Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1827 The judgment is completely correct

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1827 The judgment is completely correct Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Power of Industry, the Empire of Sacred Ruins, Lord Xue Ying, The Legend of Eternal Dragon King. This is already a low price.

If the rough stone is just for its appearance, a full 1 million can be directly washed away, but if it is really a top-quality rough stone, 1 million will be exchanged for several times, or even dozens of times the income.

This was originally a gamble. Some people went bankrupt for this, and some people became rich overnight. It was luck and fate.

Qin Yulin asked in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, do you think this rough stone is worth 1 million?"

Is it worth a million?

No one at the scene could answer this question for sure, except for Li Fan.

Li Fan said: "It's worth it! It's not just 1 million. If the final transaction price is not higher than 10 million, you can make money."

Why is Li Fan so sure?

There is no way, he has the space of immortality and the little mantra, and he can easily see a rough stone thoroughly.

If he goes to participate in the gambling stone, as long as he wants, he can mess up the gambling stone market in minutes.

All, he will not bet on stones, and he has no need to bet on stones, his money has long been inexhaustible.

Of course, it’s okay to bet once or twice for fun.

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up, and he said, "Can you make money if you don't exceed 10 million yuan? It looks like someone is going to make money in today's first shot. Judging from the current trend, the final transaction price should not exceed 2 million yuan. ."

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's true."

Although the voices of the two were small, they did not deliberately keep their voices low, and several people nearby could hear their voices.

After hearing this, all of them despised in their hearts, "Can you make money up to 10 million? It's the same as the truth. If you're so sure, why don't you shoot yourself?"

Of course, in the opinion of several people, even if Li Fan wants to shoot, he may not be able to come up with 2 million yuan.

A few people in the vicinity saw the recent admission ticket disturbance. Almost all of them thought that Li Fan's two admission tickets were really stolen.

Of course, they also admired Li Fan's ability. The person who came in stealing the tickets can still be so calm, and now he is so bragging. It's true that Nima is a talent.

Just when several people were muttering in their hearts, the first semi-rough stone was officially auctioned, and the transaction price was 1.82 million.

After the auction of the rough stone, if the bidder is willing, he can cut the rough stone on the spot, and the scene will be able to know whether it is a profit or a loss.

Of course, the auctioneer needs to pay off the rough stone before it is cut open.

The bidder was a man in his fifties from the lobby. After paying the full amount, he said he could cut the rough on the spot.

The rough stone processor will come to the stage with professional tools, and he will cut the rough stone under the watchful eyes of everyone on site.

It is clear at a glance whether it is a profit or a loss.

It was an exciting time, both the host and the bystanders were very excited.

Li Fan and Su Qing also showed interest.

Soon, the rough stone was cut, and the processor's face first showed an excited look, and said a word very excitedly:


A word "rising" from the processor means that this time the stone bet was successful.

Most of the people at the scene looked excited and envious. They were not necessarily envious of how much money they could make, but rather the luck of winning the stone bet and the excitement of the bidder at this time.

The feeling of making money after winning this kind of gambling is far more exciting than making money through other channels.

Maybe some rich people too.

One of the reasons for the fascination with gambling stones.

The processing engineer said "up", and he can be sure that he has won the stone bet, and how much he won needs to be jointly identified by several jade experts.

In the end, the results of the appraisal of several jade experts came out, and the final value will exceed 10 million.

In other words, the bidder will earn at least 8 million this time.

This is already a low number.

Everyone at the scene became excited again, and they were even more envious, and the successful bidder was excited and thanked the people around him.

Everyone at the scene was excited, but a few people around Li Fan were shocked at this time.

Li Fan said before that as long as the transaction price does not exceed 10 million, he can make money, and after the rough stone is cut, the final estimate is more than 10 million.

That is to say, Li Fan's previous judgment was completely accurate.

"This..." Several people were completely shocked.

They really couldn't believe that Li Fan's judgment could be so accurate.

You know, even in today's highly developed technology, there is no instrument that can pass through the outer shell of the rough stone and quickly determine whether it is "precious jade" or "defective floc"?

That is to say, even high-tech instruments are not ready to judge the value of a rough stone.

Stone gambling is about the experience, vision and luck of the stone gambler.

But Li Fan just made an accurate judgment, which is really unbelievable.

Of course, it's also possible that Li Fan's blind cat met a dead mouse, and he just said a number of 10 million.

10 million is an integer, which is convenient to say.

In the opinion of several people, Li Fan should be the blind cat who met the dead mouse.

But no matter what, they were really shocked. They began to pay attention to Li Fan, whether intentionally or not, they all began to prick up their ears, listening to what Li Fan would say next?

They are looking forward to auctioning another rough stone, so that they may be able to test Li Fan's judgment again.

It's a pity that the second lot is not a rough stone, but a painting by a famous artist in modern history. The starting price is 2 million.

There were still a lot of bidders, and the final price was 8 million.

Next, the third lot, the fourth lot...

There are bids for each lot, and there has been no passing-in.

Soon, on the tenth lot, it was another rough stone. This time, it was a very large rough stone, nearly one meter high and nearly half a meter thick. A skylight was also opened on one side to reveal the emerald green inside.

The eyes of several people around Li Fan suddenly brightened, and their expressions were excited, "Finally here."

All the people at the scene were equally excited. With the success of the first rough stone, everyone was full of expectations for this rough stone.

Many people are already eager to try and prepare to bid. They are really envious of the excitement when they win the stone bet, and this time they are ready to experience it for themselves.

"Another rough stone." Li Fan also looked at the rough stone with great interest, "This is still a big guy."

Qin Yulin also looked very interested. I wonder if the successful bidder this time will make a profit or lose?

"The starting price is 1 million!" the auctioneer said excitedly.

The price of 1 million is not low, but it is not too high. Coupled with the stimulation of the first rough stone, there are many bidders, and the price is rising steadily, and soon exceeded 3 million.

Moreover, it also showed a continuing upward trend.

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