Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1936 Thoughts of the Authors

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars, Chapter 1936, Thoughts of the Authors Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Dragon Blood War God Eternal Night King Reverse Scales Great Ruler Shengxu Xue Ying Lord A Thought Eternal Dragon King Legend Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tianxuan Realm Gate is not only Wang Yang and Jian Yishen, many other people know After understanding the real purpose of Gu Yong's launch of Qidian, he gradually understood the purpose and intention of Gu Yong's choice to serialize the novel on Weibo.

In this way, it can be affirmed that when Gu Yong serialized "The First Intimate Contact" at the beginning, he had already thought of launching such a platform for serializing online novels in the future.

At that time, Gu Yong should have been thinking about the "Zhu Xian" that is being serialized now, as well as other types of online novels.

At that time, martial arts novels were far from reaching their peak, and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" had not even been published, so Gu Yong was already thinking about the current online novels.

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked on the spot, and Gu Yong's consideration and preparation were too far away.

More importantly, Gu Yong has so many and far-reaching considerations, then, when he serialized martial arts novels, he did not put all his thoughts into the creation of martial arts novels, but he pushed martial arts novels to the At its peak, each work is an absolute classic.

What kind of power is this? Nobody knows.

All the martial arts writers were trembling at this time, and they only knew at this time that Gu Yong was far more terrifying than they thought.

"God! Who is Gu Yong? It's too scary."

"Perhaps this is Gu Yong's real strength. It's no wonder that he dared to choose to seal martial arts novels when they were at their peak. It turned out that all this was already in his plan."

"The most terrifying thing is Gu Yong's insight and judgment on the market. A long time ago, he knew that works like "Zhu Xian" would be the development trend of the novel market. Now, it is indeed the case. Gu Yong is really an extraordinary genius, compared to Li Fan, I am afraid that he is not too much."

"We only now know that when Gu Yong was writing martial arts novels, he was multi-tasking at all, and he didn't put all his mind on martial arts novels at all. I'm so... I really don't know what to do. Say something."

"I don't know what to say, I can only shiver."


The martial arts writers didn't know what to say, they could only shiver.

Authors in other fields of fiction also shivered a little.

"It turns out that Gu Yong didn't put all his thoughts into the creation of martial arts novels. This kind of strength really makes people feel suffocated."

"It seems that when the father of martial arts was writing martial arts novels, he was a little 'not doing his job properly'. Thinking about it makes people shudder."

"What really makes people tremble is that Gu Yong's identity is still very mysterious. Unfathomable strength, mysterious identity, this is the most terrifying place."

"Indeed, Gu Yong's identity is still so mysterious now. What is the reason for this?"

"Maybe Gu Yong, like Mr. Li Fan, has reached a detached state of ignoring fame and fortune, returning to the original, and hiding in the city."

"Maybe, so, Gu Yong and Mr. Li Fan are quite similar."

"Both of them are ingenious geniuses, and there may indeed be some similarities."



All martial arts authors and authors in other fields of fiction felt shivering and filled with emotion.

As for what Gu Yong said, the author who started the prosperous world of online novels is not only himself, but needs thousands of online novel authors to open it together. This sentence makes all martial arts novel authors,

And writers in other fields of fiction are very concerned.

Thousands of online novel authors? Will there be that many authors of web novels?

Although they also admit that online novels may indeed be a trend in the development of novels, but there will be thousands of online novel authors, is this too exaggerated?

Also, more importantly, since online novels are a trend in the development of novels, the market for novels will definitely change accordingly, which will have a direct impact on these novel authors.

So, how should they face the upcoming changes in the novel market?

Do you want to slowly transition to creating online novels?

In this regard, some authors pondered, thinking that maybe they should try it. But there are also authors who are firmly opposed to it, who don't think trying to create web novels is the right choice.

First of all, they are not classical, without that earth-shattering imagination, they are not suitable for creating online novels at all.

Think about the background, exercises, monsters, etc. in "Zhu Xian". Can this be written by any author? Even if you forcibly imitate the setting of "Zhu Xian", the works you create will be specious and ridiculous.

Secondly, the novel market will indeed undergo corresponding changes, but this does not mean that the novel market will develop into a market full of online novels. The previous novel markets will still exist, and their works will still have a market.

Third, readers of their works may not necessarily like to read online novels, and even if they do, they cannot only read online novels. If they abandon their works, readers will definitely read both. For readers, there are more online novels now, but it is just one more choice for reading books.

To sum up, the rise of online novels will indeed have an impact on the current novel market, but it will not have a fatal impact. The previous novel market will still exist, and the readership will still exist.

Therefore, they cannot rashly try the creation of online novels.

Otherwise, at that time, I am afraid that it will end up empty, the online novel attempt will fail, and the previous type of novel will be difficult to return, and the rest will only be eliminated.

Of course, although their readership will still exist, the number may be reduced, which is impossible.

After all, the market for novels is indeed developing, new things come in, and there will be an impact on old things after all.

This statement is indeed justified. For authors in a certain field of fiction, it is indeed very risky and not worthwhile to venture into the creation of online novels.

However, those authors who are all thinking and eager to try, also have their own reasons.

It is true that their current novel market will not be eliminated, but it will be affected for sure. As time goes on, the impact may be greater and greater. It is better to change it as soon as possible than to wait until then to think about change.

Moreover, even if they can't write fairy tales like "Zhu Xian", Gu Yong said that online novels are not only "Xianxia", there are many other types.

They can't write Xianxia works, but that doesn't mean they can't write other types of works. Since there are so many types, there is always one type that suits them.

When Guyong creates other types of works, they will know which type they are suitable for.

And most importantly, when they try to create online novels, they don’t necessarily have to lose the previous type of novels. They can create the previous type of novels and try online novels at the same time.

In this way, there seems to be no risk.

Different authors have different ideas, and it is impossible to say which idea is right and which is wrong.

But one thing is certain, that is, the market is cruel, pay attention to the survival of the fittest, and eventually some authors will be slowly eliminated by the market.

It's brutal, but there's no way.

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