Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1903 Sigh

A story is over, and the heated discussions on the Internet and from all walks of life have just begun.

Countless people sighed with emotion, for the undefeated East, for the "Sunflower Collection", for this wonderful story.

Dongfang Invincible wielded a sword from the palace to practice magic, which made him a unique existence among all classic martial arts characters.

In the beginning, when Dongfang Invincible debuted, men were not men, women were not women. They showed the attitude of little women everywhere, and even hid in the boudoir to embroider. Everyone felt very regretful and incomprehensible.

Why did Gu Yong make Dongfang Invincible look like this?

Why is there such a big gap with the undefeated East in everyone's imagination?

Is it really good to make Dongfang Invincible into such an image?

The previous article exaggerated the undefeated Dongfang for so long, but the final appearance was like this. Isn't Gu Yong worried that everyone will feel disappointed?

However, now, everyone just thinks that this is the real Dongfang Invincible, and Dongfang Invincible should be like this.

Dongfang Invincible, who embroidered in the boudoir, is absolutely unique among all the classic martial arts characters.

It can be said that the Eastern Invincible in this way has achieved a more classic Eastern Invincible.

Similarly, "Sunflower Collection", which says "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace", has also become the most unique classic martial arts.

And Gu Yong, the author who created the character of Dongfang Invincible and portrayed the martial arts of "Sunflower Collection", naturally amazed the outside world with his big brains and strange ideas.

Especially for the writers of martial arts novels, besides worship, they only worship.

"Eastern Invincible and "Sunflower Collection", Gu Yong's conception is so bizarre that people can only admire it!"

"Eastern Invincible and "Sunflower Collection" have become absolute classics, but the serialization of "Swordsman" has not yet ended. Can I say that this is really enviable, jealous, and hateful?"

"When I first saw the name 'Eastern Invincible', I already knew that this character would become a classic. I just didn't expect it to be such a unique and absolute classic!"

"Who would have thought of it at the time? Who would have known that Gu Yong's idea was so strange?"

"Hidden in the boudoir and embroidered Dongfang Invincible, making him a more classic. This pen-enclosed work by Gu Yong is indeed extraordinary everywhere."

"Indeed, we only have to worship!"



Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen let out a long sigh and said, "Gu Yong's conception is so amazing, it's far beyond what I can compare."

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Tang, Gu Yong is a unique existence after all, you don't need to belittle yourself."

Jian Yishen nodded slowly and said, "I understand, editor-in-chief, I'm just a little emotional, and I'm not belittling myself."

After Wang Yang heard this, he also nodded.


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming sighed: "Dongfang Invincible's sword-wielding from the palace has become more classic than we thought before. I think, no one will forget such a character from now on."

Li Bo nodded and said, "Indeed, Dongfang Invincible doesn't have a lot of scenes. Apart from all the previous hype, Dongfang Invincible took up less than a chapter from the official appearance to the final death. The total time, we can estimate, will definitely not exceed half an hour. However, this is the case, Dongfang Invincible has become a very classic character. I have to say, this is because of the strange conception of Gu Yong. "

Yang Qiming said: "That's true, this book is sealed, and it will not be peaceful all the way."

Li Bo said: "I have to once again sigh with emotion, this book is still the pinnacle of Gu Yong's level."

Yang Qiming said: "Unfortunately, this is a closed pen."

Li Bo said: "Indeed, it's quite a pity."


On the Internet, countless book fans are also excited to talk.

"'If you want to practice magic, swing your sword from the palace', I'm rubbing it! I really don't know how Gu Yongda came up with it? It's just amazing!"

"No way, I can't think about this sentence. When I think of the words 'wielding a knife from the palace', I feel extremely uncomfortable in my heart, and I just shudder."

"Me too, especially when I think of such a scene, I have a feeling of boredom and nausea in my heart."

"Haha! Although I feel uncomfortable in my heart, this wielding a sword has fulfilled the current undefeated image of the East. It's too classic. I'm thinking, when "Swordsman" becomes a film and television, who can play the role of the East Unbeaten?"

"Don't say it, I feel that it will be extremely difficult to play the character of Dongfang Invincible well, unless it is an actor of absolute strength."

"Don't worry, we won't have to wait too long for the filming of "Swordsman", we can just look forward to it."

"That's quite the anticipation!"



Sansheng Village.

"Good! Good! Good!" Liang Sheng said several "good" words in a row.

What he praised was Gu Yong's portrayal of the character of Dongfang Invincible. Such a character will undoubtedly make the character image of the entire martial arts novel world richer.

And this is one of the things that can make Liang Sheng happy the most.

Zheng Jie also said: "That kid's portrayal of the character of Dongfang Invincible is indeed quite successful. Compared with the previous characters such as Dongxie Xidu, Nandi Beibeg, etc., it is not too much, not simple!"

Liang Sheng nodded again and again, clearly agreeing with Zheng Jie's words.

But soon, Liang Sheng sighed again and said, "Unfortunately, this is that kid's last martial arts work. Lao Zheng, I really don't want him to seal the martial arts novel, I really want to see it again. He creates more classic characters."

Zheng Jie also sighed and said, "Me too, I want to see him create more classic characters. However, since that kid has already made up his mind, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to continue writing martial arts novels."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "That's true. It's almost impossible for that kid to change his mind. So, I can only say sorry."

Zheng Jie said: "I don't know what kind of work that kid is talking about. What kind of work is it? That kid has always been mysterious."

Liang Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. However, since that kid is willing to give up, the martial arts novels that are already well developed must be extremely confident in that new type of work."

Zheng Jie said: "The most important thing that boy lacks is indeed self-confidence. I hope that boy can still do it well this time."

Liang Sheng said: "Indeed. Otherwise, it would be really regrettable that he chose to seal the martial arts novel."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Presumably he won't make us regret it."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "I hope so!"


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