Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1857 To change the forward route

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1857: Change the way forward Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Taishang Zhang Shengxu, Lord Xueying, a thought of the eternal dragon king legend, the ancient god king, Wulian peak Discover moa.

Qin Yulin was also eager to try it out. She whispered in Li Fan's ear with some excitement, "Brother-in-law, let's also look for the moa, how about it? Let's try to find the moa first."

Trying to be the first to find the moa?

If Li Fan is willing, then of course there is no problem.

Because he has a small spell to help, how could others find him?

The point is, is it necessary to be the first to discover a moa? Li Fan turned his head to see Qin Yulin's faintly excited appearance, smiled in his heart, and said to himself, "Alright, since this girl is so interested, then it's good for her."

It will be late now, and the wild places in the dark are more dangerous.

So, although everyone is eager to try it, the job search will not officially start until tomorrow.

Now, everyone needs to set up their tents and spend the night safely.

Li Fan took out the prey he caught during the day, and everyone roasted and ate it at night.


The night passed safely, and the first ray of morning light of the next morning shone on everyone's tents.

Everyone woke up one after another, and after everything was sorted out, the general route for today's search was formulated, and then the search work officially began.

Today's search range is about 50 kilometers along the due east.

Li Fan has no objection to this. Anyway, there is no moa within a radius of 300 kilometers.

The distance of 300 kilometers is beyond the current perception range of Xiaozhu, and Li Fan does not know which direction there is a moa?

If that's the case, let's go 50 kilometers due east first.

Finding some kind of rare wild animal in the wilderness is not an easy task.

Everyone said "good luck" to each other, and then dispersed, moving towards the established route.

Everyone has the skills and experience to survive in the wilderness, but Li Fan doesn't have to worry about everyone's safety.

Moreover, the distance between everyone is not far away, and everyone takes care of them.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen also set off together, while Li Fan walked slowly behind with Qin Yulin and the four old men.

It's impossible to find a moa today anyway, so why worry so much? It is obviously a good choice to slowly experience the rudeness unique to the wilderness.

Of course, the biologists are not moving fast, because every time they find valuable clues, they will stop and investigate.

Along the way, if he finds pheasants, hares, etc., Li Fan will use his bows and arrows. Those are all food. Since he encounters them, there is no reason to let them go.

The two old men, Qin Lie and Su Yilin, were a little itchy when they saw Li Fan's bow and arrow, so Li Fan also made a pair of bows and arrows for each of them.

The two old men were both soldiers, both civil and military, so hunting with bows and arrows was no problem.

The three of them drew their bows one after another, and sometimes they would have a competition, and they were very excited.

The two old men, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng, were also very jealous, and asked Li Fan to give them a bow and let them shoot an arrow too.

Li Fan was naturally happy, but the two old men were both literati, and archery was really not suitable for them, and the arrows shot were at least ten feet away from the prey.

After shooting a few arrows, the two old men returned the bow to Li Fan embarrassedly, and they would just watch the fun.

A group of people stopped and walked like this, walking through the wilderness.

In the evening, everyone slowly converged, chose a place, set up a tent, made dinner, and discussed their discoveries today.

Discussing the route to search for tomorrow.

The next day, everyone packed up and continued to set off.

The situation is similar to yesterday, with a group of biological experts discovering, investigating, discovering, and inspecting again.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and the four old men played, hunted, played again, and hunted again, quite leisurely.

After walking eastward for a few days, the straight-line distance has traveled more than 200 kilometers. Biologists have also discovered more and more clues about moas, such as footprints, feces that have been excreted soon, feathers that have fallen off, and so on. These all indicate that the moa seems to be getting closer and closer to everyone.

A group of biologists are getting more and more excited and looking forward to it.

Xiao Zhu's voice suddenly sounded in Li Fan's mind, "Master, I found the trace of the moa."

"It's finally here!" Li Fan was refreshed and asked Xiao Zhu in his mind, "Xiao Zhu, where is it? How far is it from here? How many moas are there? Did they pass by that place or live there often? ?"

Xiao Zhu replied: "In the southeast, close to 300 kilometers, there are a total of six moas, all of them adult moas. According to my perception, those moas are more likely to live there."

Li Fan nodded calmly and said to Qin Yulin, "Girl, I seem to have already sensed that there are moas."

Qin Yulin's eyes widened, and he didn't doubt Li Fan's words. He said happily, "Brother-in-law, where is it? We'll go there right now, and we'll find them before those experts."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry. The distance is still a little far away. It's almost 300 kilometers away. Let's walk slowly, not in a hurry."

"Cut!" Qin Yulin was a little suspicious of Li Fan's words this time. He felt it 300 kilometers away?

Qin Yulin glanced at Li Fan suspiciously, and said, "Brother-in-law, go ahead."

Li Fan didn't explain, and said, "You will know in a few days, girl. Now, I have to talk to those experts and ask them to change their direction a little bit."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan walked up to Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen and said, "Lao Zhang and Lao Luo, I suddenly have a feeling that 300 kilometers southeast of me, there are several moas living there. Do you want to If you find a moa, you can no longer go due east, but go southeast."

After Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen heard it, they looked at Li Fan with suspicion. Did they feel it 300 kilometers away? This is too bullshit.

Li Fan smiled and said: "This is talent, there is no way, there is always such a feeling somewhere."

After Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen heard it, they were a bit dumbfounded. The feeling of freedom in the dark was just nonsense.

However, they had to admit that this kid Li Fan might indeed have the gift of sensing the existence of animals, and some people did have such a gift. Science can't explain it, but it's true.

So, is what the kid said true?

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen looked at each other and both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

Anyway, if you go to the east, you go to the southeast, so why not go to the southeast?

So, the two experts, the old masters, gathered the rest of the biologists, explained what Li Fan meant, and prepared to ask everyone's opinions.

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