Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1874 Who can compose a song for them?

Linghu Chong was on the Siguo Cliff, received Feng Qingyang's guidance, and practiced the swordsmanship created by Dugu Qiufeng, Dugu Nine Swords, and the martial arts are not what they used to be.

Although it has not yet reached the top of the rivers and lakes, it is enough to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger at the right time.

Book fans are excited.

At this time, Linghu Chong's image is more vivid, bohemian, bright and open-minded, heroic and unrestrained, informal, with a high degree of loyalty, and a natural chivalrous heart, all of which make book fans more and more like Linghu Chong.

And the serialization continues.

Although the name of the Five Mountains Sword Sect is one, there is a grudge. Zuo Lengchan, the head of Songshan Mountain, is very ambitious, intending to annex the Five Mountains and dominate the arena. Discord, Yue Buqun led his disciples to go out to avoid disaster, was ambushed by the leftists, and they were all captured. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

At this time, Linghu Chong used the Dugu Nine Swords technique to blind the eyes of 15 enemies with one sword, saving the danger.

Linghu Chong's swordsmanship is extremely high, the murderous intention is hidden, and it is extremely unrestrained, which shocked everyone on the spot. They don't understand, when did Linghuchong's swordsmanship become so high?

This made the book fans extremely excited. The more shocked others were at Linghu Chong's swordsmanship, the more excited and cheerful they were.

It's just a "cool" word!

However, when Linghu Chong's master Yue Buqun saw that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship was so high, he had a grudge in his heart and began to have doubts about Linghu Chong.

This made book fans have a hunch that Linghu Chong's days in the Huashan School might not be too good.

This Yue Buqun's heart is too narrow, his disciple's swordsmanship is so high, he is not only not happy, but also has a grudge. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

For such people, book fans secretly despise them, and they also call it "Gentleman's Sword", and "Hypocrite's Sword" is similar.

It is no wonder that Feng Qingyang looked down on Yue Buqun very much, and it was just that he couldn't practice the brilliant swordsmanship of the Huashan School, and he was still so narrow-minded.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why Yue Buqun failed to practice and Huashan sent Gao Ming swordsmanship.

How can someone with such a narrow mind be able to master swordsmanship?

Although Yue Buqun is Linghu Chong's master, fans of the book do not like this character. They always feel that this person is sanctimonious and modest on the surface, but in fact it is not necessarily the same.

The serialization continues.

Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun, Lin Pingzhi and others arrived at the house of Wang Yuanba, the grandfather of Lin Pingzhi in Luoyang.

Because when Lin Zhennan was dying, Linghu Chong happened to be by his side. Lin Zhennan also explained his last words, and asked Linghu Chong to pass it on to Lin Pingzhi. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Wang Yuanba's son suspected that Lin Zhennan had also entrusted Linghu Chong with the Lin family's "Evil Sword Manual" and asked him to transfer it to Lin Pingzhi.

And it happened that Linghu Chong carried the sheet music of "Swordsman" with him. When Wang Yuanba's son saw the sheet music of "Swordsman", he thought it was "Swords of Evil Spirit".

In this way, Linghu Chong was accused of embezzling the "Evil Sword Manual" of the Lin family.

Linghu Chong sneered at the lack of vision of the Wang family and his son, and regarded the music score as the sword score.

However, Wang Yuanba said that there are many kinds of martial arts secrets. In order to keep secrets and fear people from peeping, some people deliberately wrote martial arts maps into musical scores. That is not surprising.

This statement is also reasonable, and Linghu Chong is not easy to refute.

Then, there is only one way to prove whether it is a musical score or a sword score. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Find someone who can play the qin and flute to play this score. If you can play it, then it is naturally a score.

Wang Yuanba agreed, and asked a master who could play the qin and flute in the house to identify whether it was a score or not. and play it out.

However, after reading it for a long time, the master said that if it is really a score, there are many unreasonable places in it, and he can't play such a song no matter what.

The sheet music of "The Swordsman" was composed by Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang after spending several years together. How could it be possible for ordinary musicians and Master Xiao to play it?

Wang Yuanba and his son had hoped when they heard from the master that they could not play such a tune. However, the master also said that there was a green bamboo man in Dongcheng who could play both the qin and the flute. He was much more brilliant than him. , the green bamboo weng may be able to play this tune. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Wang Yuanba and his son, Yue Buqun and others had to go to Dongcheng to seek the authenticity.

When I arrived in Dongcheng, I saw the Green Bamboo Weng, and the master asked the Green Bamboo Weng to help him read the music.

After Lu Zhuweng glanced at it, he was sure that it was indeed the score, but when he tried to play it, he found that the score was very strange, and he couldn't even play it.

Lv Bamboo Weng also had an aunt here, and asked Lv Bamboo Weng to show her the sheet music.

Everyone only heard his voice, but did not see his person. They thought to themselves that this green bamboo man was not eighty years old, but also seventy years old. Isn't his aunt nearly a hundred years old?

It is amazing that a nearly 100-year-old old lady can still play the piano and flute.

Afterwards, the qin and whistling sounded, obviously the aunt was trying to play it. It was very jerky at first, but later became quite proficient.

Linghu Chong was surprised and delighted, he vaguely heard it, this was the unparalleled song he had been fortunate enough to hear before. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The aunt's playing became more and more proficient, and Linghu Chong became more and more pleasantly surprised. He finally heard "Sword of the Swordsman" once again.

Although the aunt's playing is still very different from the previous ensemble of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, and the artistic conception is also far away, but it has indeed been successfully played.

Linghu Chong knew that the aunt's playing at this time was different from the ensemble of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, but Wang Yuanba and his son, Yue Buqun and others had never heard the ensemble of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, they only thought that they were now The song I heard is the most beautiful song in the world.

Although they didn't understand the rhythm, they were intoxicated.

I don't know if he will directly ascend to heaven after listening to the ensemble of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang?

It's a pity that the ensemble of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang has become an absolute hit, and even if future generations can play "Sword of Proud Rivers and Lakes", it will be difficult for them to reach their heights in terms of artistic conception.

As soon as the song is out, the answer is obvious. It is really a score, and it is a rare treasure.

Wang Yuanba apologized embarrassingly to Linghu Chong, and the turmoil finally ended.

And the hearts of book fans were once again stirred up by "Sword of the Swordsman".

Their desire to hear "The Swordsman" became stronger.

Although the "Sword of the Swordsman" is a fiction by Gu Yong, if someone could compose a "Song of the Swordsman", wouldn't they be able to hear it?

The eyes of book lovers were fiery and bright.

So, who can compose a song "Swordsman" for them?


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