Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1923 The protagonist is Zhang Xiaofan


A strange and boundless new world is slowly unfolding in front of everyone's eyes.

This was the first time they entered the world of self-cultivation, and everything felt novel, shocking, and incredible. This was a world they had never been exposed to before.

They also know that the world they see now is just the tip of the iceberg of a vast world of self-cultivation.

They don't know what kind of brains and imaginations are needed to create such a world?

All they know is that a whole new world has opened up.

They were surprised, excited, and looked forward to the story behind!

Keep looking down.

As soon as I turned the brush, I mentioned that at the foot of Qingyun Mountain, there is a small village called "Caomiao Village". The village is populated by ordinary people, and the folk customs are simple. Most of the people go up the mountain to collect firewood, and hand it over to Qingyunmen to exchange some. Silver two lives.

Next, two ten-year-old children appeared, one named Zhang Xiaofan and the other named Lin Jingyu.

The two children had an argument because of a fight, and neither of them would give in. The child named Lin Jingyu grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's neck and asked Zhang Xiaofan if he would accept it?

Although Zhang Xiaofan is young, his temperament is extremely stubborn, he was strangled to the point of difficulty in breathing, his face flushed and he still remained silent, never convinced.

An old monk appeared and flicked off Lin Jingyu's hand around Zhang Xiaofan's neck.

Only then did the two children regain their senses, and when they recalled the scene just now, they were both afraid.

The old monk's face was full of wrinkles, and he was dressed in a worn cassock. He held a string of jasper rosary in his hand, which was crystal clear. In the bright and clear jasper rosary, there is also a round bead that is not jade or stone, dark purple in color, and dull.

The old monk is not an ordinary person, but Puzhi, one of the four gods and monks of Tianyin Temple.

It was late at night, the wind and rain were about to come, and it was chilling.

Puzhi looked up at the sky and frowned.

Suddenly, Pu Zhi saw a cloud of black air circling in the village, heading straight out of the village, in the direction he was in. There was also a child in the dark air, it was Lin Jingyu, one of the children during the day.

That group of black gas is naturally not ordinary black gas, but there is a ghost hidden in it.

Puzhi shot, he wanted to save Lin Jingyu.

The ghosts in the black gas sacrificed the "poisonous blood streamer" to fight back. Puzhi recognized the "poisonous blood streamer" and knew that this "poisonous blood streamer" needed to be cultivated with human essence and blood.

Then, the ghosts' purpose of capturing Lin Jingyu seems to have come to pass.

Puzhi was furious, and after fighting with the ghost, he rescued Lin Jingyu and held him in his hands.

However, the situation changed suddenly, Puzhi's wrist was bitten by a highly poisonous thing called "seven-tailed centipede", and the body was poisoned and shaky.

The ghost laughed, very proud.

It turned out that the real target of the ghost was Puzhi. He captured Lin Jingyu just to have a chance to bite Puzhi with a seven-tailed centipede.

He knew that Puzhi would definitely save Lin Jingyu, so he hid the seven-tailed centipede on Lin Jingyu's body in advance. After Puzhi rescued Lin Jingyu, the seven-tailed centipede hidden on Lin Jingyu's body would attack.

He succeeded.

His purpose is to do something in Puzhi's hands.

Blood-devouring beads!

That is, mixed in the jasper rosary, a round bead that is neither jade nor stone, dark purple in color, and dull.

What is a blood phagocytosis? Fans don't know yet.

However, looking at the name, it doesn't seem like a good treasure, but more like a murderous one.

Of course, whether it is a treasure or a murderous thing, it must be extremely extraordinary.

Otherwise, the ghost will not go to great lengths to snatch it, and Puzhi will not resolutely refuse to give it.

Puzhi said that he would never give the most ferocious thing in this world to that ghost.

It turned out that the blood-devouring bead was the most vicious thing in the world, and it really was a vicious thing.

After that, Puzhi and the ghost fight again.

As one of the four gods and monks of Tianyin Temple, Puzhi is really no small matter. Even though he was severely poisoned and seriously injured, he even beat the ghost to the ground.

Both are now seriously injured.

And while the two were fighting,

In the daytime, the child named Zhang Xiaofan, before arriving at the Cao Temple, was stunned watching the fight between the two of them.

After both of them were seriously injured, they found Zhang Xiaofan at the same time.

The ghost wants to hurt Zhang Xiaofan with a seven-tailed centipede, but Puzhi tries to save him.

After that, the two fought again, and the black energy around the ghost slowly dissipated. It turned out to be a man in black with a long sword on his back.

What shocked Puzhi was that the man in black turned out to be under Qingyun's sect.

After that, the fight continued.

In the end, Puzhi won the final victory, and the ghost fled in fright.

And the process of fighting between the two made Zhang Xiaofan completely stunned, "Is this the great power of Taoism?"

Puzhi took Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu two children to a clean place, both of them were in a coma.

Although Puzhi defeated the ghost and made the ghost flee in shock, but now he himself has reached the end of the force, he has run out of fuel, and even the last chance of survival is gone.

Puzhi has run out of fuel, but his biggest wish in his life is yet to come, which makes him very regretful.

His greatest wish in life is to break through the mystery of life and death and unravel the knot of eternal life and death. After thinking hard for decades, he finally found a way, that is, to join hands with the three schools of magic, Taoism and Buddhism to study together, and we will be able to break through the deadlock.

It's a pity that his idea was not accepted by others.

Now, he was about to die, he looked at the unconscious two children, Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan, and suddenly came up with a brilliant idea, he laughed wildly.

He intends to pass on his own Buddhist magic to one of the children, and then let him go to Qingyunmen to practice Taoist magic.

In this way, that child will have both Buddhism and Taoism, and in the future, he may be able to break through the ten thousand years of immortality.

That way he will die without regret.

After some comparison and consideration, Puzhi did not choose Lin Jingyu, who was very qualified, but Zhang Xiaofan, who was less qualified.

In this way, Puzhi passed on his own practice method to Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhang Xiaofan became his disciple.

After passing on the practice method, Puzhi gave Zhang Xiaofan the blood-devouring beads, and asked Zhang Xiaofan to find a deep valley cliff and throw it down.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan fell into a coma again.

When he woke up again, his village had changed dramatically.

All the villagers in the village were dead, killed by people, there were corpses everywhere, and the blood flowed into rivers.

In the whole village, he and Lin Jingyu were the only ones left alive.

When the two children saw the terrifying scene in the village, they screamed and fainted.

When they woke up again, they were already on Qingyun Mountain. It was the disciples of Qingyunmen who discovered them and brought them up the mountain.


Zhang Xiaofan is undoubtedly the protagonist of this work.

Book fans are happy for Zhang Xiaofan's chance, and sad and regret for Zhang Xiaofan's village being slaughtered and his parents killed.

Who is the murderer of the slaughterhouse? It is not known yet.

Fans just guessed that it was probably the man in black dressed as a ghost who was seriously injured by Pu Zhi before and escaped.

And according to Puzhi's judgment, the man in black was from Qingyunmen, and he had a very high status.

who is it? Naturally, there is no answer now.

And now, since Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu have already reached Qingyun Mountain, they will definitely enter Qingyun Gate.

You don't have to think about the story behind it, you know it will be very exciting.


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