Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1935 Online Novel

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1935, Online Novel Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Strongest Special Forces, Dragon Thorn, Lord of the Holy Ruins, Xue Ying, Lord of the Eternal Dragon King, Legend of the Ancient God, Wu Lian Peak And sentimental, but because there is still a glimmer of hope, all book fans firmly believe that Baguio will be resurrected.

They believe that Gu Yong will not let Baguio really die forever, and that Baguio will be resurrected in the near future.

They kept persuading themselves like this, convincing themselves that Baguio would definitely be resurrected. This is not only a hope, a blessing to Baguio, but also to make themselves less sentimental.

This effect is not bad.

Baguio is dead, it is estimated that Baguio is dead, but another woman who loves Zhang Xiaofan is still there, and the story of "Zhu Xian" continues.

Zhang Xiaofan fell into the devil's way, changed his name to Gui Li, and became a "blood son" who made people's feelings change...

The story is more exciting than before, and book fans gradually put their sentimental feelings towards Baguio to the bottom of their hearts.

Only in the deepest part of my heart, I look forward to Baguio's early resurrection.

Baguio was infatuated with Zhang Xiaofan, and as the series continued, fans gradually discovered that Lu Xueqi's infatuation with Zhang Xiaofan was not under Baguio.

It's just that Lu Xueqi is more, she just keeps her infatuation towards Zhang Xiaofan in her heart.


"Zhu Xian" is being serialized continuously, and after being serialized for such a long time, the outside world is already quite familiar with Qidian

I also understood the real purpose of Guyong’s launch of Qidian, to create a professional platform dedicated to serializing novels.

Gu Yong called this kind of novels serialized on the Internet "Internet novels".

And Gu Yong's first novel serialized on Weibo, "The First Intimate Contact", is the world's first online novel.

"Zhu Xian" is the first Xianxia online novel.

Of course, not all novels serialized on the Internet are called Internet novels.

For example, the novels serialized by Li Fan through Weibo, "Fengshen Bang", "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", etc., cannot be called online novels.

To put it simply, the language style and grammar use of online novels will be more straightforward.

The outside world, through these explanations of Gu Yong, combined with the works such as "The First Intimate Contact" and "Zhu Xian", basically understood Gu Yong's definition of "Internet novel".

Because of Gu Yong's huge influence and the success of the work "Zhu Xian", the idea of ​​online novels was quickly recognized by the outside world.

Official departments such as the Times Literature Award and the Literary Association have also given recognition.

Yang Qiming also expressed his views on online novels on Weibo.

In Yang Qiming's view, Gu Yong's definition of online novels is very accurate and in line with the development of the times.

And also predicted that network will be a trend in the development of novels in the future.

In addition, Yang Qiming also gave a high evaluation to the work "Zhu Xian", saying that it would be a work that started the era of online literature in one fell swoop and has a very special meaning.

He also commented on some characters in "Zhu Xian". In addition to his comments on the protagonist Zhang Xiaofan, Yang Qiming also believed that Zhou Xian was a very mysterious character.

From the current point of view, there are many mysteries on Zhou Xian's body. I wonder if the author Gu Yong will solve these puzzles in the future?

Yang Qiming also expressed his regret for Baguio's death and his wish that Baguio could eventually be resurrected.

Yang Qiming's views on online novels, or online texts, undoubtedly accelerated the recognition of online novels by the outside world.

In addition, as the outside world has guessed, Gu Yong's new type of works, or network novels as Gu Yong now defines,

It's not just the category of "Xianxia".

Gu Yong personally revealed such an important piece of information. After the completion of "Zhu Xian", he will create novels of other categories one by one.

This news naturally made book fans extremely excited, and even those famous and famous martial artists were looking forward to it.

But, what other specific categories are there? Gu Yong did not disclose it in detail, but said that there are still many categories, so everyone can look forward to it!

Although the book fans are very itchy, Gu Yong does not say that they have no choice but to eagerly look forward to it in their hearts.


In addition, Gu Yong also said that the era of online novels is slowly opening, and the author who opened the era of online novels is not just him, Gu Yong, but requires thousands of online novel authors to start online novels together. big time. is a platform for all authors of online novels.

Anyone can become an online novel author, and any online novel author can publish their own works on Qidian

Of course, any work published by an author needs to be reviewed, and the work must not contain content that is not allowed.

Otherwise, the work will not pass the review.

How can I publish my own creations on Qidian

Gu Yong also gave the same answer.

It's very simple, you can register as an author of in the "author zone" of the website.

At present, the author registration function has not yet been opened, and Gu Yong said that it will be opened when the time is right in the future.

At that time, he welcomes any friend who wants to become an online novel author to register as a writer.

At that time, he will also announce the process of publishing his works on the website after the writer has successfully registered, as well as the benefits and benefits of the website.

As soon as the news of Gu Yong came out, countless people were excited and eager to try it, including many novel writers in various novel fields.

Gu Yong's action, before he officially announced it to the outside world, has actually been vaguely guessed by many people.

For example, Yang Qiming, Li Bo, Wang Yang and Jian Yishen from the Great Martial Arts Magazine, and some other martial arts writers.

After Gu Yong announced the news, the Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Wang Yang said with emotion: "As expected, as expected! Gu Yong really wants more people to become authors of online novels. This is the real purpose of launching Qidian Huawen. He really is doing something. A big thing, a big thing!"

Jian Yishen shook his head helplessly and said, "Online novels, online novels. It turns out that when Guyong chose to serialize "The First Intimate Contact" on Weibo, he had already thought of launching such a website, creating a new one in one fell swoop. The era of online novels. Now that I think about it, serializing "The First Intimate Contact" on Weibo and the following works is an attempt to launch Qidian Huawen. This kind of insight and courage is really terrible It's gone!"

Wang Yang sighed and said, "When he chose to serialize "The First Intimate Contact" on Weibo, everyone was puzzled and didn't understand why he wanted to serialize it on Weibo. Novels? Now, I finally understand, he is trying to observe, whether readers will accept reading novels on the Internet? What are the readers' evaluations and feelings about reading novels on the Internet? These are all his He was preparing for the launch of Qidian Huawen. At that time, he had already thought that he would start the era of online novels. How scary!"

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