Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1829 The breath of life in the stone

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1829: The Breath of Life in the Stone Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The first love of a superstar, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods and kings, the peak of Wulian, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the king of the eternal night, the great master of the scales, and the little mantra of the holy ruins. Suddenly, a "huh" sounded in Li Fan's mind.

"What's wrong? Little curse." Li Fan asked in his mind.

Xiao Zhu replied: "Master, I felt a breath of life in this stone."

"The breath of life?" Li Fan was stunned, this big rock has life? Or is there a life bred in this big rock?

Could this Nima be the immortal stone that gave birth to Sun Wukong? It must be too incredible.

Xiao Zhu sensed the thoughts in Li Fan's heart, and said with a smile: "Master, it's not that evil, and this is not an immortal stone. However, it is true that there is a trace of life in it. Although it is extremely weak, my perception is not wrong. .Master, I need to concentrate on entering the inside of the stone, and then feel it carefully to see what is going on?"

Li Fan nodded, he did not doubt Xiao Zhu's words, it seemed that this was a strange stone.

And the auction house should have also discovered the strangeness of this stone, so it will be put up for auction.

After a while, Xiao Zhu said again: "Master, I sensed clearly, it turned out that there was a bird egg at the very center of the stone. The bird egg was very large, reaching 25 cm in length and 18 cm in width. The egg is about the size of an ostrich egg. This bird's egg has been in this stone for a long time, several years, even decades. Logically speaking, it should have long since lost its breath of life. But For some reason, this bird egg still has an extremely weak aura."

"Bird eggs?" Li Fan nodded, there was a bird egg in the stone, but it was not impossible.

There are tens of thousands of species of birds in the world. Different birds like to lay eggs in different places. Under the influence of various external environments, it is very normal for a bird egg to be contained in a rock. .

However, eggs with a length of 25 cm and a width of 18 cm are extremely rare.

Among the existing birds, only the largest ostrich eggs are likely to reach such a large size.

Could it be that this is an ostrich egg?

In addition, Xiao Zhu said that this bird egg has existed in the stone for a long time, and now there is still a trace of life, which is quite incredible.

A miracle of life seems to be insufficient to describe it.

However, the magic of nature is far beyond people's imagination. Due to various coincidences, this bird egg still has a trace of life until now, and it seems not impossible.

At this time, Xiao Zhuo said again: "However, Master, the very weak life breath in the bird's egg is constantly weakening, and within a few hours, it should completely disappear. This should be because of this stone, The reason for being moved out of the original environment.”

Li Fan nodded, this should be normal. The bird eggs still have the breath of life, which must be related to the original environment of the big rock.

Now that the big stone has been moved to the auction table, it is no wonder that the breath of life is not weakened.

Li Fan asked, "Little curse, what kind of bird egg is this? Is it an ostrich egg?"

Xiao Zhu replied: "It shouldn't be an ostrich egg. As for what kind of bird egg it is, I can't be sure for the time being. Its life breath is too weak for me to sense it. Only after its life breath is stronger, I can sense it."

"It's not an ostrich egg? Then what other bird's egg can be so big?" Li Fan was a little puzzled.

At this time, the auctioneer on the auction platform began to introduce the strange big stone.

The auctioneer said: "I know that everyone must be very doubtful now.

What do we do with such an ordinary big rock? Is it worth the money too? Can it be auctioned too? Do you think it's really just an ordinary big rock? "

Having said that, the auctioneer deliberately paused, and then saw it as he wished, and the expressions on the faces of the people at the scene were indeed such.

Everyone at the scene knew that this should not be an ordinary big rock, although it did look like an ordinary big rock.

However, the auctioneer's next sentence made them almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Just listen to the auctioneer continue to say: "Actually, he is indeed an ordinary big stone."

"What am I..." Everyone at the scene was speechless. Since it is really an ordinary big rock, what did you do with it on the auction table?

"However," the auctioneer smiled and continued: "There is something very unusual inside this ordinary big stone. We have learned through some technical means that inside this big stone, there is a suspicious There is a bird's egg amber. Moreover, this bird's egg amber is very large, with a length of 25 cm and a width of 18 cm. Such a large amber actually exists inside the stone. It's an incredible thing. And when you knock on the stone outside and get the bird's egg amber inside, you will find that it is absolutely a magical nature, a rare treasure given to you, its value will be It's priceless..."

After a series of advocacy, the auctioneer finally said: "Now, start bidding for this magical amber rough stone, the starting price is 1 million."

The starting price of 1 million is not low but not high, and no one bids at the first time.

Although the auctioneer touted the rough amber stone perfectly, don't forget that he used the word "suspected" at the beginning.

That is to say, there may be a piece of bird egg amber in it, but it may not be there.

Moreover, even if there is a bird's egg amber inside, who can guarantee that the bird's egg amber is valuable?

There are so many types of amber, not just any amber is valuable.

Buying this kind of amber rough stone is somewhat similar to gambling stone, but it is definitely different, and the feeling is different in all aspects.

Therefore, no one bid at the first time.

The auctioneer was a little embarrassed, this thing really doesn't sell well.

Just when he was about to preach twice and tempt the crowd, someone finally made a bid at the scene.


The bidder was a young man.

The auctioneer breathed a sigh of relief, and if someone bids, at least it won't pass in the auction.

"This friend bid 1 million! 1 million! Or does this friend have vision and courage, is there anyone who bid more than 1 million?" Someone made a bid, and the auctioneer regained his vitality.

Li Fan smiled lightly, and he was the one who made the bid just now.

Others only thought that there might be a bird's egg amber inside, but Li Fan knew that it was not a bird's egg amber.

At least not yet.

Regardless of the egg inside, what kind of bird does it belong to? For this stone, Li Fan is bound to get it.

If no one else bids, it is naturally the best, and 1 million can win it.

It's not that he is reluctant to spend more money, but that it doesn't fit his low-key style if he competes with others.

Unfortunately, Li Fan's wishful thinking did not start.

After him, another bid was made.

"1.5 million!"

The voice came from a VIP private room on the second floor.

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