Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1828 An ordinary big stone

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1828, An Ordinary Big Rock Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Hidden Marriage The Immemorial God King Wulian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound World , Everyone's enthusiasm is very high, even in the VIP private rooms on the second and third floors, there are bids.

A few people around Li Fan were watching Li Fan with pricked ears, thinking in their hearts, "Go ahead and talk about the value of this rough stone?"

Li Fan could accurately sense the thoughts of the people around him.

He didn't care about that.

Qin Yulin's eyes showed interest, and he said to Li Fan, "Brother-in-law, the bid has already exceeded 3.5 million. How much do you think this rough stone is worth?"

Li Fan said: "Scrap, it can be worth tens of thousands of dollars."

Qin Yulin's eyes brightened, and he said, "That means someone will lose millions this time. I wonder who would be so unlucky?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "There should be an answer soon."

"Waste? It's only worth tens of thousands of dollars?" A few people around him finally got their wish, and they waited until Li Fan's judgment on the value of this rock, but a few people didn't believe the result of Li Fan's judgment.

Although they can't be considered jade experts, they also have a certain vision. Judging from their vision, the jade green color of this original stone sky window is better than the previous one, and its volume is much larger.

Although this does not mean that this rough stone is more valuable than the previous rough stone, it doesn't look like waste. It is worth three or four million, so there should be no problem, right?

"It seems that this kid is really just talking nonsense. He doesn't understand at all. He was just lucky before. It was really just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse." Several people thought so in their hearts.

At this time, the auction for this rough stone finally settled, and the final transaction price was 4.8 million, which was won by someone in a second-class private room on the second floor.

4.8 million, which is considered a high price, but this rough stone is better than the previous one, the value should be higher, and the bidder should still be able to make money.

The key is to see how much you earn? millions? or more?

Of course, since it is a stone bet, it is also possible to lose money, but the probability of losing money this time should be very small, even if it really loses, it will not lose too much.

Almost everyone thought so, except Li Fan and Qin Yulin.

The bidders in the VIP private room are also willing to cut the rough stone on the spot.

The former processor came on the field again with the tools, and if he cut it out, the answer would be revealed once again.

The processor skillfully cut the rough stone.

Everyone's attention on the scene was all focused on the processor, and most people were looking forward to it. This time the processor would say "rise" again.

Although winning the bet has nothing to do with them, and it's not that they make money, but they just like to hear the word "rising" from the processor.

When they hear the word "Zhang", they get excited, regardless of whether the stone gambler is them or not.

It's just a pity that they were disappointed this time.

After cutting the rough stone, the processor shook his head, sighed softly, and said:


The word "collapse" means that if you fail to gamble on stones, you will lose money.

"Alas! It's a pity." Many people in the hall were regretting, and they didn't know if they were regretting the bidder, or were they regretting that they didn't hear the word "rise"?

The few people around Li Fan were all stunned, "I wipe! It's really broken."

Now, the hearts of several people are only stunned, and they are not shocked again.

Because, "collapse" only means that the stone bet fails, and the bidder will lose money, but it does not mean that the rough stone is a piece of waste.

For example, the current rough stone is worth 5 million,

That was also good news.

It's just that the bidder bought it with 5.8 million. Compared with the bidder, it is indeed "collapsed".

So, how much is this "collapsed" rough stone worth? It also needs several jade experts to identify together.

It didn't take too long, the identification results were released, and the estimated value was 60,000 yuan.


Hearing this value, everyone gasped, and it was only worth 60,000 yuan.

That is to say, this rough stone is almost a waste, and the bidder's 5.8 million is almost completely lost.

Everyone looked away. They thought that even if they "collapsed", they would not lose too much. This rough stone should be worth two or three million.

But where can I think of it, it only refers to 60,000 yuan.

"Alas!" Everyone sighed again, this time it should be a pity and a pity for the winner.

But this is gambling, and it is normal to have such a result.

Therefore, although the people at the scene felt regret and pity, they did not feel incredible.

However, a few people were completely incredulous, and the expressions on their faces were nothing but shock.

These people are naturally the people around Li Fan.

It turned out to be a piece of waste, only worth tens of thousands of dollars, Li Fan once again made a very accurate judgment, and several people were completely shocked.

If the judgment is accurate only once, it can be called luck, but now that the judgment is so accurate twice in a row, I am afraid that it is not just as simple as luck.

Of course, two in a row can also be called luck, but how much luck does it need to be?

A few people don't think it's all luck, but if it's not luck, it can only show that Li Fan has a very high vision in judging the rough stone.

"Is this... is it true?" To be honest, a few people still don't want to believe that someone's vision can be so high.

If you really have such a vision, let alone such a vision, even if you can see it five or six times out of ten, it will definitely be made, and the wealth will be absolutely endless.

Although several people still did not believe that Li Fan's eyes could be so accurate, the eyes they looked at Li Fan had changed.

In any case, Li Fan has made a completely accurate judgment twice in a row, and it should not be entirely due to luck.

Among them was a man in his 40s. Looking at Li Fan's figure, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to be thinking about something?

This time, the rough stone auction came to an end temporarily because the bidders lost all their money. The auction will continue, and more auction items will be auctioned one by one.

At the time of the eighteenth lot, another stone was carried to the auction table.

This is a large, irregularly shaped stone, more than a meter high, close to a meter thick, and dark brown in color.

This should not be a rough jade stone, it seems to be just an ordinary large stone.

Is this big stone also an auction item?

Or is this actually a piece of rough jade? But it doesn't look like it.

Everyone's heart is very puzzled. They don't understand why the auction house put such an ordinary big stone on the auction table?


At this moment, Xiao Zhu suddenly made a "Huh" in Li Fan's mind.

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