Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1904 The serialization continues

East Invincible and "Sunflower Collection" have become absolute classics, and the serialization of "Swordsman" is still going on.

Ren Wexing regained the position of the leader and invited Linghu Chong to join the church again, but Linghu Chong still declined, bid farewell to Ren Yingying, and returned to Hengshan.

Linghu Chong is now the head of the Hengshan Sect, and his disciples are all female disciples like flowers and jade. This position of head is absolutely envious of others.

After that, Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect, was ambitious and wanted to merge the Wuyuejian Sect into the Wuyue Sect.

Wuyuejian sent Qi to Songshan to participate in the conference of the Five Mountains and sent it, and Linghu Chong also led the disciples of Hengshan to go there.

Zuo Lengshuo planned carefully in advance, provoked infighting in the Taishan faction, and killed the Taoist master of Tianmen, thinking that he had firmly held the position of the head of the Wuyue faction.

Ren Yingying disguised herself into the Hengshan crowd, instigated the "Six Immortals of Taogu" to disrupt the venue with the technique of sound transmission, and finally formulated the method of "competing with swords to win hands". \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Whoever has the highest martial arts will be the head of the Five Sacred Sect.

Zuo Lengchan also agreed, he was confident that his martial arts was the highest, and he still took his seat as the head of the Five Sacred Sect.

Yue Buqun let Yue Lingshan appear, and defeated Taishan Yujizi, Yupanzi, and the head of Hengshan, Mr. Mo Da, with various swordsmanship.

After that, Linghu rushed out. Linghu Chong's martial arts at this time are naturally far superior to Yue Lingshan, but in Linghu Chong's heart, Yue Lingshan has always been that innocent little junior sister, and his feelings have always been there.

Therefore, the result of the competition was that Linghu Chong was injured and lost.

After that, Zuo Lengchan shot and defeated Yue Lingshan. He thought that he had become the leader, but Yue Buqun suddenly shot. His swordsmanship was like a ghost, and his speed was extremely fast, and he easily blinded Zuo Lengchan's eyes. , and finally won the position of the head of the Five Sacred Sect. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

When Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying saw Yue Buqun's move, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. Yue Buqun's martial arts movement method had a faint shadow of Dongfang Invincibility.

what's going on? Could it be that Yue Buqun also practiced the "Sunflower Collection"? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be, how could Yue Buqun have "Sunflower Collection"?

All the book lovers were puzzled.

However, one thing is certain, that is, Yue Buqun is definitely not a simple person, and the parts he shows are probably all false images.

Soon after, the doubts about Yue Buqun were solved little by little.

It turned out that Yue Buqun was not cultivating the "Sunflower Collection", but the "Sword Art of Repelling Evils", which belongs to the same source as the "Sunflower Collection".

That is, at the beginning of the work, the "Swords of Evil Exorcism" by the Lin family of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

At that time, "Sunflower Collection" was spread to Shaolin Temple in Fujian for various reasons. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

At that time, there happened to be disciples of the Huashan School. Yue Su and Cai Zifeng visited the Shaolin Temple. The two showed the "Sunflower Collection" in the temple, and they were surprised and copied a part of each.

Later, it was noticed by Zen Master Hongye, who thought that the "Sunflower Collection" was harmful, so he destroyed the "Sunflower Collection". At the same time, he sent his disciple Du Yuan to Huashan to persuade Yue Su and Cai Zifeng not to practice the martial arts in the "Sunflower Collection".

When Du Yuan arrived at Huashan, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng respected Du Yuan and admitted that they had indeed copied the "Sunflower Collection".

Afterwards, the two apologized deeply and asked Du Yuan about the martial arts recorded in the "Sunflower Collection".

Du Yuan hadn't actually read the "Sunflower Collection", but he didn't point it out. Instead, he asked the two of them to recite the copied scriptures to him.

Yue Su and Cai Zifeng then recited the parts they had memorized to Du Yuan to ask him for guidance. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Du Yuan listened to the two of them recite the scriptures and explained them casually, but secretly wrote them down in his heart.

That night, Du Yuan quietly wrote the scriptures he wrote down on the cassock he was wearing.

The next day, Du Yuan left Huashan, but he did not return to Putian Shaolin Temple, but wrote a letter to Zen Master Hongye, saying that his ordinary heart was uncontrollable and he was determined to return to the secular world.

Later, with his high comprehension, Du Yuan created the seventy-two "Evil Sword Technique" based on some of the "Sunflower Collection" scriptures written on the cassock. A picture of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuantu was a rare competitor in the arena by virtue of "Sword Art of Repelling Evils", and later opened the Fuwei Escort Bureau and became the lord of the martial arts.

Since the "Evil Sword Art" originated from the "Sunflower Collection", to practice "Evil Evil Sword Art", it is also necessary to swing a knife from the palace first. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuantu did not pass on the "Sword Art of Exorcism" to his descendants, so that the martial arts of the descendants were not as good as one generation.

Besides, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng from the Huashan faction.

The two took out the "Sunflower Collection" that they had copied, and planned to study it together, but they found that the copies they copied could not match at all.

Both of them insisted that the other party made a mistake in transcribing, and the dispute gradually began to evolve, and finally it turned into a dispute between the sword and Qi of the Huashan faction.

And the fact that the two copied the "Sunflower Collection" was known to the Sun Moon God Sect for some reason. For the "Sunflower Collection", ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect went to Huashan to snatch it.

In the end, the "Sunflower Collection" was successfully snatched away.

Later, Ren Wuxing served as the leader of the Sun and Moon God Sect, and passed the "Sunflower Collection" to the undefeated East. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Therefore, what Dongfang Invincible cultivated was not the complete original version of "Sunflower Collection", but the incomplete version of "Sunflower Collection" copied by Yue Su and Cai Zifeng from the Huashan faction.

Now, why did Yue Buqun practice the "Evil Sword Technique"?

It turned out that Yue Buqun secretly robbed the Lin family's "Sword Art of warding off evil spirits".

After obtaining the "Evil Sword Art", Yue Buqun swung his sword from the palace and practiced the Evil Demon Sword Art.

Taking advantage of Zuo Lengchan's intention to merge with the Wuyue Sword Sect, it was suddenly difficult, hurting Zuo Lengchan and becoming the head of the Wuyue Sect.

Zuo Lengchan never dreamed that he spent countless efforts and painstakingly planning the merger of the five factions, and finally made a wedding dress for Yue Buqun.

At this point, Yue Buqun's face as a hypocrite was finally fully presented in front of the book fans. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e


In addition, after many twists and turns, Lin Pingzhi finally revealed the true face of Yue Buqun, and also retrieved the Lin family's "Evil Sword Art".

Originally rich, beautiful, kind and chivalrous gentleman, in the face of great changes again and again, he gradually moved to a devastating extreme, becoming cruel and decisive.

For revenge, he did not hesitate to pay the price of blindness, disfigurement, serious injury, and lifelong disability.

In the end, he killed his wife, Yue Lingshan, and slipped into the abyss.

In the end, Linghu Chong was imprisoned at the bottom of the West Lake Meizhuang, which was endlessly desolate.


And the younger sister Yue Lingshan, childhood sweetheart with Linghu Chong, has a secret affection for Linghu Chong. Later, Lin Pingzhi broke into her life and gradually fell in love with Lin Pingzhi.

After that, marrying Lin Pingzhi, she thought it was the beginning of a happy life, but how did she know that it was the beginning of her tragic fate.

Because Lin Pingzhi had already swung his sword from the palace before the marriage, the marriage between the two was in name only.

After Lin Pingzhi became blind, he told Yue Lingshan the truth, saying that the reason why he wanted to marry Yue Lingshan was to hide from Yue Buqun the fact that he had left the palace.

Afterwards, Laudno appeared and invited Lin Pingzhi to go to Songshan to murder Yue Buqun together, and promised that Lin Pingzhi could become the head of the Sword Sect.

Lin Pingzhi agreed to cooperate with the Songshan faction, and killed Yue Lingshan in order to show his loyalty to Zuo Lengchan.

Yue Lingshan just died in the hands of Lin Pingzhi, whom she loved deeply, and she was kind-hearted, and she still asked Linghu Chong to take care of Lin Pingzhi before she died.

Later, in despair and pain, he died in Linghu Chong's arms.

Yue Lingshan was killed by Lin Pingzhi, but in the end she died in the arms of her senior brother, who she once loved and who has always loved her. This may be the only comfort God gave her.

It is precisely because of Yue Lingshan's death-death trust that Linghu Chong did not kill Lin Pingzhi in the end, but only imprisoned him at the bottom of Meizhuang.


Ren I acted to complete the hegemony of unifying the rivers and lakes, and because Linghu Chong repeatedly refused to join the teaching, he decided to pacify the Hengshan faction first.

Experts from Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, and Kongtong all came to Hengshan to jointly defend against the attack of the Sun and Moon Sect.

A mighty "Swordsman" is coming to an end.


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