Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1875 Petition

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1875, Petition Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the best all-around student, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the choice of heaven, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of the snow eagle, a thought, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the ancient god king, who can compose a song "Swordsman" for them?

Book lovers have their own answers.

If there is one person in this world who can compose "Sword of the Swordsman", then that person must be Li Fan.

In addition, maybe besides Li Fan, some other outstanding musicians should also be able to compose it, but fans of the book will definitely think that it is not the real "Sword of the Swordsman".

That is to say, in the consciousness of book fans, only the "Sword of the Swordsman" written by Li Fan is the real "Song of the Swordsman".

So, the key question now is, is Li Fan willing to compose "Sword of the Swordsman" for them?

Fans don't have high hopes for this.

Because, the outside world knows that Li Fan does not easily create music. If you want to hear the music works created by Li Fan, you must have a chance.

The opportunity has not come. Generally speaking, it is impossible for Li Fan to create a musical work, although it may only take a few minutes for Li Fan to create a musical work.

No one doubts this.

However, it is not completely impossible, the possible factor lies in Guyong.

As we all know, the relationship between Gu Yong and Li Fan is very unusual. If Gu Yong asked Li Fan to help create a song "Swords of Proud Rivers and Lakes", then Li Fan should not refuse.

Before that, the two had cooperated in this regard. The theme song "Iron-Blood Heart" of Li's TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was created by Li Fan.

It was the joint effort of the two top geniuses, and it has already been passed down in the outside world.

Now, it is not impossible for the two to join forces again and stage a good story again.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the book fans brightened, and they felt that their hopes were greatly increased.

So, what book fans need to do now is to let Gu Yong know their strong desire to hear "Sword of the Swordsman".

When Gu Yong sees that their desire is so strong, it is very likely that he will help them realize their desire.

Moreover, not only Gu Yong can see their strong desire, Li Fan and the whole outside world can also see it.

Maybe, this time they have enough chance, Li Fan will take the initiative to compose a song "Swordsman" for them.

Who knows?

As a result, book fans collectively petitioned on the Internet and on Gu Yong's Weibo, expressing their strong desire to hear "Sword of the Swordsman".

For a while, the voice of the collective petition of book fans became the main theme on the Internet.

Gu Yong saw it, Li Fan saw it, the rest of the musicians saw it, and many people in the outside world also saw it.

The rest of the netizens who didn't watch "The Swordsman" can't help but feel very puzzled when they see so many suddenly appearing on the Internet and want to hear the strong voice of "The Song of the Swordsman".

"Strange, what's the situation? Why are there suddenly so many people petitioning at the same time, saying that they want to listen to the "Sword of the Swordsman". What is the "Song of the Swordsman"? Who created the new song? It shouldn't be. , I've never heard of "Sword of Proud Jianghu"."

"I don't know, these voices suddenly came out together, and the desire seems to be very strong. It's really strange."

""The Swordsman Song"? I remember the martial arts novel that Gu Yong is serializing now. It seems to be called "The Swordsman". I don't know if it has anything to do with it?"

"The martial arts novel that Gu Yong is serializing? I remember it, and it seems that it is indeed called "Swordsman". Moreover, this is the last martial arts novel of Gu Yong. After the serialization of "Swordsman", the pen will be officially closed. novel."

"Yeah, I remembered that too.

If that's the case, then "Swords of Proud Jianghu" should be related to "Swordsman". "

"I just specifically went to inquire about it, it is indeed related. It is said that in the novel "Swordsman", there is a song of the same name called "Swordsman". This song is the two top music in the novel. It can be called an ancient and peerless piece of music composed by people. Therefore, those fans of martial arts books are very eager to hear such a piece of music."

"It turns out to be the case. So, those book fans hope that there are musicians who can compose a song "Swordsman". It sounds very interesting."

""Sword of Proud Jianghu" is a tune made up by Gu Yong, and it is called a peerless tune. For such a tune, if you want a real musician to compose it, the difficulty is to use 'difficult as' To describe it as "ascension to the sky". Ordinary musicians probably don't even dare to think about it."

"The difficulty is absolutely as hard as the sky, but for a person, it may not be that difficult."

"You're talking about Mr. Li Fan, of course we know that. But the key point is that Mr. Li Fan doesn't compose songs easily. Those book fans want to ask Mr. Li Fan to make a petition. I'm afraid they think too much. A little better."

"It's just a petition from book fans, and it's really unlikely that Mr. Li Fan will take action. But don't forget, "Swordsman" is Mr. Gu Yong's work. If Mr. Gu Yong comes forward, the problem will not be solved. big."

"I understand. It turned out that the petitions of the book fans were mainly to let Mr. Gu Yong know their strong desires, and then let Mr. Gu Yong come forward. This wave of operations can be done."

"In addition to Mr. Li Fan, there are actually quite a few outstanding musicians in our country. It is only because Li Fan is too dazzling that they seem relatively ordinary. Their strength is actually very strong. I think those book fans petitioned them, it is also fine."

"Those fans didn't point out that they are petitioning Mr. Li Fan. It can be said that they are petitioning all musicians. Other musicians, if they want to seize this opportunity and show their strength, naturally they can also Yes, those fans will be very surprised."

"Haha! I suddenly have a strong interest in this matter. "Sword of the Swordsman"? I wonder if there will be any musicians willing to compose such a song?"

"I also have a lot of interest. I want to pay close attention to this matter. In addition, I also suddenly want to hear the song called "Swordsman"."

"If Mr. Li Fan really took the initiative to compose a "Sword of the Swordsman", it would be fantastic."

"If Mr. Gu Yong comes forward, the possibility is indeed very high. In short, from now on, we have been paying attention to this matter, that's all."

"Of course, even if you don't have the chance to hear the new song created by Mr. Li Fan, let's see if there are other musicians who dare to come forward and compose a song "Swordsman"? That is very interesting and worth looking forward to."

"Then, let's keep an eye on how things develop."


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