[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1809 "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" Ending Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Two Realms Porter, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, A Thought of the Eternal Dragon King Appreciation and comments on "The Great Desert".

And book fans like to watch it very much. Appreciation and comments from various celebrities. They like this kind of works they like very much, and they feel amazed and praised by celebrities.

At the same time, the appreciation and analysis of celebrities can also help them better understand the works and solve their doubts.

For example, Liang Sheng's appreciation and comments solved a doubt for them.

Facing the invitation of the beautiful and delicate Princess Pipa, why did Chu Liuxiang choose to refuse?

It stands to reason that he should not accept it readily, and then swim with Princess Pipa?

The beauty is on the side, Fang shows the suave nature.

Fans are a little puzzled.

After reading Liang Sheng's appreciation and comments, they understood.

It turned out to be because Chu Liuxiang witnessed the scene of Shi Guanyin's loss and her beauty instantly turned into bones, she has surpassed it in her mind, and she has a restless character that is eager to try the love between men and women at any time.

In other words, Chu Liuxiang had already understood that there was only a thin line of distance between the red powder and the dry bones. His love between men and women is no longer as eager to try as before.

Of course, this may not be the real reason, but Shi Guanyin's rosy face turned dry in an instant, which must have had an impact on Chu Liuxiang.

This kind of influence may not last long. After a period of time, Chu Liuxiang will forget about it, and then will once again restore her suave and suave nature, never rejecting invitations from beautiful women.

But at that time, Chu Liuxiang must have been influenced, so he rejected Princess Pipa.

As for after a while, will Chu Liuxiang regret that he rejected Princess Pipa at that time?

Then it is unknown.

In any case, another doubt in the hearts of book fans was solved.

After the doubts are resolved, there will obviously be more issues worthy of their discussion.

For example, after a while, will Chu Liuxiang really regret that she rejected Princess Pipa at that time?

This question is obviously worthy of a good discussion among book fans, and book fans are obviously very interested in this kind of problem.

Some book fans say it will, and some book fans say it shouldn't. No one knows the real answer, but book fans are not happy.


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen said with emotion: "Shi Guanyin, since the beginning of martial arts novels, there has never been a character similar to Shi Guanyin. The role of Shi Guanyin created by Gu Yong this time is a unique existence in the entire martial arts novel world."

Wang Yang said: "This is why Gu Yong has become the leader of the martial arts novel world. He himself is a unique existence in the entire martial arts novel world, and no one can replace him."

Jian Yi Shen said: "Indeed, in the entire martial arts novel world, he is the only one who is irreplaceable. Other authors, including me, leaves silent, Wolong and others, can be replaced."

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Xiao Tang, you are actually very good. Don't forget your own goal and become the first person under Gu Yong."

Jian Yishen nodded and said, "Editor-in-chief, I have never forgotten, I will definitely do it."

Wang Yang nodded and said, "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang has finished two stories, how many stories will there be in total?"

Jian Yi Shendao: "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng has eight stories, and the Legend of Chu Liuxiang may also have eight stories."

Wang Yang said: "There is a possibility. The eight stories seem to be a lot, but all the serialization ended in a blink of an eye.

Just like the "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" before. Gu Yong's martial arts works, I really see a little less. "

Jian Yi Shen said: "This is indeed very regrettable, but fortunately we can still watch it now."

Wang Yang nodded and said, "In short, we really need to cherish it."


"The Great Desert" is over, but "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is not over yet. Countless book fans are still eagerly looking forward to the next story.

A week later, the third story, Thrush Bird, officially started serialization.


In the expectations of book fans, time always passed quickly. When "The Thrush Bird" ended, book fans suddenly woke up, and before they knew it, the third story also ended.

Fortunately, there will continue to be a fourth story, a fifth story...

Chu Liuxiang is still the Chu Liuxiang that book fans love very much, and the new characters that keep appearing also impress book fans deeply.

And in every story, Chu Liuxiang is inseparable from a beautiful woman.

For example, in "The Legend of Peach Blossom", he was entangled with Zhang Jiejie.

In "The Legend of the New Moon", he finds his daughter, Princess Yujian, for Jiao Lin.

In "Midnight Orchid", the mysterious Mr. Orchid who forced him to appear is a smart and beautiful woman.

In every story, there are women who are entangled with Chu Liuxiang, which makes fans of the book absolutely believe that in "The Thrush", Shi Guanyin's red powder turns to withered bones in an instant, and the impact on Chu Liuxiang has long been thrown away by him.

Chu Liuxiang is still the suave and suave Chu Liuxiang who is always moved by beauty.


Time is always passing, and the stories of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" are being serialized one after another.

Fans of books are always immersed in one after another, blurred by events, until the end of the serialization of the eighth story "Midnight Orchid", book fans suddenly fully wake up.

Because, the end of "Midnight Orchid" represents the end of the entire "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" series.

The young man lost his beauty with the flowers, and the thief and the handsome man walked on the moon and left fragrance. The story of Chu Liuxiang, who was suave, resourceful, observant, calm, elegant, kind and affectionate, is over.

From then on, there will be no more stories about Chu Liuxiang. All the stories of Chu Liuxiang have become legends.

The book fans woke up from intoxication, and then there was an extremely reluctant mood, which filled their entire minds.

Chu Liuxiang's story ended so quickly.

At this moment, at the very beginning of the first story, Fragrance in the Sea of ​​Blood, the letter that Chu Liuxiang wrote to the son, Banhua, is clearly remembered by fans of the book.

"Wen-Jun has a beauty of white jade, hand-carved with exquisite beauty, and I can't help but yearn for it. Tonight is right, when I come to pick it up on the moon, Jun Su Yada will not make me go back and forth in vain."

That was the first time fans felt the charm of the thief Chu Liuxiang. It was also the first time I knew that there was a grand marshal among thieves named Chu Liuxiang.

That was the first encounter between book fans and Chu Liuxiang.

But they never thought that after such a short time, they would say goodbye to Chu Liuxiang.

In fact, time is not fast, and a long time has passed.

It's just that book fans are too addicted to Chu Liuxiang's story, and they feel that time naturally flies by quickly.

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