Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1856 rendezvous

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1,856 Meeting Collaborator: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: My sister is an idol Dragon King Legend Taikoo God King Wulian Peak The family had to nod their heads. They also knew that Xianyuan Farm was a magical place with many puzzles that could not be solved.

However, now they don't have the mind to think about the unsolved mysteries of Xianyuan Farm. Now they have to think about how to enter the barren land in front of them?

Li Fan, Zhang Guangling, and Luo Yunwen had already found Moa footprints in it for no more than 10 days, which made them very urgent to want to enter.

Someone said, "Forget about how they got in? Now the question is, how are we going to get in? What can Mr. Ambrose do?"

Ambrose smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen told me before that if we wanted, Li Fan would help us in. Now, they should be there soon."

"Li Fan will help us? How? Could it be..." Someone said in surprise.

Ambrose nodded and said, "It's just what you think it is. To be honest, I'm very much looking forward to seeing the legendary guardian beast."

"Is the guardian beast really as exaggerated as the legends say?" the other biologists thought in their hearts.

They actually still don't want to believe it.

But soon, they found that they had to believe, no matter how unwilling they were to believe it.

A very huge eagle-shaped creature appeared in their field of vision. The closer it flew, the bigger the eagle's body became.

A group of biologists were stunned, and no one could explain why this eagle-shaped creature grew so huge?

Not only is it huge, but it also gives people an extremely powerful sense of oppression, which makes people tremble involuntarily.

On Xiaotian's back, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were stunned and shivering. A group of foreign biological experts smiled and thought, "You guys are completely shocked, right? There are so many magical things in our country. It's on."

Of course, the two experts also understood the reactions of a group of foreign biologists at this moment. When they first saw Xiao Tian, ​​their reactions were similar to those of these foreign biologists.

These foreign biologists, the two experts know each other, but some are familiar, some are not very familiar.

Zhang Guangling smiled and said: "Hey! I said Ambrose, don't be in a daze, we know that you need our help now. How is it? Do you need us to pull you up?"

Seeing Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen on Xiaotian's back, and a group of biologists including Ambrose, they felt a sense of security, and the pressure felt a little less.

Compared with others, Ambrose is much more calm, at least he can speak, "Zhang Guangling, Luo Yunwen, you have made us extremely frightened. As compensation, of course you will pull us up."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen laughed, and together they pulled a group of foreign biologists onto Xiaotian's back.

More than 20 people sat on Xiaotian's back together, still not crowded, but the bodies of the foreign biologists were shivering.

After that, Xiaotian took off smoothly and flew to the depths of the wilderness with a group of biologists.

This trip, for all biologists, is destined to be an experience that will never be forgotten.

About two hours later, Xiaotian arrived at the area where Li Fan and his party were.

At this time, the minds of all the biologists were still not calm. For them, the two-hour journey was really shocking and special.

Xiaotian spread his wings and flew into the sky and disappeared.

After a while, the biologists slowly returned to normal.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen gave a brief introduction to both parties.

All the biologists finally saw the legendary Li Fan. In addition to lamenting that Li Fan was younger than expected, they also expressed their congratulations and gratitude to Li Fan.

Congratulations to Li Fan for his successful discovery of the moa, which has rewritten history. I am grateful to Li Fan for this discovery, which has made a huge contribution to the entire world of biology.

Of course, I am also grateful to Li Fan for helping them come here, otherwise, they may not be able to come here.

Li Fan responded modestly, saying that it was a great honor to meet all the biologists.

Afterwards, a group of biologists greeted Qin Yulin and the four old men respectively.

For Qin Yulin's peerless appearance, a group of biologists naturally sighed again.

After getting to know each other, a group of biologists focused their attention on the purpose of coming here.

Ambrose said eagerly: "Zhang Guangling, Luo Yunwen, in fact, we really want to take a look at the footprints of the moa you found. Don't you know it's convenient now?"

Luo Yunwen smiled and said, "It's convenient, so we'll take you there. In fact, it's not us, nor Mr. Li Fan, but Qin Yulin who discovered the footprints first."

"Oh?" All the biologists looked at Qin Yulin in surprise.

Qin Yulin smiled and said, "I was able to find the footprints because my brother-in-law took me there to hunt, and I was able to find them."

All the biologists looked at Li Fan again, and then nodded thoughtfully.

After that, the group arrived at the place where the footprints of the moa were.

Finally seeing these moa footprints with their own eyes, the biologists including Ambrose were both surprised and delighted. After some observation and calculation, they came to the same answer as Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen.

Then, the most important thing to do next is to find the moa living in this area without disturbing the life of the moa, and then through long-term observation of the moa, the living habits, Temperament, etc., for further research and exploration.

However, it is not easy to find a very small number of moa in this vast area without disturbing the life of the moa.

But all the biologists were full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

Ambrose smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang Guangling and Mr. Luo Yunwen, although you are the masters here, and you are the first to discover the baby moa and the footprints of the adult moa, who will be the first to discover the adult moa next? Not necessarily."

Zhang Guangling also smiled and said, "It's okay for you to be the first to discover the adult moa, anyway, you also discovered it on our country's territory. However, I think the latest discovery of the adult moa is probably not us."

Ambrose nodded and said: "I understand, you are talking about Mr. Li Fan. This is indeed possible. I don't know why, but I always feel that Mr. Li Fan has a special relationship with the moa."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Since everyone is doing research and investigation here at the same time, who discovered the moa first is actually the same, Mr. Ambrose, what do you think?"

Ambrose also smiled, in a very good mood, and said, "Yes, whoever finds out first is the same."

Other biologists agree with this view.

However, although everyone agrees, it is naturally the best if the moa can be discovered first.

All biologists are already eager to try.

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