Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1939 New Elements Martial Arts Novel

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1939, New Elements Martial Arts Novel Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The father of martial arts, Wu Lian, the peak of the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the emperor of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy market, the lord of Xue Ying, the lord of the eternal dragon, the legend of the sword After a long time, I decided to tell Wang Yang the matter, and then listen to Wang Yang's advice.

After listening to Jian Yishen's words, Wang Yang pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "Xiao Tang, if you only consider the magazine agency, I definitely hope you will put all your energy into martial arts novels. In terms of creation. After all, you are now the first ace author of our magazine, the quality of your works has a great influence on our magazine. However, along the way with you, I have always I treat you as a friend. I can't just take care of the magazine's interests instead of you. However, I can't make up your mind on this matter, because I can't make any decisions about the future martial arts novel market. Accurate judgment. Xiao Tang, do you understand?"

After Jian Yishen heard this, he nodded and said, "I understand, editor-in-chief. In fact, I know that I should devote all my energy to the creation of martial arts novels. In terms of martial arts novels, I have not yet achieved Proud results, I shouldn't have thought that far."

After Wang Yang heard this, he glanced at Jian Yishen meaningfully, then hesitated again, and said, "Xiao Tang, I have a suggestion, I think you can find Gu Yong in person, and put your concerns with Gu Yong. Talk about it, and then ask Gu Yong to give you some advice."

Jian Yishen was stunned after hearing this, and said, "Ask Gu Yong?"

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Yes, Gu Yong has a very terrible insight and accurate judgment on the market. What will happen to martial arts novels in the future market? Gu Yong's answer is the most authoritative, no one else He understands the martial arts market better than him, whether it is in the past, present or future. As the 'father of martial arts', Gu Yong must have a deep affection for martial arts novels. As a martial arts novel author, ask him, he Shouldn't sit idly by."

Jian Yishen's eyes lit up, Wang Yang was right, there is no one better suited to give him advice than Gu Yong.

It's just that when he first debuted, he was quite disrespectful to Gu Yong, and he didn't dare to go to Gu Yong.

He said, "But, editor-in-chief, you know, when I first debuted, it was quite disrespectful to him... to him... I went to him, would he take care of me?"

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Xiao Tang, it seems that you don't know Gu Yong, although I don't know much about him, but I can be sure that Gu Yong has an open mind, and his mind is far more than human beings. , he doesn't care about your disrespect to him in the first place."

After Jian Yishen heard it, he thought for a while, and then said, "I should visit Gu Yong in person, but Gu Yong's identity is mysterious, and I can't visit him in person. What should I do?"

Wang Yang said: "It stands to reason that we should visit in person. But since Gu Yong's identity is mysterious, there is no way to visit in person. Just go through qd. We have Gu Yong's qd account."

Jian Yishen hesitated for a moment, finally nodded, and said, "Okay, I should have visited Guyong a long time ago, and I have wanted to visit Guyong for a long time, but I have never had the courage."

Wang Yang smiled and gave Gu Yong's qd account to Jian Yishen.

And when Gu Yong's qd number was given to Jian Yishen, Wang Yang sighed without a trace. Guyong's qd account, their big martial arts magazine, already had it when Guyong was just born.

At that time, they were a big martial arts magazine, and they wanted to poach Guyong from Xiaojianghu magazine, but it was naturally unsuccessful.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Yongdu has been respected as the "father of martial arts".

Sealed martial arts novels.

Wang Yang was filled with emotion.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was a little surprised when he saw the system message popping up from Gu Yong's qd account, and Jian Yishen requested to be added as a friend.

Sword God Li Fan is naturally very clear that his talent in martial arts novels is still very good.

After thinking about it, Li Fan passed the friend addition request of Jian Yishen.

Soon, Jian Yishen sent a message, "Hello, Mr. Gu Yong, I am Jian Yishen, I am taking the liberty to disturb you, I am very sorry. I wanted to visit you a long time ago..."

The message of Jian Yishen is very long, and it seems that it has been edited long ago.

In the news, Jian Yishen expressed his desire to visit Guyong, and made a sincere apology for his disrespect to Li Fan when he first debuted, asking Li Fan to forgive him, etc.

Li Fan smiled lightly. He didn't really care about the things about Jian Yishen. He was just a Jian Yishen, so why should he care?

But now, Jian Yishen sincerely apologized, Li Fan still nodded, and replied to Jian Yishen's news, saying that he didn't care.

Later, from the message sent by Jian Yishen, Li Fan could clearly feel that Jian Yishen was very excited.


Jian Yishen is indeed very excited now. He has long wanted to talk to Gu Yong, but he has never summoned the courage.

Now Gu Yong not only talked to him, but also made him not have to take the past to heart.

Jian Yishen was naturally excited, and even his typing hand trembled slightly. After a while, he slowly calmed down.

However, not long after, Jian Yishen trembled slightly because of his nervousness.

After chatting with Guyong for a while, he finally told Guyong of his confusion and asked Guyong to give him some advice.

He was very nervously waiting for Gu Yong's answer.

He is still in Wang Yang's office, and he asked Wang Yang, "Editor-in-chief, do you think Gu Yong will be angry? After all, I just apologized not long ago, and I immediately asked him questions."

Wang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Tang, Gu Yongyuan is very personable, he won't be angry."

Jian Yishen nodded slowly, but was still nervous.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at Jian Yishen's question and nodded slowly. It was normal for Jian Yishen to have such hesitations.

In fact, any martial arts writer who has some pursuits should consider this issue at this time.

And Jian Yishen chose to consult him, and he really chose the right person. In this world, he is undoubtedly the most qualified to answer this question.

As for the answer...

Not long after he finished writing martial arts novels, the market for martial arts novels is still at its peak, and it will continue for a long time.

However, with the passage of time, martial arts novels will eventually gradually decline, this is certain, that is the development of the times, no one can do anything about it.

However, it is only traditional martial arts novels that are going to decline, and the theme of "Martial Arts" is not going to decline.

When the prosperity of online novels opens in the future, works on the theme of "Martial Arts" will still be very active.

The premise is to add some new elements to "Martial Arts", so that "Martial Arts" becomes a "new element martial arts" web novel suitable for the development of the times.

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