Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1940 The author of martial arts who is no longer hesitant

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1940: The Martial Arts of No Longer Wandering Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Evil Spirit Possesses the Peak of Martial Arts, the Gate of the Five Elements, and the Gate of the Profound Realm.

Jian Yishen was nervously waiting for the answer.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and Gu Yong sent another message.

Will it be the answer?

Jian Yishen closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked at the words sent by Gu Yong.

Jian Yishen gradually became excited, and finally became so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Seeing Jian Yishen's expression like this, Wang Yang knew that Jian Yishen had waited for the answer, and he was also happy for Jian Yishen.

However, if the advice given by Gu Yong is to make Jian Yishen prepare for the creation of online novels in advance, this is not good news for their magazine.

However, since Wang Yang suggested Jian Yishen to seek answers from Gu Yong, he would not say anything no matter what the answer was.

He smiled lightly and asked, "Xiao Tang, what does Gu Yong say?"

Jian Yishen was still agitated, and when he heard Wang Yang's question, he finally calmed down a bit, and then said: "Editor-in-chief, Mr. Gu Yong let me devote myself to the creation of martial arts novels. He said, 'Martial arts' 'This theme is not going to decline. In the future when the prosperous age of online novels arrives, 'Martial Arts' will still be very active. The premise is that some changes are made to the current martial arts and some new elements are added. As for what to add New elements? Mr. Gu Yong didn't elaborate, but it's not important, we will know in the future. Now, I just need to continue to devote myself to writing martial arts novels. "

"Really?" Hearing Jian Yishen say this, Wang Yang also seemed very excited.

First, because Jian Yishen will devote himself to the creation of martial arts novels. Moreover, because of the contact with Gu Yong and his advice, Jian Yishen is likely to make a breakthrough and create better works than before.

This is definitely good news for their magazine.

Second, Gu Yong said that martial arts will not decline, and only need to add some new elements on the basis of the present to be able to adapt to the development of the times.

This is also good news for their magazine.

Because in this way, their magazine will be much more flexible in operation when it faces transformation in the future.

Jian Yishen was excited, and Wang Yang was equally excited, which was good news for them.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan could clearly feel Jian Yishen's excitement.

In this regard, Li Fan is also very happy, Jian Yishen is so passionate about the creation of martial arts novels, he must be able to create many excellent works.

It is Li Fan's original intention and Li Fan's wish that authors in this world can create more good works.

In addition, when the prosperous age of online literature comes, if Jian Yishen chooses to stay in Qidian, he will be a "new martial arts", a platinum god-level figure.

This is very important for the website.

After finishing the conversation with Jian Yishen, Li Fan pondered in his heart that among all the martial arts writers today, there are people who hesitate like Jian Yishen, not just Jian Yishen.

I am afraid that many authors have the same hesitation as Jian Yishen.

In this case, it is better to give all martial arts writers a reassurance.

Li Fan has deep feelings for martial arts, and is respected by the world as the "father of martial arts". His heart is full of gratitude, and he is willing to do more for martial arts.

So, Li Fan logged into Guyong's Weibo and updated a Weibo, to the effect that the theme of "Martial Arts" will not decline.

Will continue to be active in the future.

Countless martial arts writers saw Gu Yong's Weibo, and the next moment, they all cheered and excited.

In fact, there are indeed many martial arts writers who are like Jian Yishen. They don't know how long the prosperous world of martial arts can last? Don't know what to do in the future? It made them a little worried, and the quality of the works they created was affected.

They also know that they don't need to think too much now. If martial arts are going to decline, it won't happen in a short period of time, and it's not too late to think about what to do in the future.

But they can't help but think about this issue now. They don't want to think about it, but they want to think about it, but they still can't figure it out, they can't make up their minds, they are very helpless, and they sigh more than once.

But now, Gu Yong's Weibo made them no longer hesitate, and instantly knew what they should do?

They absolutely believe what Guyong said, they have absolute trust in Guyong, and they are excited.

"It turns out that martial arts are not going to decline. As long as some new elements are added, they can adapt to the development of the times. This is really great news for us martial arts writers. I am so grateful to Guyong. After closing the pen, Still thinking about us martial arts writers."

"Yeah, I'm really grateful to Gu Yong, the father of martial arts, and Gu Yong is the well-deserved father of martial arts."

"I was worried about the decline of martial arts novels. I don't know what to do in the future? The state of my whole person is not very good. Now, I am instantly full of passion and vitality. It feels so good!"

"Me too, Gu Yong's Weibo made me no longer hesitant and hesitant, and the passion for writing martial arts novels has all come back. No, I am more passionate now than before."

"It turns out that martial arts novels have such a strong vitality, and I am more passionate than before."

"Listening to what Gu Yong said, the vitality of martial arts is indeed very strong. However, Gu Yong also said that this requires a premise to add some new elements to martial arts. That is to say, martial arts need certain changes to adapt to the times. Then, this change is very important. If you can’t make a good change, I am afraid you will be eliminated. Therefore, if you don’t want to be eliminated, you have to work harder.”

"Of course, if you can't adapt to the new elements of martial arts, you will naturally be eliminated. The market is cruel, and the competition is also cruel. You will not be eliminated because you are the veteran author of martial arts novels. Facts On the other hand, ever since Gu Yong was born and brought a brand-new method of writing martial arts novels, authors have been eliminated from the competition. Some writers have been eliminated, whether it is before, now, or in the future, they will definitely exist."

"Indeed, the market is cruel. Only by changing with the market will we not be eliminated from the game. Therefore, we must work harder than before, and then we can better absorb the new knowledge that Gu Yong brings to martial arts. Elements, not to be eliminated by the new elemental martial arts when the time comes."

"That's why I am more passionate now. The new element martial arts will be very exciting and lively at that time. How can I not participate in it myself? Therefore, I must not be eliminated at that time."

"That's right, the new element martial arts will be very exciting and lively at that time. I hope that everyone will be as active as they are now. If I can't see everyone by then, it will be quite a pity."

"Don't worry, I am full of passion now, I will never let myself be eliminated, the new element of the martial arts world, I must participate in it."


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