Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1924 A platform dedicated to serializing novels?


You don't have to think about the story behind it, you know it will be very exciting.

It's just that no matter how wonderful the story behind it is, I can't read it today, because everyone has already finished reading the series.

After reading it, everyone is very sorry, why not?

But soon, everyone stopped thinking about this problem, because this is the first time they saw such a work, and they now have too many questions and ideas that they want to share and communicate with others.

It’s okay if there’s no more later, I’ll see it again tomorrow.

Now, they just happen to have a good exchange and discussion with others about their problems and ideas.

In the discussion area of ​​"Zhu Xian", the number of comments is increasing rapidly.

On the Internet, there are also a lot of people who are having heated discussions.

The background of the story, the plot of the story, the characters that appear, treasures, exercises, techniques, self-cultivation and a series of novel things are all the objects of discussion.


Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin were on the bus returning to Longshan Township.

Li Fan used his mobile phone to log into the writer's backstage of Qidian, and looked at the data of "Zhu Xian". He had more than 8 million collections, and there were also more than 8 million recommended tickets.

Moreover, it is still increasing at an extremely fast rate.

Li Fan smiled lightly, these data actually mean nothing to him, it was just a number.

The reason why he logged into the background to take a look was just a little curious.

Today is the first day of the serialization of "Zhu Xian", and also the first day of the official launch of Qidian Huawen. This day is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Book fans have a very high degree of acceptance of the website and this serialization method.

This is naturally due to Li Fan's previous trial and warm-up serialized on Weibo.

Today, after reading the serialization page of Qidian, the voices that said that a new website serialization was launched, which is no different from serialization on Weibo, disappeared in an instant.

No one is willing to use Weibo to read serializations.

This undoubtedly proves that the launch of Qidian has been extremely successful. Both the function and the interface have made book fans very satisfied.

In a very short period of time, book fans have completely accepted Qidian

This made Li Fan very happy and relieved.

As for the various functions of the website, book fans are also exploring and discussing on their own, and are already familiar with some functions.

For example, regarding the recommendation ticket function, book fans already know the source and use of the recommendation ticket.

It's just that I'm still a little puzzled about its usefulness. This is obviously a website where Li Fan serializes his own works. What should book fans do to recommend his works?

It doesn't matter if book fans have doubts now, these doubts will be solved in the future.

With the official launch of the website and the official serialization of "Zhu Xian", the prelude to the prosperous era of online literature has finally begun.

Li Fan can relax for a while again, although even during this time, he doesn't seem to be tired.

Sitting on the bus, there are familiar scenery all the way. Li Fan likes to sit in the bus, looking at the familiar scenery outside the window and going backwards, enjoying the feeling of getting closer and closer to home.

That's a very nice feeling!

Family! It is a place where the heart is no longer wandering!


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo are a little excited now, just like those ordinary book fans, after reading the content of today's "Zhu Xian" serialization, they finally have a little understanding of what a fairy is.

The way of cultivation, the improvement of realm, the magical exercises and techniques, the earth-shattering fighting between the two sides, etc., all showed them the tip of the iceberg of Xianxia.

It was a magical world, and they were a little overjoyed.

Yang Qiming said with emotion: "This is really a magical world, Gu Yong's imagination is really wild. I really want to thank Gu Yong right now. Without him, where would we have the chance to see such a bizarre world?"

Li Po also sighed,

Said: "Gu Yong's imagination may not be under Li Fan. It is really lucky to have Li Fan and Gu Yong at the same time in this era."


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen also sighed and said, "It turns out that this is the world of self-cultivation. It's just the tip of the iceberg, and it's already so shocking. When it shows the whole picture, how shocking will it be? I can't imagine it at all. The gap between my imagination and Gu Yong's imagination is really too big."

Wang Yang comforted: "The only person who can compare his imagination with Guyong may be Li Fan. So, it's nothing. Besides, we can't create such a world, but we can stand in the giant's shoes. On the shoulders, borrowing from the world they create."

Jian Yishen was thoughtful, and after a while, he slowly said, "Indeed, we can learn from the world they created."

After a while, Jian Yishen said again: "Editor-in-chief, I have been thinking about a question. I have now understood the function of the recommendation ticket, but this website is a dedicated website for serializing his own works, the recommendation ticket is for him. It shouldn't make much sense, why did he design the function of voting for recommendation votes?"

Wang Yangdao: "I also thought about this question carefully. Thinking of the 'author zone' on the homepage, I thought of a very bold possibility."

Jian Yishen's eyes narrowed and he quickly asked, "Editor-in-chief, what is the possibility?"

Wang Yang said slowly: "Xiao Tang, let me ask you, why did Gu Yong launch the 'Starting Point Chinese Website'?"

Jian Yishen replied: "Editor-in-chief, haven't we discussed this question? I didn't know the answer before, but now the answer should be that serialization on Qidian is far more vivid, intuitive and professional than serialization on Weibo! "

Wang Yang nodded and said, "This is indeed a reason, but it is not the main reason."

Jian Yishen was puzzled and said, "The main reason?"

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Yes, there is another main reason, or the real reason, which I just figured out not long ago. That is, he is not, just to serialize his own works. ."

Jian Yishen was still puzzled and said, "Not just to serialize his own works? Who else does he plan to serialize?"

Wang Yang said quietly: "The works of many other people. Perhaps, Gu Yong wanted to make Qidian Huawen a platform dedicated to serialization."

"A platform dedicated to serialization?" Jian Yishen was taken aback and said, "Editor-in-chief, this is impossible. Could there be other authors willing to serialize their own on Qidian"

Wang Yang said: "It does sound incredible, but apart from this possibility, I can't think of any other possibility."

Jian Yishen frowned.


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