Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1779 Excellent idea

game scene.

Li Fan started writing, and the three contestants, the host, and all the onlookers had a question in their hearts, "What is he doing? Is he painting?"

Everyone stretched their necks and looked at the drawing table in front of Li Fan, but because of the angle, only those who were close could barely see the content on the drawing paper.

The answer will soon be found.

Li Fan was really painting, but at a very fast speed. With a few strokes, a beautiful scene of sunset and dusk suddenly appeared on the paper.

"Hey! The friend in front, what is he doing? Is he really painting?" The person who couldn't see behind couldn't help but ask the person in front.

The person in front did not look back, but replied directly: "It is indeed painting, and the speed is very fast, and the painting is not very beautiful. It is a pleasure to watch him paint."

The person in the back was a little surprised when the person in front of him said this, but his heart was also very itchy.

They couldn't see it, but the three players and the host saw it very clearly. The expressions on their faces also changed from doubt at the beginning to the surprise, disbelief, and shock now, and they almost exclaimed. out.

I saw that on the drawing paper, at first, there was a beautiful sunset and dusk background, and then there was a rather wide road extending from far to near.

After that, a tall horse appeared on the road. The young boy on the horse's back prancing and whipping the whip, the horse galloped, and the hoofs jumped high, which was very realistic.

Then more than a dozen beautiful butterflies, chasing the galloping horses, danced around the hooves.

Since then, Li Fan has stopped writing.

It took less than two minutes from when Li Fan picked up the pen to the last stop.

quick! It's so fast!

Nearly after Li Fan stopped writing, the three contestants, the host, and the audience who were close by were all a little bit lost.

They were already fascinated.

The people behind didn't know why. Seeing Li Fan stopped writing, they couldn't help but say:

"Huh? Why don't you continue to draw? Are you unable to draw? Haha! This is a shame."

"Painting is something that not everyone can do."

"Since you don't know how to paint, don't go out and paint. Is this okay? Shame?"

The crowd kept buzzing, and the people in front finally came to their senses.

They turned around and said helplessly when they heard what the people behind them were talking about: "Stop! Stop! Stop talking, let's go on, it's you who are embarrassing. The reason why he stopped writing was not because he couldn't continue to draw. , but because he's finished painting."

"It's finished? So fast?" The person behind was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to remember something, and then said, "Well, I think it was a random drawing, and the speed is naturally fast. How about it, isn't it terrible?"

"It's terrible?" The person in front wanted to sneer, but it seemed inappropriate, so he just said lightly: "We just thought that the paintings of the three contestants were very perfect. But now, after seeing that this young gentleman has just finished After the painting, I think those three paintings are at the level of beginners. The beautiful girl just said that the three paintings are barely able to be drawn. Now it seems that the girl has already given the three contestants a lot of face by speaking. Yes. Do you understand what I mean when I say that?"

What means? Of course the people in the back understood it, but they couldn't believe it.

How is it possible to draw a work that far exceeds those three works in less than two minutes? Even those famous people may not be able to do it, right?

Before their thoughts were over, the person in front said: "Of course, the works of the three contestants are not really at the level of beginners, but their works are compared with the works that this young gentleman has just completed. , the gap is really too big, and comparing them together, it feels like the level of beginners, and there is no comparison at all. And this is only from the perspective of painting skills itself.

What makes people even more amazing is that this young gentleman's painting does not have a single flower, nor can you see a single petal, but it can make people see the word "fragrance". It's so wonderful! "

"This..." After listening to the people behind, they felt even more incredible, "Is it true? Is this Nima exaggerating?"

But soon, their hearts changed again, "Well, maybe... it's true... it's possible... is it really true?"

Because they suddenly noticed that in the center of the venue, the expressions on the faces of the three players and the host were extremely shocked, disbelieving, and faintly excited and excited.

Why do they have such expressions?

The reason can only be because the painting that the young man has just completed makes them have to believe that what the previous people said may indeed be true.

If that's the case, why is the host still stunned? Hurry up and let the staff show the painting so that everyone can see it.

"I said, host, hurry up and show the paintings of those gentlemen, the people behind us can't see it." The people behind shouted.

Hearing the shouts of the audience behind, the host reacted. After reacting, his expression was even more excited and excited. This Nima definitely found a treasure.

As a member of Xiangyun Painting Society, he has also studied painting and calligraphy, and has a sharp eye. He can see that this painting is definitely from everyone's hands.

And, most likely, all of you.

The value of this painting is definitely not low.

More importantly, this painting is based on the theme of "Treading flowers and returning to horseshoe incense". There are no flowers or petals in the whole painting, but the word "fragrance" is perfectly expressed.

Why are butterflies chasing horses' hooves?

The reason can only be because, when the horse galloped past the flowers before, the horse's hooves were stained with the flowers, making the horse's hooves as fragrant as flowers.

The butterflies were attracted by the scent of the horse's hooves.

This kind of idea is amazing, and at the same time, it also greatly enhances the value of this painting.

Finally, there is the most important point, and that is the identity of the author, that is, the young gentleman.

So young, yet has such deep attainments in painting skills.

Who is he?

The host first thought of a person, but he couldn't believe it, and no one dared to believe it.

The host didn't dare to think about it any longer. He was afraid that he would lose his temper because he was too excited and excited.

Now he is still a host, and he has to continue to host the scene.

Hearing the shouts of the people behind, he said excitedly: "I'm very sorry, as the host of the scene, I just made a mistake because I was too shocked and excited. Now, we will immediately put this gentleman's work Show it for everyone to enjoy.”

Li Fan's work was finally displayed in the center of the scene.

The people behind finally saw the work that made those who saw it so excited and excited.

Some of them actually don't know much about calligraphy and painting, but the moment they saw Li Fan's work, they were instantly certain that it was definitely from top-level people.

Only the top people can draw such impressive works.

Everyone is very sure about this.


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