Good luck boy! In the crowd, both men and women think this way, but men are still envious and jealous.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that the kid knows the answer? Does he really have a way? It's impossible.

The host looked at Li Fan and said, "Sir, I'm very sorry to disturb you. Dare to ask this girl, um, is what your beautiful sister-in-law said true? Do you really have a way to see 'fragrance' in the picture?

Brother-in-law, let them know. Qin Yulin made an eager move and said in a low voice.

this girl. Li Fan smiled slightly and shook his head helplessly.

Then, he said to the host: This... there is indeed a way. Painting is dead, but our method is alive. If we want to see the "fragrance" in the painting through vision, we only need to find a way to live.

For Li Fan's words, some people nodded thoughtfully, thinking that it was indeed reasonable.

However, some people think that it is just a nice talk. Everyone will say these words. It seems reasonable to say this, but in fact, it is too general and there is no actual work. What is the use?

Can you tell me a specific method? Don't fool people with general, plausible remarks.

Some viewers think so, and the three players also think so, and they think with some disdain in their hearts, "Cut!" What's the use of saying that? Have the ability to tell a specific method. I really don't believe that being able to see the 'incense' in the picture with my eyes is simply impossible.

The host hesitated for a while, and finally said: This... Sir, what kind of method is it? Could you please be more specific?

Li Fan nodded, but did not speak any more, but walked to a drawing table, spread out a piece of drawing paper, picked up the brush on the table, and moved the brush quickly on the drawing paper.

What is he doing? draw? Such a question popped into everyone's mind.

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