Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1817 Who is she?

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1817 Who is she? Author: in the countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Rebirth Green Robe, Choose the Heavens, Eternal Night King, Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying, and read the legend of the eternal dragon king. The legend of the ancient gods and kings of Wu Lian, the peak of Wu Lian, Xiao Li Fei Dao, is a true example!

The book fans are excited and excited, and they are all eagerly looking forward to, when will Li Xun Huan be able to shoot the knife again?

They were very eager to see Li Xun Huan's demeanor when he shot the knife again.

Of course, this doesn't mean that they like to watch Li Xunhuan kill people. They believe that Li Xunhuan's flying knife will only shoot at the throats of those dangerous villains, just like Zhuge Lei before.

They also know that Li Xunhuan's flying knife is a symbol of justice and light, and his flying knife will not shoot at those righteous people.

Therefore, book fans actually want to see once again that those tough villains were shot through the throat by Li Xun Huan's sword of justice.

Not only did justice be done, but also admired Li Xunhuan's peerless style when he shot the knife, which naturally made book fans look forward to it!

Knowing that Li Xunhuan's example of flying knives was not in vain, Cha Meng did not dare to offend Li Xunhuan. He only said that he hoped Li Xunhuan could take out the package, saying that the package was entrusted to the bodyguards of the Golden Lion Guard. Ten years of reputation will be ruined from now on.

Only then did Li Xun Huan understand what the other party meant by blocking his way?

It turned out that the other party did not find the burden on the black snake, so he suspected that he was in the inn and took the burden.

Li Xun Huan naturally didn't take that burden, but he said, "Yes, that burden is indeed with me, but I haven't decided whether to give it back to you? You'd better let me think about it."

Li Xun Huan even directly admitted that he took the burden.

This made the fans a little strange, they knew that Li Xun Huan didn't take that burden.

However, fans of the book also know that Li Xunhuan must have his intentions in doing this. They just need to look down carefully.

The second kidnapper Yu asked Li Xunhuan how long should he think about it?

Li Xun Huan replied that one hour was enough. An hour later, we are still here.

The boy in yellow sneered, "Does Li Xun Huan want to take advantage of this hour to escape?"

The second kidnapper Yu didn't even think about it, so he agreed directly, and then told the boy in yellow with a sullen face that Xiao Li Tanhua had gone through more than 300 battles in the years since his debut and before he retired, and he had never escaped once.

After that, Erguai Yu and others left, they came and went quickly.

Ah Fei asked Li Xunhuan, he obviously didn't take that burden, why did he admit that the burden was indeed on him?

Li Xun Huan replied that even if he said he didn't take it, those people would never believe it, and sooner or later it would be inevitable to fight. Since that's the case, it's better to simply admit it, so as to avoid trouble with them.

Li Xun Huan is definitely a person who is afraid of trouble, but trouble always finds him.

Ah Fei asked again, since a battle is inevitable, why wait another hour?

Li Xun Huan replied that he was going to find the person who really stole the baggage. He had already figured out who stole the baggage? And also analyzed, where should I go to find that person?

Li Xun Huan asked Ah Fei to leave first. It was his own business, and he didn't want to implicate Ah Fei.

Ah Fei didn't say anything. After drinking another glass of wine with Li Xun Huan, he left alone.

After Ah Fei left, Li Xun Huan asked the big man in the car to wait for him here, and then walked into the woods alone, still coughing non-stop. It was heartbreaking to hear this.

The driver looked at Li Xunhuan's back, and sighed, "We had a good time outside the pass, why do you have to enter the pass to suffer again? It's been ten years, can't you forget her? I want to see her again. ? But after you saw her,

Still can't talk to her, you... why are you bothering? "

The driver of the car was sighing, but his words brought a lot of information to book fans.

Li Xunhuan has been outside the customs for ten years, and this time, after ten years, he has re-entered the customs, or re-entered the arena.

Then, what is certain is that, ten years ago, there must have been a major event in Li Xunhuan's life that was enough to change his life.

The previous guesses of book fans were indeed correct. Li Xun Huan had a sad story that no one knew about.

The driver said, "It's been ten years, can't Li Xun Huan still forget her?" Do you want to see her again?

who is she?

Could it be the woman who made Li Xun Huan unforgettable?

Li Xunhuan re-entered the customs ten years after leaving the customs, just wanted to see that woman again?

After ten years of lovesickness and ten years of sculpting portraits, can't help but want to see her at last?

In this way, the previous speculation by book fans that Li Xunhuan's thought that she was dead was obviously wrong.

That she wasn't dead yet.

It's just that since that she wasn't dead yet, why did Li Xun Huan go far away from the customs?

He loved that woman so much, why did he leave the border at that time?

Could it be that the woman doesn't love him?

It shouldn't be possible, a character like Li Xun Huan is deeply in love with a woman, and that woman can't help but love him.

Then what was the reason for Li Xunhuan to leave the customs?

Also, the driver said, "But after you see her, you still won't talk to her."

What's the situation? If Li Xun Huan met him, wouldn't he talk to the woman he was deeply in love with?

The driver of the car also used the word "return", doesn't that mean that ten years ago, before Li Fan left the border, he had stopped talking to her whom he deeply loved?

What's the reason for this?

The sighs of the big man who drove the car brought a lot of information to the book fans, but also brought more questions to the book fans.

With so much information, so many new questions, and in the past ten years, Li Xunhuan has been drinking, coughing, and carving her portrait, so that fans can be absolutely sure that for ten years. What happened to Li Xunhuan before must be no trivial matter.

Moreover, the matter must have something to do with the woman Li Xun Huan missed deeply.

Now, seeing Li Xunhuan walking into the woods alone, looking for the person who really stole the baggage, coughing while walking, fans suddenly felt a burst of sadness.

After ten years of deep thoughts, Li Xun Huan's life may only be drinking and coughing.

Of course, when Li Xunhuan's flying knife shot, it was still as sharp, and it was still true.

Ten years of missing, drinking and coughing, did not make his flying knife lose its accuracy, and he is still the awesome "Little Li flying knife".

This is also a kind of consolation for book lovers.

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