Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1816 Xiao Li Fei Dao, a true example

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1816, Little Li Fei Dao, a True Example Author: In the Countryside]

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Zhuge Lei looked at Li Xun Huan in horror. He wanted to say something. After exhausting all his strength, he finally said, "It's you, I should have recognized you."

After that, it was never possible to say a word again.

Obviously, Zhu Ge Lei recognized Li Xun Huan's identity, but unfortunately it was too late.

If he could have recognized Li Xun Huan's identity earlier, he would definitely not have dared to attack the young man from behind, and he would not have lost his life in vain.

The book fans were excited again, and they knew that Li Xunhuan's identity would not be simple.

What is Li Xunhuan's identity? What kind of story does he have? Who is the person he misses deeply? Why doesn't he go find someone? Is it because the person really died, or is there some other reason?

Waiting for all these questions, there should be answers slowly. Although book fans can't wait to know the answers, they are not too anxious.

They want to look back little by little and know all the answers little by little.

The young man looked back at Zhuge Lei, he didn't understand why Zhuge Lei wanted to kill him? His Jianghu experience is still insufficient after all.

He also knew that Li Xunhuan had rescued him. He originally came to invite Li Xunhuan to drink, but now he should.

The teenager bought a lot of wine and got into the carriage with Li Xunhuan. They were going to drink while walking on the carriage.

Because Li Xunhuan said that no matter who killed someone for whatever reason, there would be some trouble, so he had to leave in time.

On the carriage, the two were drinking together. Li Xun Huan asked the boy if he knew why Zhuge Lei wanted to kill him?

The teenager replied that he didn't know, Li Fan told him the reason, and the teenager was silent for a long time after listening.

This may be the first time he has experienced the sinister nature of people's hearts in the arena. It is definitely not easy to break into the rivers and lakes.

Afterwards, the boy asked Li Xunhuan, "Are you a famous person?"

Li Xunhuan replied, "Being famous is not a good thing."

The boy added, "But I want to be famous. I want to be the most famous person in the world."

This seems a little naive, but the young man said, "I am different from others. I have to become famous. If I don't become famous, I will only die."

Li Xunhuan asked why?

The boy didn't answer, but there was a look of sadness and anger in his eyes. Only then did Li Xun Huan realize that there were many secrets hidden in the boy's body, and his life experience seemed to be full of grief and misfortune.

Li Xun Huan didn't ask the boy why? Just ask what the boy's name is?

The boy replied that everyone who knew him called him Ah Fei.

He didn't tell Li Xunhuan what his surname was? It's just that when he becomes famous, he may say his last name, but now he can't.

Everyone has their own secrets, and teenagers are naturally the same, so Li Xunhuan didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, because a snowman blocked the carriage's way.

And inside the snowman, there was a dead man hidden, it was the black snake that panicked and escaped from the inn not long ago.

He was killed and turned into a snowman, blocking the way of Li Xunhuan and A Fei's carriage.

The person who killed him was for that burden. When he was in the inn before, the black snake actually pretended to be panicked on purpose. The reason why he did this was to secretly take away that burden.

In fact he succeeded, he succeeded in taking that baggage out of the inn without anyone noticing.

But now, that burden has brought him the calamity of death,

The man who killed him not only stole that baggage, but also made him a snowman, blocking the way of Li Xunhuan's carriage.

Why did his killer block Li Xun Huan's path?

For that baggage.

It turned out that the black snake did not have that burden on him, and the person who killed him did not find that burden on the black snake.

That can only show that the black snake did not take that burden, that burden was taken by others.

Who is the other? Naturally, it could only be Li Xunhuan.

The person who killed the black snake thought so.

In the inn, Li Xunhuan shot a knife, and everyone at the scene recognized Li Xunhuan's identity.

Therefore, the person who killed the black snake believed that the burden should be taken by Li Xunhuan, and he also believed that Li Xunhuan would pass by here, so he used the body of the black snake to block Li Xunhuan's path and wanted to take it from Li Xunhuan. over the burden.

They have already appeared. They are Cha Meng, the head of the "Golden Lion Escort Agency", Yu Er, "God's Shadow", and four boys in red, yellow, black, and green under the door of the five poisonous boys of "Bliss Cave" in Miaojiang. .

Li Xunhuan knew a few people, and naturally they also knew Li Xunhuan.

"God walks without shadows." Yu Er gave a gloomy smile and said, "Little Li Tanhua really lives up to his reputation, and he never forgets it, we only met once thirteen years ago, and I can't think of Tanhua Lang who still remembers me, Yu Er kidnapper, an old bastard. ."

Xiao Li Tanhua?

This was the first time someone called Li Xunhuan "Little Li Tanhua", and all the book fans were stunned.

Tanhua, everyone naturally knows what it is?

In the ancient imperial examinations, the third jinshi was called "Tanhua".

The first two jinshi were called "the champion" and "the second place" respectively.

Since Li Xunhuan was called "Little Li Tanhua", it means that he had participated in the imperial examinations, and he was in the final high school in the final palace exam.

This is an absolute civil and military duoquan.

Moreover, Li Xunhuan is also the only protagonist who has participated in the imperial examination in all of Gu Yong's martial arts works so far.

This more or less shows that Li Xun Huan will be a rather special one among all the protagonists.

Fans of books thought.

The boy in yellow looked at Li Xunhuan, giggled and asked Li Xunhuan to pay for their snowman, then jumped high and rushed towards Li Xunhuan.

When Yu Ermazi saw this, he immediately stopped the boy in yellow clothes. The boy in yellow clothes didn't know how high the sky was, but he knew that if Li Xunhuan made a move, he would kill people.

He absolutely believed that the boy in yellow would fall to the ground like a dead sparrow before he could reach Li Xunhuan.

Then, Yu Ermazi said in a deep voice, "Have you never heard of the phrase 'Little Li Fei Dao is the best in the world, and a knife shot is a true example!'"

"Little Li Feidao, is it true?" The boys giggled and didn't seem to care about this sentence. Maybe they were too confident in their poisoning skills.

The few boys didn't care much, but all the book fans were suddenly shocked, and their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

Xiao Li Feidao, a true example!

Just thinking about it, you can imagine that when Li Xunhuan shot the knife, his soaring pride was dashing and handsome!

Moreover, not long ago, they had already seen the power of Xiao Li Feidao. As soon as he made a shot, he would directly take the enemy by the throat. The speed was so fast that no one could avoid it, so they would be "true".

How cold, dashing and handsome is that?

They always knew that Li Xun Huan would never be an ordinary person.

Now, as soon as "Little Li Fei Dao, a true example" came out, they finally knew the prestige of Li Xun Huan's knife.

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