Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1808 Can't wait to share

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1808 Can't wait to share Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Vitality Youth Taikoo God King Wulian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound World The feeling of the whole truth not only makes them feel good, but also makes them feel a sense of regret that they haven't seen enough, why is it over so soon?

Characters such as Shi Guanyin, Wuhua, Zhongyuan Yidianhong, Qu Wurong, Hu Tiehua, Ji Bingyan, and Princess Pipa impressed the book fans deeply, and they talked a lot on the Internet.

Among them, Shi Guanyin fell in love with himself, and his martial arts was extremely strong, even far above Chu Liuxiang. Chu Liuxiang used her wisdom to finally defeat Shi Guanyin. Wu Hua took the pseudonym Wu Juxuan and left the desert to join her mother. The love between Zhongyuan Yidianhong and Qu Wurong. The real friendship between Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, Ji Bingyan, etc., is the most emotional and talkative place for book fans.

In addition, what is the identity of that mysterious thrush? Why do you want to help Chu Liuxiang? It has caused fans to speculate.


"First of all, the most emotional thing is the love between Yidianhong and Qu Wurong. The beginning of the two people's love is really simple, such a simple love is really good, I wish them happiness."

"The love between the two of them is not romantic, but it is firm enough and pure enough. Yidian Hong will not be disgusted by the ruined appearance of Qu Wurong, nor will Qu Wurong be disgusted because Yi Yihong loses her arm. Stay away from him, because they love each other's soul. Therefore, love does not need to be deliberately romantic, but it must be firm and pure."

"I also think that love does not need to deliberately create romance, because love itself is very romantic. If you turn a blind eye to the romance of love itself, but go to great lengths to create all kinds of romance, isn't it putting the cart before the horse?"

"It's a pity that pure love has become less and less now. Maybe it's because the times have changed, or maybe it's because people's hearts have changed. In this era of materialistic desires, people should indeed change."

"I hope everyone's love can be pure."

"Shi Guanyin fell in love with herself. I don't know if this is love? If so, it should be the purest love in the world, right?"

"Actually, many people are somewhat narcissistic, but narcissism is so narcissistic that they only love themselves. This Nima is a pathological condition."

"Shi Guanyin only loves herself because she is so perfect, she is extremely beautiful, her figure is excellent, and her martial arts skills are extremely high. To be honest, it is understandable that she falls in love with herself, she is so perfect. "

"It's a pity that her heart is not healthy. She doesn't allow other women to be more beautiful than her. This is a kind of deformity in her heart. Moreover, she thinks that no one in the world can beat her. Of course, this is also true. Maybe no one in the world can really beat her. She. But her heart is also unhealthy, so after Chu Liuxiang defeated her with her own wisdom, she will immediately choose to commit suicide. She does not believe and does not allow anyone to defeat her. Then, she can only kill herself. kill yourself."

"Anyway, Shi Guanyin is a strange woman, and the most surprising thing is that she is the mother of Wu Hua and Nangong Ling."

"Speaking of Wuhua, he could have become a strange man, but he has been walking on a road of no return, and was finally shot by the mysterious thrush, and he can only blame himself."

"This time Wuhua really died. To be honest, I really feel sorry for Wuhua. He had the opportunity to become a legend, but he has been digging his own grave."

"If he doesn't dig his own grave, he is not without flowers, and there is no way out."

"Chu Liuxiang is indeed a romantic figure, all the beautiful women who have come into contact with him,

It seems that they all have a deep-rooted love for him, the former Black Pearl is, and the current Pipa Princess is also. It's a pity that it is impossible for Chu Liuxiang to refuse all who come, and many women are destined to only have love in their hearts. "

"Chu Liuxiang is not only the first in the world in Qinggong, but also has extremely high martial arts, but also has unparalleled wisdom, and always stands on the side of justice. These are too attractive to girls, and there are so many women who fall in love with her. , is also normal.”

"Chu Liuxiang rejected Princess Pipa's invitation, which is really surprising. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have refused. He accepted Princess Pipa's invitation, but it doesn't mean that he must be with Princess Pipa. What about traveling with beautiful women? It's in line with his suave nature."

"Then who knows? Anyway, it turned out that he refused, and he felt sorry for Princess Pipa."

"The most terrifying thing about Chu Liuxiang is not his martial arts, but his wisdom. His martial arts cannot defeat those who are stronger than him, but his wisdom can. It is precisely because of his wisdom that he can defeat Shi Guanyin. "

"Indeed, the plot design of Chu Liuxiang's defeat of Shi Guanyin is really wonderful, and it's shocking."

"The friendship between Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, and Ji Bingyan is also very precious. This is the real friendship."


Fans of the book were talking about it on the Internet, and many celebrities and famous people also gave their comments and appreciations on their Weibo.

Yang Qiming wrote: "Looking at the whole of "The Great Desert", the author Gu Yong has skillfully combined a variety of events of different types and natures. And the layers are well-organized, echoing the beginning and the end, as if there is a wonderful way of doing it in one go.”

Lippo wrote: "The enemies hiding in the dark, the ever-expanding haze, and the crises that come one after another have all posed a strong pressure and threat to Chu Liuxiang and his group. On the contrary, Chu Liuxiang and others have a higher fighting spirit and more confidence. In order to be firm, in the process of protecting King Qiuci and Princess Pipa, they found that many clues point to the same source, and the foreign forces that usurped the Qiuci Dynasty were actually the same group of people who wanted to kill them. As a result, the rise and fall of a dynasty in the desert was transformed into the grievances and grievances between people in the rivers and lakes in an instant. The conception and layout of the whole work can be described as extremely ingenious."

The leaves silently wrote: "Chu Liuxiang defeated Shi Guanyin with his own wisdom, and the process made people stunned, and the scene of Shi Guanyin's narcissism to suicide makes people sigh and sigh, it is a kind of beauty that has passed away, all the The sympathy and sympathy with which all the grievances and grievances are lost, the red, pink and withered bones are only in the line. Since this is the case, should the grievances and hatreds in the world be put down earlier?"

Liang Sheng wrote: "After all the truth was revealed, and the story drew to a close, when the King of Qiuci, who had recovered his homeland, invited Chu Liuxiang and others to visit the country as VIPs, Chu Liuxiang politely thanked him, which was expected. However, in the face of the beautiful and delicate Pipa Princess, Chu Liuxiang also gave it up, which is inconsistent with Chu Liuxiang's suave and unrestrained style. It stands to reason that Chu Liuxiang would not refuse an invitation from a beauty. But this time he refused. Now, why? Maybe it's because after witnessing Shi Guanyin's death, his red face turned into a skeleton, he has surpassed it in his mind, and he has a restless personality that is eager to try the love between men and women at any time."

Wolong wrote: "Chu Liuxiang entered the desert originally to find his three confidants, but at the end of "The Great Desert", none of the three confidants had been found, which undoubtedly left the suspense in the next one. In the story. Not only that, but there is a mysterious character 'thrush', which undoubtedly makes people can't wait for the next story."


In addition, there are many celebrities and famous people who have posted relevant appreciation and comments on their Weibo.

As celebrities, they obviously can't wait to share their thoughts and opinions with countless other book fans.

There are obviously very few works that can enjoy this kind of treatment, and Li Fan's various works account for the vast majority of them.

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