Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1934 sentimental

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1934, Sentimental Author: In the Countryside]

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Baguio is dead?

No one wants to believe the words they see, no one wants to believe that Baguio is dead.

How could a woman with a sweet smile die like this?

She hadn't waited for Zhang Xiaofan to tell her what exactly he saw in that ancient well?

How could she just die like this?

At this moment, the book fans only felt that the figure of Baguio appeared in front of them, so real.

They saw that on Haiyun Tower, Baguio Su was holding an umbrella with her eyes like water, standing opposite Zhang Xiaofan, silently, as gentle as a lily in the wind and rain.

She held an umbrella for Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan prevented her from going to Liubo Mountain, it was the first time she called Zhang Xiaofan so affectionately, she said that it might be good if the two of them could die together in that cave.

They also saw that in the bamboo forest, Baguio expressed her heart to Zhang Xiaofan so frankly, looking forward to the future, looking forward to Zhang Xiaofan to tell her the answer.

They also saw that outside the Yuqing Palace, when Baguio saw that her beloved was about to die under the ancient sword of Zhuxian, she recited that ancient and mysterious incantation without hesitation.

Even if Baguio knew that from then on, she would disperse all three souls, destroy all seven souls, and never rebirth, but she still did not hesitate in the slightest.

Before seeing him, I heard his voice first. Her appearance was so bland, but her departure was so thrilling.

At that moment, she was the only color between heaven and earth. When the sky and earth were eclipsed, only the green water remained in the eyes and hearts of book fans.

Baguio died like this, and fans of the book seemed to be able to hear her softly chanting the Infatuation Curse, which still reverberated between heaven and earth.

The voice was affectionate, yet resolute.

From now on, the girl who always wears water green clothes will no longer appear.

Is this God's injustice? Or is it fate?

Nobody knows the answer.

The hearts of book fans are broken for Baguio at this moment, no one is willing to accept this fact, they still look forward to the person she is pulling Zhang Xiaofan and never parting.

They never imagined that all the good things would come to an abrupt end.

They don't accept it, they don't believe it, they hope it's just an illusion, that Baguio isn't dead yet.

But the truth is always so cruel.

In the stone room, on the white jade stone platform, the beautiful woman lay there quietly, as if she was sleeping quietly, but there was no trace of vitality.

Baguio is really dead, there are no illusions, no accidents, and no miracles.

When the Infatuation Curse first appeared in the Blood Dropping Cave, all book fans thought that the Infatuation Curse had the power to defy the sky and the power of the world, but it was actually useless.

Because, absolutely no woman will use the infatuation spell.

Now, however, Baguio used the Infatuation Charm.

Book fans only discovered at this time that they were wrong. Who said that a woman's infatuation wouldn't be so earth-shattering?

Such a woman may only be Baguio in this world, but it is eternal.

The book fans felt sad, but fortunately, although they did not see the miracle that Baguio did not die, they did see a glimmer of hope.

At that time, when Baguio was chanting the infatuation spell, she was wearing a rare treasure, the Acacia bell.

At the moment when Baguio forced out her three souls and seven souls, Acacia Bell forcibly left a wisp of remnant soul behind.

Baguio is thus immortal.

In the badlands of the southern border a thousand years ago, there was a short-lived black witch tribe. They possessed a kind of thaumaturgy, or they could revive them based on a wisp of Baguio's remnant soul.


That kind of thaumaturgy has been lost for thousands of years. The chances of Baguio's resurrection are very slim.

But no matter how slim the hope is, it is a hope for Zhang Xiaofan and book fans.

Where there is hope, there is hope, and there is the possibility of miracles.


Baguio is dead, and the entire world of "Zhu Xian" seems to have lost its color, at least for a short time.

Book fans are saddened, they don't understand why Gu Yong cruelly let Baguio die?

Fortunately, Gu Yong finally left them a glimmer of hope.

Now, they only hope that the hope that Guyong left to them will not make people feel hopeless in the end.

On the Internet, it's all about Baguio's voice. Book fans express their sentimental feelings at this moment in different ways.

Countless people have written poems about Baguio on their own Weibo.

"The first time we met at the inn, she had pale skin and light eyebrows, and her spiritual eyes were full of brilliance. She was so radiant. When she asked a simple question, she inadvertently revealed her broad knowledge, but at that time, she didn't pay any attention to that person who was submerged in the crowd. The young youth in Qingyun, who can feel it, is only a trace of dissatisfaction and disdain for the right path."

"Under the sky of the full moon, in the dark and quiet garden. She stretched out her jade hand and took off the little flower. He was angry, but she laughed. He looked crazy, and in her soft water-like eyes, the vicissitudes of life With a sigh, he seemed to have seen the playful beauty on the Big Bamboo Peak."

"In the dark abyss of the dead, the darkness makes her so coquettish, she still smiles, she stands with flowers, and the sad flowers are cute and innocent. He knows her identity, the demon girl. His heart sinks, she But she smiled sweetly, she is a demon girl, and she just can't stand those decent people who are hypocritical and righteous, so what?"

"In the mysterious bleeding hole, he was ill. In the pain, he called his sister's name, and she was so heartbroken. She was also ill, and she was leaning against him, and he couldn't bear to let go. A sigh, a burst of crying, and unconsciously They all rely on each other. Fragments of heavenly books, ancient infatuation spells, she learned that mysterious ancient poisonous spell. At that time, did she already have some kind of bad premonition?"

"In the bamboo forest, they embraced each other deeply for the first time. She was full of smiles, tender like water, gentle and straightforward like never before. Bamboo shadows swirling, the sun warms people, the hearts of the two are open to each other, it is so It is close to her, wipes the sleeves behind the bamboo, it is a treasure that she regards as a treasure that is incomparable to the world's treasures."

"Outside the magnificent Yuqing Palace, she chanted the ancient and mysterious incantation lightly and resolutely refused. The water was green and the sound was like a silver bell. She had no time or opportunity to listen to his answer. Not only in this life, but also in the next life. No. Then, that answer doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that her life is eternal at that moment."


There are many more poems like this, and book fans express their sadness in this way.

In this way, they softly called out the name of the girl they loved deeply.

I hope that the one lying quietly on the white jade stone, like a beautiful girl who has fallen asleep, can wake up again and smile sweetly again.

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