Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1780 There is a difference in the popularity of the scene

The people behind are all very sure that the paintings they see are from the hands of a top-notch person.

That is to say, that young gentleman is a top class.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that the painting in front of them was from such a young painter.

But the fact is that they saw it with their own eyes, and they had to accept this fact.

Moreover, the time to complete this painting was less than two minutes in total. What kind of speed is this?

It's very unbelievable, but it's true.

At this time, the people behind are very regretful and regretful that they did not stand in the front position before.

Because, if they were in front, they could have witnessed the birth of the piece.

In such a short period of time, it should be quite enjoyable to complete such a breathtaking work and watch it take shape little by little.

Of course, what excites them even more is that this painting actually made them see the "fragrance".

It turns out that "fragrance" can really be seen visually.

The reason why they thought that "fragrance" could not be seen visually was because their thinking was not flexible enough.

In this way, the topic of "Treading flowers and returning to horseshoe incense" will become a very classic, and no longer as simple and ordinary as everyone thought at the beginning.

It seems that the concept that "painting with poetry" is very simple needs to be changed.


Aside from painting techniques, the works of the three contestants are not considered to be off-topic, but also very well reflect the content contained in the title verse.

But unfortunately, the most important word "fragrance" in the whole poem is not reflected, which makes their works unsatisfactory.

It is no wonder that the beautiful girl who wrote the question said that she was not satisfied with the works of the three people.

With this last piece of work, the works of the three contestants are indeed unsatisfactory.

All the audience thought so, and so did the three contestants.

Originally, when Li Fan said that "fragrance" could be reflected, they were very dissatisfied and disdainful, thinking that Li Fan was just bragging and pretending to be coercive.

But now, it turns out that as long as the thinking is flexible enough, "fragrance" can also be seen visually.

They were completely convinced.

Of course, aside from the idea, the profound painting attainments also made them tremble.

Their disdainful eyes had long since turned into awe, excitement and excitement.

Because they had already guessed Li Fan's identity faintly.

In the whole country, there is only one person who is so young and has such deep painting attainments.

Of course, there may be a hidden second person, but the possibility is very low.

The three contestants didn't think their guess was wrong. That person must be Li Fan. They were excited, excited and unbelievable.

They wanted to go over and say hello to Li Fan, but because they were too nervous and in awe, they didn't dare to go there.

They only dared to look at Li Fan secretly from the corner of their eyes.

Li Fan felt that the three were looking at him, turned to look at them, then smiled and nodded.

This smile and a nod made the three of them even more excited and excited.

Then Li Fan thought about it and said to the three: "You all have a certain foundation in painting. As long as you can practice diligently and think hard, you may achieve good achievements in the future."

The three were completely stunned. They had no idea that Li Fan would take the initiative to talk to them. They were a little confused, and their brains couldn't react.

But Li Fan's words were clearly heard in their ears, but their minds were blank for a while, what did they mean without thinking about it?

When they reacted, when they thought about what Li Fan said just now, they seemed even more excited and excited before.

Then, at the same time, he bowed deeply to Li Fan and said, "Yes, thank you!"

Li Fan smiled and nodded.

Turning around, he continued to talk with Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

The host was still full of emotion, excitedly introducing Li Fan's works, and everyone at the scene was still talking about it.

Not only are they discussing Li Fan's paintings, but also Li Fan's identity.

They absolutely believed that Li Fan would never be an ordinary person.

Because of the excitement and excitement, the various voices at the entire competition site were much louder than before, and the atmosphere was completely different from before.

The changes in the scene here gradually attracted the attention of the onlookers at the site of the Poetry Contest.

They didn't understand the atmosphere here, why there was such a big change all of a sudden, and they looked over here frequently.

Soon, another person, driven by strong curiosity, trotted to the scene here and asked the audience here about the situation.

The audience here is naturally willing to tell those who come to inquire about the situation here.

When they were talking, they were very excited and proud, and they also had a sense of superiority.

When such a miracle happened on their side, they naturally had a sense of superiority.

Especially when they saw the unbelievable expression of the other party, the sense of superiority in their hearts was even more overwhelming.

Those who came to inquire about the news figured out what had happened, and after appreciating Li Fan's painting for a while, they trotted back.

They are going back to tell the audience over there, what happened here?

In this way, they can more or less have a sense of superiority, because they know the situation on the painting competition side first.

"I wipe! Is it true? Is it that exaggerated?"

"Of course it's true. I just inquired very clearly. Now the painting is displayed in the center of the field over there, and anyone can see it."

"Really? Then I have to go over and take a look at it. If I don't look at it, my heart is itchy."


Opponents like this continue to be staged among the audience on this side of the Poetry Contest, and more and more spectators go to the painting contest there.

Those who inquired about the news came back and said it was so amazing that they had to go and see it for themselves.

In this way, the popularity of the two competition venues that were originally similar in popularity gradually showed obvious differences.

The audience here at the Poetry Conference has passed 40% of the 100%, nearly half.

The organizers and contestants of the Poetry Contest finally couldn't sit still.

Two competition venues are competing at the same time, but the popularity is so different. This is really a very shameless thing.

"Let's go and see, what the hell are they doing over there?" said several contestants, including Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng.

Under their leadership, some people went to the scene of the painting competition over there.

Soon, the number of spectators here, out of 100%, was already less than 40%.


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