Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1873 1 song

It was confirmed that Linghu Chong was the protagonist, and all the fans were very excited and continued to read the story behind.

And the next story about Liu Zhengfeng washing his hands in a golden basin made all the fans sigh deeply, feeling very regretful and helpless.

The heroes of the world gathered in Hengshan, Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in a golden basin, and wanted to quit the arena. However, Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect and the head of the Songshan Sect, intervened, accusing Liu Zhengfeng of colluding with Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect, to be detrimental to decent people.

Liu Zhengfeng did make friends with Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect, but it was definitely not collusion. The two became friends because of Qin Xiao, and they were each other's only confidants in their lives.

Playing the qin and playing music, no one in the world can compete with Quyang, but playing the flute according to the hole, Liu Zhengfeng should be called the number one in the world.

The two became confidants because of Qin and Xiao, and although Qu Yang was an elder of the demon sect, he had a noble personality and a bright mind, so he could be called a gentleman.

But unfortunately, the Sun Moon Divine Sect and the so-called famous sects have been killing each other for hundreds of years, and countless people on both sides have lost their lives.

Liu Zhengfeng's friendship with Qu Yang is destined to be unable to be understood and recognized by decent people.

This is indeed the case. When the decent people on Hengshan learned that Liu Zhengfeng had made friends with the elders of the demon sect, they were all shocked.

And when they knew that the two of them made friends for nothing else, but only for the rhythm of the qin and xiao, it was even more incomprehensible.

Could it be that for the sake of rhythm, can we forget the good and evil grievances? Can you ignore the morality of the rivers and lakes?

Decent people can't understand Liu Zhengfeng's friendship with Qu Yang at all. Liu Zhengfeng has already stood on the opposite side of decent people.

His end is doomed.

Before Liu Zhengfeng, perhaps he had offended the Songshan faction because of something, and now the Songshan faction finally found a chance to deal with him.

In order to persecute Liu Zhengfeng, the Songshan faction beheaded Liu Zhengfeng's wife, children, and disciples one by one in front of Qunhao.

Seeing this, countless book fans are full of emotion.

In fact, the so-called decency is not good in nature, nor kind in its heart, and what it does, even people in the demon religion do not do.

Those so-called decent people, in the name of justice, do cruel and despicable deeds, in fact, they are far more hateful than the people in the demon sect.

His wife, children, and disciples were killed one by one. Liu Zhengfeng was inexplicably sad and angry. He was about to raise his sword and kill himself when Qu Yang appeared and rescued Liu Zhengfeng.

The two were between heaven and earth, and Qin and Xiao sang a piece, "Swordsman", which was unprecedented in the ages.

The song "Swordsman" is a song composed by Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang for several years, and it can be called the first song in the world.

By chance, Linghu Chong was fortunate enough to hear this song.

Afterwards, Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang presented the sheet music of "Swordsman" to Linghu Chong, requesting Linghu Chong to bring the sheet music to the world and find a successor.

If the song "Swordsman" can be passed on to future generations, they will die without regret.

After the score was given, Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang held their hands together, laughed in unison, their internal strength was transported, the main vein of internal breath was broken, and they closed their eyes and died, forever in the world.

The song "Swordsman", played by the two of them just now, has become a must-have in all corners of the world.

When they saw this, all the book fans sighed.

upright? Magic?

Decent people act like demons, and demons act like decent people.

When hot, this does not mean that all decent people are like demons, and it does not mean that all demons are like decent.

But at least the Songshan sect, which is known as the famous and upright sect, acted insidiously and viciously this time, and it was even worse than the Demon Sect.

However, Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect, has a noble personality, a bright temperament, and a chivalrous heart. You must know that Linghu Chong was seriously injured before and was rescued by Qu Yang.

A group of book fans sighed for Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang. These are two unprecedented figures of musical confidantes, and they are destined to become classic figures in martial arts novels.

In addition, the song "Swordsman" played by the two also made book fans worry about it.

It turned out that there is also a song called "Swordsman".

Although fans know that the song "Swordsman\

,"It's just a fiction made by Gu Yong, and there is no "Sword of the Swordsman" in reality.

However, book fans have a very strong desire to listen to the song "Swordsman".

It's a pity that the descriptions of the song "Swordsman" in the work are only words.

There is no way to convert text into music files for fans to listen to.

Not being able to hear "Sword of the Swordsman" makes all the fans feel very sorry and unfortunate.


And then, the story continues.

Linghu Chong was punished by Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan faction, because of his wayward behavior, repeatedly breaking the rules of the school, and disobeying the orders of his teachers.

The story that happened in Siguoya made fans excited again.

Because, here they saw again, a character that made them very excited, the sword demon Dugu seeks defeat.

Linghu Chong was thinking on the top of the Siguo Cliff, and Tian Boguang came to the door and wanted to compete with Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong couldn't shirk, so he had to agree to compete with Tian Boguang, but he was defeated and stood up repeatedly, and was not Tian Boguang's opponent at all.

There is a senior in Huashan, named Feng Qingyang, who has unparalleled martial arts and mastery of swordsmanship.

Feng Qingyang observed Linghu Chong's character for a long time and saw that he was a very affectionate person, so he recognized Linghu Chong's character.

Afterwards, seeing Linghu Chong in the battle with Tian Boguang, and losing many battles, he showed up to instruct Linghu Chong's swordsmanship.

With one instruction, Feng Qingyang discovered Linghu Chong's talent, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. He taught him the most proud skill in his life, "Nine Swords of Dugu".

Dugu's Nine Swords are mysterious and infinite, and they can break all the moves in the world.

The Nine Swords of Dugu is one of the most exquisite skills in the world. It was not created by Feng Qingyang, but by a martial artist, the sword demon Dugu seeking defeat.

Feng Qingyang said to Linghu Chong, "Nine swords of Dugu, there is advance but no retreat! All moves are offensive, and those who attack the enemy have to defend, of course I don't need to defend myself. The senior Dugu Qiufeng who created this sword technique is called 'Seeking to defeat', the old man wanted to be defeated all his life, but he couldn't get it. With this swordsmanship, he was invincible in the world, so why should he defend? already."

Back then, Dugu was invincible in the world, and he couldn't even find an opponent to force him to defend. How heroic was that? How lonely is it?

Dugu Qiuwei, this is a name enough to excite all book fans.

In the previous "The Legend of Condor Heroes", fans of the book were already fascinated by Dugu seeking defeat, but they never thought that in the current "Swordsman", they once again saw the figure of Dugu seeking defeat.

Moreover, there is also a set of unique skills created by Dugu seeking defeat, and the Nine Swords of Dugu have been handed down.

How did Feng Qingyang learn the Nine Swords of Dugu? This is unknown.

However, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that now Feng Qingyang passed the Nine Swords of Dugu to Linghu Chong.

Then, in this way, Linghu Chong is considered the successor of Dugu Qiufeng.

Thinking of this, book fans are even more excited.


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