Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1810 The next work is a bit sad

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1810 The next work is a bit sad Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Legend of the Young Doctor, the Immortal Dragon King Say goodbye now.

After thinking about it carefully, they realized that Chu Liuxiang had actually been with them for a long time, starting from "Fragrant Sea of ​​Blood" and ending with "Midnight Orchid", the entire series of eight stories is already a magnificent long story. Giant system.

It's just because they have always been intoxicated in Chu Liuxiang's world during this period of time, and they have the illusion that they have just met and are about to break up.

On the Internet, fans of the book are full of emotion and feel very sad.

"Hey! I didn't expect to say goodbye to Chu Liuxiang so soon. I still clearly remember that at the beginning of the story, when I saw the letter that Chu Liuxiang wrote to the son, Hanhua, I was astonished, that kind of amazement, from the very beginning. In the end, it went on all the time. Now, it can't go on, because it's over. Alas! It still feels too short."

"I don't think so. A good-looking work always feels like it's over before we've seen enough. There's nothing we can do about it. Even if we don't give up, it's still over."

"I remember that before the first serialization, we saw Gu Yongda's introduction to "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang". At that time, I was still thinking, as a thief, how did Chu Liuxiang be suave, calm and elegant? I didn't expect this It's almost over, it's a shame."

"The Legend of Chu Liuxiang will end when it's over. What I'm worried about now is that Gu Yongda won't write a martial arts novel, right? Because of the last chapters of the last story "Midnight Orchid", there is always a kind of Gu Yong when reading Greatly saying goodbye."

"There is indeed a feeling of saying goodbye, but it should be the farewell of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", not the farewell of Gu Yong's great martial arts novels."

"Yes, don't think too much. If "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is really Gu Yongda's last martial arts work, Gu Yongda should have explained it in advance, so that we can have a mental preparation."

"Hey! I'm afraid that Gu Yongda won't tell us in advance, and then he will announce it directly in two days, and then he will write a martial arts novel. You know, Gu Yongda always likes to create accidents for us, I'm really afraid of Gu Yongda Give us another surprise this time."

"This... it shouldn't be possible, right? I strongly hope that I don't hear news of Gu Yong's great closure of martial arts novels in the past few days."

"You think too much. I believe that Gu Yongda will definitely tell us in advance before writing the last martial arts novel."

"That is, don't think too much. I believe that Gu Yong will at least write another martial arts novel."

"Well, I hope what I have heard in the past few days is news about Gu Yongda's new martial arts works, not news about closed martial arts novels."


Fans are a little worried now that Gu Yong will suddenly announce that he will write a martial arts novel, although it stands to reason that if "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is really Gu Yong's last martial arts novel, Gu Yong should explain it in advance.

But Gu Yong always liked to bring "surprises" to everyone before, and he really didn't necessarily explain it in advance.

If that's the case, it's really sad.

The book fans couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, they really didn't want to hear the news of Gu Yong's announcement of the closed-pen martial arts novel.


Fans are apprehensive, and many martial arts authors are also discussing.

"Many book fans are a little worried now. Gu Yong is writing martial arts novels. You say, is this really possible?"

"It should be unlikely, there is absolutely no sign of it now. However,

Considering Gu Yong's acting style, it is not completely impossible. I think this is also the reason why book fans are worried and apprehensive. "

"It's not really possible to write a martial arts novel at this point, but it won't take too long. I estimate that after Gu Yong writes another, at most two martial arts novels, the martial arts novel will really be closed."

"Well, we've discussed this issue before, so that's for sure."

"In the past few days, I have focused on Gu Yong's Weibo. He should reveal relevant news, but I hope it will not be news about the closure of martial arts novels."

"Hopefully it should still be quite big, and you don't have to worry too much."



Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming said: "Gu Yong won't really just write a martial arts novel, right?"

Li Bo said: "Old Yang, fans of books are worried, why are you worried too? Don't worry, Gu Yong won't write martial arts novels just like that."

"Oh?" Yang Qiming's eyes lit up and he said, "Lao Li, why are you so sure? Did you find any basis?"

Li Bo said: "That's not true. This is just my feeling. I can feel that Guyong will continue to release new martial arts novels."

"Feeling?" Yang Qiming smiled helplessly and said, "I hope your feeling this time is correct."

Li Bo laughed and said, "Don't worry, Lao Yang, I can't be wrong this time."

Yang Qiming nodded and said, "However, after Gu Yong's next martial arts novel, it is really possible to close a martial arts novel, which is also regrettable."

Li Bo said: "There is no way out, no matter how sorry we are, we can only accept it."

Yang Qiming sighed, "Yes, I can only accept it."


Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng said to Li Fan: "It seems that many people in the outside world are worried now. You will write a martial arts novel about this. Don't you plan to say a few words to appease their hearts and give them a reassurance?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Don't worry, let them worry for two days, there is nothing wrong, this is only good for us, not bad. Isn't it?"

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "That's true. So, when do you plan to officially start the serialization of the next martial arts work?"

Li Fan said: "This is not in a hurry, just wait another week."

"Oh?" Liang Sheng said, "Not ready yet?"

Li Fan said: "No, it's completely ready."

Liang Sheng was a little puzzled, and then said: "Since it is completely ready, why wait for an extra week? Didn't you wait an extra week before?"

Li Fandao: "Because the story of this work is not so beautiful, and readers feel very sad, let's wait another week before releasing it."

"Sadness?" Liang Sheng said, "Is the main theme tragedy?"

Li Fandao: "This... If it's a tragedy, it should be considered, but it's not the kind of tragedy we generally think. Anyway, it makes people a little sad."

Liang Sheng said: "I just don't understand it very well. However, since you absolutely have to wait an extra week, it is natural to wait an extra week. Then wait for an extra week before starting the serialization."

Li Fan nodded, the next work was a little sad, and his heart was also a little sad.

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